View Full Version : rectifier regulator problem

07-02-2011, 04:42 PM
ok so i bought a gz250 froma gentleman who said that the rectifier regulator was bad on the bike, well i have the part coming in the mail but i also went ahead an replaced the battery i started up the bike the first couple times it would take forever to start and then finally did so i took it out for a ride, and of course it died not even a 1/4 of a mile later, i did it twice. so today i filled up the gas tank cos the gas station was by my house i realized i was going to late for work, i had to take the bike cos its my only transportation at the moment, but the thing is i made it all the way to work with out the bike dying which boggles my mind, its still got the same new battery in it i put in the other day that died out after a 1/4 of a mile, i work 8 miles from my house and all i did was put fresh gas in it. anyone have any idea if it was just a gas problem?

07-02-2011, 05:56 PM
yeah man prob just clogged up carb. you might have gottne lucky but a carb clean, or as others will say, just add some seafoam to the tank :tongue: as for the regulator, assume the PO was a moron. you need to check your voltage and soon or the so called bad VR will fry your ignition module, blow fuses, bulbs etc. should have no more than 14.5 or so volts while reved up

07-02-2011, 06:05 PM
thanks alot geezer im gunna go ahead and install the new rectifier when i get it in, already purchased it lol. im still fairly new to riding and definitely new to the mechanical side of owning a bike i really appreciate your help

07-02-2011, 06:28 PM
checking volts is easy just get to your battery with the engine reved up with your multi meter leads on the batter. good for you getting started, ive been at it for 6 years and will have a bike till the day i die, it gets in your blood man

07-02-2011, 06:32 PM
i did notice that it backfired when i turned it off today after i made it to work but i dont remember the throttle reving up what are some causes of a backfire and would it be an easy fix?

07-02-2011, 07:11 PM
easy there, one step at a time there green horn! lol get in that carb and clean it up. dude befor you say i cant do it, its easy just get the thing off. then ask away