View Full Version : upgrades?
07-14-2011, 07:40 PM
just to get some peoples opinions, what would you say the top 5 performance upgrades are for a gz250?
07-14-2011, 09:04 PM
just to get some peoples opinions, what would you say the top 5 performance upgrades are for a gz250?
S40 Boulevard
750 Shadow
Water Warrior 2
07-15-2011, 02:03 AM
Upgrades to a GZ or upgrades to another bike from a GZ ??? The following applies to both.
#1 A rider who has taken and passed a rider training course.
#2 A rider who has read "Proficient Motorcycling" by David Hough.
#3 A rider who wears All The Gear All The Time(ATGATT).
#4 A Stebel air horn, 139 bd is really loud.
#5 A rider who makes a point of being visible on the street.
My opinion only but I live by these upgrades.
07-15-2011, 06:34 AM
I think he means upgrades to the G.Z.
1. Windshield
2. Back rest
3. 16t sprocket
4.Aftermarket exhaust
5.Air filter upgrade.
:) :2tup:
07-15-2011, 06:54 AM
Dupo's answer is the only real one. :lol:
07-15-2011, 09:19 AM
This bike simply won't get that much faster.
I think all of the "upgrades" should focus on creature comforts and proper operation.
1. Throttle lock cruise control (or Windshield)
2. Clean/tight chain
3. 16T front sprocket
4. Air in tires
5. Synthetic oil
07-16-2011, 09:48 AM
Stebel air horn, headlight and brakelight modulators, engine guard (crash bar), things for safety and not more power. Those are a complete waste of time, energy and money. If you want more power, spend the money investing in a larger bike.
07-16-2011, 11:16 AM
actually yeterday was a cold day and my gz ran so strong i was running 75 mph at 3/4 throttle up slight hills i was shocked at how much power my little thumper suddenly had. now im sure my bike is set up to rich for hot weather but damn near perfect for yesterdays colder weather! YES A GZ ACTUALLY FELT BALLSY!!
07-16-2011, 04:44 PM
Those are a complete waste of time, energy and money. If you want more power, spend the money investing in a larger bike.
Most certainly not a waste of time, energy and money. My bike had more power,idled better,started easier when cold,and handled the highway easier.I'm not one to waste time,or money.I have a bigger bike and still have done many performance mods to it.
:mad: :shocked:
Water Warrior 2
07-16-2011, 10:44 PM
I guess everyone missed my point. Should have said more. A better educated, trained and better dressed rider will be able to get more out of the bike. That rider will have the confidence and ability to ride the bike within it's limits and reap the GZ's qualities.
07-17-2011, 10:33 AM
Those are a complete waste of time, energy and money. If you want more power, spend the money investing in a larger bike.
Most certainly not a waste of time, energy and money. My bike had more power,idled better,started easier when cold,and handled the highway easier.I'm not one to waste time,or money.I have a bigger bike and still have done many performance mods to it.
:mad: :shocked:
There are exceptions to every rule and statement, and for a very knowledgeable, educated, mechanically inclined individual (like you), there may be some payoff, either real or imagined, but for the most part, with the newbies on here, I stand by my statement. Most of the mods newbies are doing lead to having to constantly fiddle and adjust things to get it right, or even to get it to run at all. Do you have, or does anyone have, an idea of the dollar and time cost per horsepower increase to maybe eek out 1 or 2 extra HP from this bike?, and as a contrast, what you could get for that some increase in cost for a bigger more powerful bike? We are not considering the pride and happiness factor, which may be worth the monetary and time investment. It's just my opinion, but I do not think most of these mods lead to any real significant improvement in power, and most reduce gas mileage and reliability.
Most bikes, cars, internal combustion engines run better in the cold and may even start easier due to the difference in air density when cold (not talking about really cold when thick oil impedes starter/engine rotation). The same reason bikes run better at sealevel than they do at 8000' altitude unless you readjust carburetor jetting. Sailboats perform better in cold air than they do in 90 degrees also, due to higher density air (more air molecules hitting on the sails).
And some people seem to relish the idea that they can now start their bike without the choke, it's like a macho thing. So they run richer at all times, possibly a tiny bit more power, again, what happens to their mileage? It's all a trade-off and you take your pick of what you want.
No one has ever come on here with dyno testing before and after their mods to prove the performance increase, or 0-60 times, or any other objective data to support their subjective opinion that their bike has been greatly improved, and that's something I would like to see. I'm not saying don't do this, whatever turns you on, I would just like someone to prove that any of this really makes that big of a difference. :)
07-17-2011, 11:24 AM
Mr ld is a HATER! go drink some more haterade! just playin. my bike is actually making alot more power than before ma dude. also some people just like to tinker with there toys, some dont. i like to tinker its fun. agreed that the noob doesnt need to even try.
Water Warrior 2
07-17-2011, 02:33 PM
I agree with mrlmd1 99%. I actually stopped tinkering years ago when I had a worthwhile thought about factory engineers. Most of them are pretty smart and more experienced than I. Lynda's GZ ran nicely for 3 seasons and no tinkering. The GZ is what it is. For any real noticeable power gain you might invest in a larger bike. No tinkering, more riding.
07-17-2011, 06:48 PM
Mr ld is a HATER! go drink some more haterade! just playin. my bike is actually making alot more power than before ma dude. also some people just like to tinker with there toys, some dont. i like to tinker its fun. agreed that the noob doesnt need to even try.
How much is a lot more? How do you judge that, aside from the extra noise maybe it makes? It's easy to say that it has more power - prove it to us somehow.
I'm not telling you not to tinker if that's what you want to do, just that the payoff is really small aside from the self satisfaction in thinking you really accomplished something with your GZ.
