View Full Version : idling issues

07-23-2011, 10:00 AM
hi all

i previously posted about the choke cable problem. well to totally eliminate the possibility i replaced it yesterday. the one i took off moved freely, but it eliminated it as one of the possibilities. when i start the bike with the choke off it goes up to 2000-2500 rpm. as i sit there putting on my gloves some times it slowly falls to normal idle. if i engage the choke it will go up to 4000 rpm. if i rapidly move the choke on and off it will go down to normal idle as well. when i stop sometimes it idles around 2000 rpm and other times it idles at a bouncing 1200-1400 rpm which is what it normally does for some reason. its not steady at that rpm. the engine sounds like its steady but then again what do i know. any ideas as to what the problem might be ?

safe biking


07-23-2011, 10:07 AM
your bike has been messed with, i remember your aftermarket muffler. chances are the last owner didnt adjust the carb right. my bike would have a crazy idle sometimes too till it moved the mixture screw down to only 2 turns out. now i have a normal idle that never bouncing around. so your going to need a short tiny flat head screw driver to easeily do the adjustment. and hopefully the plug that covers the mixture screw has been drilled out.

07-23-2011, 01:23 PM

you may be right...now the questions where is this adjustment and if its not drilled out that must mean it wasn't fooled with.

thanks for your response

safe biking


Water Warrior 2
07-23-2011, 02:33 PM
Does anyone have before and after pics of the air/idle screw ? A visual will sometimes help the most.

07-23-2011, 03:27 PM
well simply put if the cap was removed it would be the only adjustable flat headed screw on the bottom off the carb. now if the cap is still there then its alittle more confusing. its the cap closest to the engine, right next to the intake manifold. i might take a pic to help you out

07-23-2011, 04:09 PM
just cause i love you grego

07-23-2011, 04:48 PM
Your idle mixture screw will need to be turned out.(counter clockwise).Your running too lean,that's why your idle fluctuates so much.
:cool: :)

07-23-2011, 05:11 PM
to rich couldnt cause the same issues? mine was at 3 turns giving me probs. now at 2 its fine. its a carb, im sure the possiblities are endless lol

07-23-2011, 06:06 PM
hi all

thanks blaine and geezer you didn't have to take the carb off just for me !! but the pic sure does help..is there a magic formula.. like turn it in until it seats and then back it out x number of turns ??

thanks for the quick response will look to see if still capped or not

safe biking


07-23-2011, 06:24 PM
i was double checking my float height so it wasnt just for you! :neener: different set ups work on diff carbs man its kinda hard to give yu a set number of turns. blane will explain betterthan i can

07-23-2011, 07:46 PM
2 1/2 turns out is a good starting point.With the bike at operating temperature,turn the screw slowly out till the idle starts to roll(rich).Than turn slowly back in till the idle starts to get slow(lean).About midway between both extremes is were you want to be.Were the bike idles smoothest.If you are going to be a few minutes,it helps to have a fan blowing air on the engine to keep from overheating.
:) :2tup:

07-24-2011, 01:21 PM
hi all

thanks blaine..

i checked and the idle screw is uncapped so i guess it was messed with...now all i need is a definition of roll...

thanks again

safe biking


07-24-2011, 09:16 PM
hi all

thanks blaine..

i checked and the idle screw is uncapped so i guess it was messed with...now all i need is a definition of roll...

thanks again

safe biking

When you turn the screw out the idle will become uneven,you will know when you hear it,than slowly turn back in till idle is smooth.
:cool: :)