View Full Version : why two pipes?

07-20-2011, 11:19 PM
so whats going on in the cylinder head that made the suzuki guys use a dual pipe? its nice to fool people who think its an paralel 2. but it doent make much sence.

07-20-2011, 11:53 PM
so whats going on in the cylinder head that made the suzuki guys use a dual pipe? its nice to fool people who think its an paralel 2. but it doent make much sence.
Two exhaust valves,one pipe for each valve.Easier for the engine to breath.But I assume you already know that.
:tongue: :)

07-21-2011, 12:20 AM
sure thats the easy answer. but this is the only bike i know of with anything like this set up. not to mention if this really helps the engine breath why cant it go up a hill faster than 45mph? :tongue: somehow i feel its purely a cosmetic thing

07-21-2011, 12:49 AM
sure thats the easy answer. but this is the only bike i know of with anything like this set up. not to mention if this really helps the engine breath why cant it go up a hill faster than 45mph? :tongue: somehow i feel its purely a cosmetic thing
Yea,your probably right.You still have a issue.I never had any problems going up hill.I very rarely needed to down shift & I had 16t front sprocket.You still running lean?
:cool: :??:

Water Warrior 2
07-21-2011, 01:56 AM
2 exhuast pipes and separate valve ports may help the engine breath more freely. Also there is a possibility that the 2 pipes coming out straight from the head are better than a single central pipe that has to be configured to bypass the frame for clearance. Yeah, I'm just guessing again.

07-21-2011, 08:28 AM
but it does look like its for clearing the frame. thats a good guess there. hey blain i was exageratin a bit. but on big hills yeah she drops speed like i tthrew out an anchor. still waiting on the jets i orederd. i a positive the two pipes flow better and also noticed where they come together one is in from of the other. so there could be some torque scavaging goingon. (exhaust pulses sucking eachother out)

07-21-2011, 09:28 AM
Suzuki calims it aids in combustion, but who knows?

If you noticed, that same design is not used on the TU250. So if it really did anything, why not just slap the same thing on the newer, fuel injected bike?

Makes more sense to me to just have a single intake and exhaust port. A second dome would only increase turbulance if you ask me. Although, increasing turbulance in the head might boost torque under certain scenarios.... I don't know.

07-21-2011, 12:28 PM
Check some of the Honda dirt bikes ,they have the two into one pipe also. Terry

07-21-2011, 02:05 PM
jon waht your saying about the turbulance is correct. that might be another part of it, as well as the need to clear the frame. good discusion guys thanks for your thoughts

Water Warrior 2
07-21-2011, 05:58 PM
Duh, just remembered. 2 smaller valves will flow intake or exhuast mixtures more efficiently than a single larger valve. As for the TU 250 maybe the FI meters fuel well enough for better combustion and single valves are a cost saving factor in the manufacturing process.

07-21-2011, 10:54 PM
yes your right water warrior 2 valves flow more than 1 but no need for two separate exhaust ports. my fzr is a 5 valves and its got one pipe per cylinder so if there was some sort of advantage to this you would think more manufactures would be doing it to.clearing the frame seems to be number 1 in my book, along wiht suzuki might have been experimenting with the concept but couldnt justify the extra cost of all the extra stuff that goes with 2 seprate ports. just a thought
on the TU with its 2 valve head. i wanna say they did this for a torque increase. its true a four valve head will flow better than a 2 valve, but depending on valve lift and some other factors like RPM, more usable torque is probably the end result for the TU. not to mention FI which would add a ton of midrange punch to the mill. i bet you that bike will run circles around this one

07-22-2011, 06:17 AM
Just a point to ponder on......... The 125cc version of the gz is identical in every other way, except that it's got only one pipe. But I believe it's only got 2 valves per cylinder. Still, just goes to show that two pipes aren't needed to bypass the frame, as was suggested earlier. :??:

07-22-2011, 07:41 PM
true that. hmm so then im thinking it was a suzuki test to see if this combustion head thing was gonna work. i think if failed! :neener: also is the frame the same on the 125? if not then the clearance idea could still be valid. anoother question. is this exact engine in anything else other than the gz?

Water Warrior 2
07-23-2011, 01:29 AM
I would think the 250 and 125 engines are used in a variety of Suzuki models around the world. For those of us in North America a 125/250 is considered small but in many third world counties they are the norm.

09-21-2011, 07:02 AM
I had a gander at a GN250 the other day, looked very similar, and have heard rumors about it being the same engine. It had the 2 exhausts too. I wondered what the deal was with it as well. on the GN also looks like frame clearance, although, I dont see why it couldnt just come out to one side a little bit ?

09-21-2011, 07:16 AM
Just been looking at a mid 80's GN, same design. long experiment if thats all it was...

Gz Rider
09-21-2011, 10:02 AM