View Full Version : Oil Leak--Help

07-06-2011, 05:21 PM
Hello. I noticed that I have a small oil leak after a ride yesterday. Well, it's more of a seep rather than a leak. I don't know much (hardly anything) about motorcycles, so I don't have the technical names. So, as you can see in the picture, http://s2.postimage.org/1botjrffo/leak.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/1botjrffo/) there is oil seeping from between the crack where these two parts are bolted together. This is right above where you put the oil in. I'm thinking maybe it's just a gasket. But I'm not sure. So I tried to take this thing off...and i got all of the screws out except one that was behind the rear brake cable. I can't figure out how to get that one off. Is there a better way to go about this? I changed the oil and oil filter, and the oil seep is still there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Again, I'm sorry I don't know what anything is called. I'm trying to learn. Thank you!
-Katie :2tup:

07-06-2011, 06:09 PM
if i agree to help you, we gotta go on a ride sometime. deal? if you had an 8mm wrench you could get that last one out without having to loosen the brake cable from the foot braket, but i recommend you do so that way when you do get that last bolt out you will have an easier time pulling that side cover off.also i belive you might leak oil so if you havent yet, drain your oil ito a clean container so you can reuse it. im sure you dont want to remove any more than you have to right? well i learned a long time ago in the long run your job will be somuch easier if you do. then have fun removing the old gasket,

07-06-2011, 07:35 PM
Hey thanks for the advice. I ended up having to pull down the brake cable and have someone else pull the screw out the rest of the way. Once I got that one out, it was easy sailing. Once I got the cover off I saw that there was a crack in the gasket right where it was leaking. So that's good. Hopefully replacing the gasket is all I knew to do. But now I'm having to get creative on removing the gasket. Any suggestions?

07-06-2011, 07:59 PM
razor blade and wire brush. use goo gone or wd 40 to help with removal

07-06-2011, 10:12 PM
razor blade and wire brush. use goo gone or wd 40 to help with removal
Just be careful not to gouge the soft aluminum. :cool: