View Full Version : RED Turnsignal Lenses?
07-27-2007, 01:16 PM
Like the topic says. Anyone know where I can get red lenses that will fit the gz? I was thinking of buying an extra pair of front turnsignals and using them on the back except with red lenses so they can be used as running lights. I'm also open to suggestions for non gz turn signals that would easily bolt up with out a bunch of modifications. The key idea here is to make this a low cost modification.
07-27-2007, 02:00 PM
The only option that I have ever seen for alternate lenses for the GZ can be found on ( .
If you search in METRIC BIKE, for the GZ250, you'll find a clear tailight cover. It replaces the current red one.
As for replacing the amber lenses of the turn signals, I've only one idea:
Remove the current covers, paint the inside with a RED plastic-suitable paint and then install the two way 1157 bulbs. I'm pretty sure the GZ uses 1157s in the back. IF so, any autoparts store that carries the standard 1157 will also carry the two filament 1157, which can be installed without modification to give you rear running lights. Whatever the bulb number happens to be, just make sure you get a bulb with 21watts for the bright and 5 watts for the running light
I've done this on one bike before and found the increased draw on the electrical system would occasionally make the bike stall after riding for a while. To combat this, I switched over to LEDs and the problem never returned. So, if you are seriously looking into this, then you should probably look into converting over to LED bulbs while your at it.
Hope this helps,
07-27-2007, 02:17 PM
This might suit your fancy a bit more. Here you can see clear brake lights and turn signals with LED bulbs. This would be a little cooler than just getting running lights in the rear. (
You can find all of the these products on this page: ... t_lens.htm (
You want parts:
CTS-0031 & CTS-0065
or perhaps part # SUZLED, down at the bottom.
Water Warrior 2
07-29-2007, 05:51 AM
I would be a little leary of changing signal light lense color. Many laws require amber signal lenses and even a clear lense and amber bulb will not make you legal. The GWN and the U.S. have various laws regarding signals, tail lights and headlite colors to be legal. I would be apt to check locally to be sure of the color change being legal. That being said, you may not be legal 500 miles from home.
As far as LED's are concerned, I tried them in the rear signals and tail/brakelight of the VStrom and tossed them out. Not as bright and too small an illuminated area of the lense. The GZ actually has pretty impressive signals and I like the fact that the front units are also running lights to give a bigger or more noticable view of the bike. Better to be seen and not hurt. The headlight and brakelight modulators are a nice addition too.
Easy Rider
07-29-2007, 10:32 AM
Many laws require amber signal lenses and even a clear lense and amber bulb will not make you legal. The GWN and the U.S. have various laws regarding signals, tail lights and headlite colors to be legal.
No, they don't. There is a thing called, IIRC, the Uniform Vehicle Code. It is followed by the US and Canada (and Mex. but laws mean little there). Among other things, it prescribes what color lights are allowed and where they can be placed on a vehicle.
State and local laws cannot superscede these Federal standards.
Your assertion about clear lenses and amber bulbs is also wrong. No statute or rule specified HOW the light becomes amber.
The OP was proposing putting additional red lights on the REAR of the vehicle. Perfectly legal in all 50 states and Canada.
Where DID you get all this mis-imformation?? :??:
Water Warrior 2
07-29-2007, 03:52 PM
Do not be too hasty to label something as mis-information. The federal laws on both sides of the border are basically the same BUT there are some exceptions to the rule. One of the NorthWestern states says signal lenses must be amber, not clear with an amber bulb. This is probably not enforced by LEO's b/cause they have better things to do. New bikes right off the showroon floor are actually illegal because of the lenses. New VStrom 1000's are illegal because of this. Also one of the Eastern states has decided at one point to ban headlight modulators on bikes. Individual states can and will change equipment codes as seen fit.
My point was to caution the poster of this thread to check local laws and codes before making changes. Just because clear or differently colored lenses or bulbs are available does not make them legal in all areas.
07-29-2007, 06:24 PM
That being said, has anyone ever gotten a ticket for clear lenses?
I know I haven't.
On top of that, I took my motorcycle liscense test with "illegal" turn signals that had been relocated into the vacant pods of a Ninja 250 that, according to law, are too close to the brake light to be considered safe. When the instructor checked my turn signals for correct operation, he didn't make one comment. Also, I had the "legal" front turn signals converted into tiny little pod lenses which also received no mention. In both cases my turn signals were "illegal" and no one ever knew.
07-29-2007, 08:18 PM
I agree - better safe than sorry. I had an old Volvo 242DL years ago - had the CA dealer put in stock driving lights, with all the straight from the manufacturer with the correct bells & whistles and hookups to the standard headlight controls. Picked it up, and immediately drove up to see the folks in WA State. Hit a snowstorm outside of Pullman (GO COUG'S!) and a State Trooper flipped a "U-ie" on an ice-covered two-lane freeway just to give me a $90 ticket because "driving lamps are illegal in the Great State of Washington boy, high beam. low beam, or no beam." The ticket was almost more than the lamps cost me!
