View Full Version : Cdi box

06-24-2011, 11:23 PM
The cdi box on my 2000 went out, can I use
one off a 2005 bike? The numbers on the front
of the box are in 3 lines. The first 2 lines
match exactly but the third line is different
If anybody knows if I can use the 2005 bikes
cdi box, please let me know.

06-24-2011, 11:39 PM
tell me how you know the box is bad? so that way if i run into this problem i know what to do

06-25-2011, 08:37 AM
It has no fire, I changed the coil, pickup coil,
abs still nothing. So then I tapped on the
box while trying to start it and it spit a little
spark out so that tells me it's bad

06-25-2011, 08:56 AM
oh, well i would bet that the 05 box will work, cause the bikes were never changed. but i could be wrong