To each his own, and I am entitled to my opinion, right? Just like you are. There's absolutely no reason to get into an argument over this. It's your bike, do want you want, and also down the line, see what happens to the resale value with all the mods you make over time.
07-17-2011, 07:32 PM
ok then mr :itsokay:
07-17-2011, 07:50 PM
So exactly how much is "alot more" power? And how do you know that? Can you answer me, or you just think so, for all the work you did?
I can't recall anyone on here in the past 3 1/2 years since I've been on here who could answer that honestly with any objective data, except to say "my bike seems better, it runs better, it's quicker", or whatever. And then they come back on multiple other threads asking questions about further carb and exhaust and air filter mods to try and get it to run right. All I can say is that with proper maintenance my stock bike ran perfectly, never had a problem, always started when it was supposed to, got great gas mileage, and all that made me happy. You know better than the Suzuki designers so give them your suggestions, go work for them designing a reliable simple bike like this.
And I would never buy anyone else's heavily modded bike, it'd be too big an effort to get it to run right again and maybe have a shortened engine life to boot.
Like I said, have at it, tinker all you want, it'll make very little difference in the end result but it'll make you happy which is all that counts. :) :) The end.
07-17-2011, 07:57 PM
my bike seems better, it runs better, it's quicker. calm down dude. i have another post called geezers plug chop your welcome to check out. im actually getting inside the motor looking at sparkplug color in an attempt to get the bike runnin as good as possible. the bike didnt come from the factory making all the power its capable of. not many vehicles are. trust me broseph :lol:
07-17-2011, 08:26 PM
I see what you're doing, That's fine, Doing it right, too.
All I'm saying is that in the end, with this bike, it's not going to be a helluva lot different for all the time and money you're investing. Do a good search on this forum - You are not the first, nor will you be the last to go down this road. But go chop as many plugs as you want, as long as you are having fun.
And you still cannot tell me how much more power is "alot" and how do you document it. Maybe all you are doing is restoring the air/fuel balance you messed up since your tinkering began, and slowly destroying your gas mileage too. But tinker away. We all have our different opinions, but I thought my bike ran pretty damn good the way it was, and when I wanted more power, I got a bigger bike (an S50).
07-17-2011, 08:34 PM
you may not admit to it but your pushing your opinion on me bad dude. im slowly making the bike much more highway friendly. i was doing 75 going up a slight grade at 3/4 throttle no bullshit. there you go. but i notice my bike gets worse the colder it gets. after checking the spark plug i confermed its running lean on the top. fixing this will increase hp. also its my theory that by making the engine stronger its possible to increase highway fuel economy because i will have to use less throttle to keep the same speed. i hated the lawnmower exhause note so i changed it. i get satifaction knowing i have what it takes to successfully mess with a machine and make it work. so what? and im going to teach others how to do it to, because im not like you and neither are alot of others. besides were men, were supposed to fix it till it breaks :cool:
07-17-2011, 09:13 PM
I kept my G.Z. longer than most people do.(31/2 years).My bike worked excellent all the time.Never once did it fail to start,or leave me on the road.I averaged 70 mpg after my mods.I sold it with 44000 kms on it for $2250.00.I agree that I put a lot of time on the bike,but that is what I enjoy.As mrlmd1 stated "Most of the mods newbies are doing lead to having to constantly fiddle and adjust things to get it right, or even to get it to run at all." I probably spend more time researching my projects,than actually doing them.That's why they work,I do my homework.I couldn't begin to tell you how many hours I spent researching,before I done any mods on my 454.So to any noobies:If you are going to do any mods,do your homework,it pays off in the end.
:) :cool:
Dupo's answer is the only real one. :lol:
SOMEONE understood my humor :2tup:
Its a 250cc bike and thats that. You can make it run smoother, better ... but not faster or more powerful.
07-20-2011, 07:21 AM
Dupo's answer is the only real one. :lol:
SOMEONE understood my humor :2tup:
Its a 250cc bike and thats that. You can make it run smoother, better ... but not faster or more powerful.
Yep, Dupo. My next mod is "lift gas cap and insert something bigger". :cool:
07-20-2011, 07:45 AM
Dupo's answer is the only real one. :lol:
SOMEONE understood my humor :2tup:
Its a 250cc bike and thats that. You can make it run smoother, better ... but not faster or more powerful.
That was humor? Seemed pretty right on.
What's really funny is that no matter how much is posted on here and on other forums, people will still persist in trying to get 1 or maybe 2 more hp out of this bike and insist they got maybe 3 or 5, with no real evidence they ever got anything worthwhile. Maybe the bike goes faster because of a lighter wallet? :??:
I think the best "upgrade" for me is just accepting the bike for what it is and enjoying the ride . I normally ride 55/60 on the road. An earlier post from Java showed a 250 rally with a lot of 250 riders. I think they get it, most even had full gear on [thats got to be hot] but they were really into the ride spirit of the ride, for a large group of bikers. If you want more than this bike [GZ 250] can deliver you need a different bike. I to have other bikes, but but overall I think I enjoy the 250 more. Just my opinion. :biggrin: Terry
Black Warrior
07-21-2011, 06:21 PM
just to get some peoples opinions, what would you say the top 5 performance upgrades are for a gz250?
S40 Boulevard
750 Shadow
Goldwing :2tup: :2tup: :2tup: :2tup: :2tup:
Black Warrior
07-21-2011, 06:28 PM
just to get some peoples opinions, what would you say the top 5 performance upgrades are for a gz250?
S40 Boulevard
750 Shadow
Goldwing :2tup: :2tup: :2tup: :2tup: :2tup:
Next year I probably try to make a second mod. :rawk: ... and start modifying it after that :tongue:
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