(Admittedly, it may just have been that I had a California plate on the vehicle. In Washington that attracts cops like bees to honey.)
Anyway; so far as I know, it is still legal to be as stylish as you wish, but at times freedom comes with a price! You places your bets, you spins the wheel, you takes your chances. :??:
Easy Rider
07-29-2007, 09:03 PM
1) One of the NorthWestern states says signal lenses must be amber, not clear with an amber bulb.
2) Also one of the Eastern states has decided at one point to ban headlight modulators on bikes.
3) Individual states can and will change equipment codes as seen fit.
1- OK, which one? How about a reference?
2- Not a part of the original discussion. Things like that are NOT a part of the Federal Statute and are, therefore, fair game for State and Local regulation.
3- Not for things that ARE covered by the Uniform Vehicle Code they can't.
07-30-2007, 08:24 AM
Is the original poster even paying attention to this?
This is the third post by Quim in which he has received responses over mods, that he obviously wants to do, and he hasn't made a follow up poston any of them.
Easy Rider
07-30-2007, 09:58 AM
and he hasn't made a follow up poston any of them.
Drive-by poster? There seems to be a lot of that on most of the public forums, not just here.
OTOH, people DO have other things to do! :roll:
It does take some folks a couple of weeks to check back for responses.
07-30-2007, 03:36 PM
Sure. But this guy has made several of these posts aking for help and never returned to any of them.
I have other things to do too. It doesn't take me 5 minutes to check new posts and leave my mark on ones that I think I can assist on. Granted, I will spend extra time on a problem, if I get interested in it. But, even then, 5-10 minutes is nothing.
Water Warrior 2
07-30-2007, 11:06 PM
Easy Rider, relax and take a deep breath will ya. I merely stated what has been posted by members of my other forum from their respective states as they find the somewhat strange laws and their enforcement/non-enforcement. I don't make a habit of trying to memorize each and every post pretaining to M/Cs and the law. LEO's normally don't/can't so why should I ??
Clear lenses being illegal, I will guess and hope to be right. Wash. or Oregon. As for headlight modulators, they are considered legal throughout The U.S. and Canada but one Eastern state has made them illegal. Apperently they can do that. Can't find a reason to remember which state because I will probably never ride there. If I do ride there I will know soon enough when I pass a LEO.
I had the pleasure of educating a couple local LEO's about headlite modulators. They can't have all the laws in their memory and made a bad call even after I showed them in writing(Canadian Law). Got it fixed the next day after presenting the traffic award to another LEO in the detachment.
My original response to this thread was to caution riders about changing lenses or lense color combos. You just may be breaking the law without knowing it. Not too many riders get a ticket if everything works and looks stock or close to stock equipment.
As for a motorcycle examiner not being concerned with certain things........hey, he is an examiner not a cop. If everything works he is happy.
07-31-2007, 02:04 PM
what do you mean I haven't followed up on any posts? sorry if I'm a little slow to respond, Some of us have to work 50+ hrs a week and don't have as much time to do the stuff we want to. By the way, when I get a few free minutes, I'll be putting together a How To on adding a tach.
Although now that you mention not following up, I did post a reply about the clear/ led turn signals. My ADD must have kicked in and I was distracted by something else before I hit the submit button. I'll repost from what I remember of my previously failed post attempt :) Thanks for the info. I had looked at custom dynamics but must have been blind because I didn't notice anything that would fit the GZ250. Their LED brake lights / turnsignals would be nice but they are ludicrously more expensive than I'd be willing to pay. If I do anything with LEDs I'd probably get them from Although I'm too lazy to have to modify the flasher circuit if it doesn't work with leds.
Easy Rider
07-31-2007, 02:18 PM
Clear lenses being illegal, I will guess and hope to be right. Wash. or Oregon.
My original response to this thread was to caution riders about changing lenses or lense color combos.
I have no quarrel with your stated intention. You just gave a bad example, and IIRC stated the "clear lense" theory as if it were fact, when it really is just unsubstantiated 3rd party opinion. (IE rumor).
There's a big difference between:
It IS illegal......
I think it is illegal.....
I believe it might be illegal......
My beef is with people who state opinions as though they are fact.
As to the clear lenses, I still think your "rumor" is wrong but I'm not going to take the time to try and prove it wrong either. After all, new cars are being made with clear lenses covering colored lenses........or maybe the colored part is really part of the bulb ???? :cool:
07-31-2007, 02:53 PM
I was referring to your post about brakes.
Maybe I shouldn't be so judgemental. No everyone works for the government and has several hours a day of down time which they can use for personal research and forum follow-ups. :oops: :cool:
It's all good.
Looking forward to to tach article. Just make sure to add pictures.
07-31-2007, 09:20 PM
I took plenty of pictures. I just need to figure out how to add them on this forum. Shouldn't be hard to figure out. And find time to do a write up.
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