View Full Version : bike died when i stopped would not start back up

06-23-2011, 10:27 PM
ok so i was on a ride from las vegas nv to bullhead city az the bike was running fine and no problems until i had to stop at a light it died on me and would not start back up ... no click no nothing. had lights but nothing i had my fiance come and bring me her jumper cables and ended up jumping the bike it ran for like a minute then died again.. tried again to start it and nothing at all anyone have any clue as to what it might be?

06-24-2011, 12:51 AM
Hard to provide anything very useful with the limited info - a pure guess would be a short of some kind.

When you say "nothing at all" do you mean: no cranking at all? No headlight at all? Is there a spark going to the plug?

The fact it started up with a jump implies a battery or battery connection issue. I think you have to get your multimeter out and start checking the electrical connections. Many on here have had issues with shorts in the clutch and the kickstand safety switch. I've had problems with the turn signal switch - others have had issue with corrosion/shorting on the handlebar kill switch. If you search the posts, I think some troubleshooters have described how to by pass some of the safety circuitry - which may be useful if you are trying to isolate where the short might be.

A lot of starting problems are also battery (dead/dying/discharged) related. If you have a charge trickle charge it overnight. The battery will light the headlight but not crank the engine in certain states.

Sorry of all of this seems obvious.

06-24-2011, 01:10 AM
if it ran after getting jumped off, i would take any safty switches out of the equation. they would keep the bike from starting at all, even after charging the battery. on alot of bikes the voltage regulater is a common problem, not so much it seems with the gz but still. its the device right next to the airfilter cover and the carb, the thing with the fins. check the area forobvious signs like burnt connectors, maybe even the fuses. once running heck for volage at the batt, should be around 15 or 14 volts at high idle

06-24-2011, 01:11 AM
oh and this must be devine retrubution bub. :neener: remember?

06-24-2011, 02:28 AM
oh and this must be devine retrubution bub. :neener: remember?

:2tup: for geezer.

thanks guys ill check the items that you mentioned first then will keep you informed.

06-28-2011, 11:00 PM
ok got the bike up and running started with the small stuff first and off course it turns out to be the battery seems it got just a little to hot .

06-29-2011, 07:05 PM
Your battery connections may be loose or dirty and that's why you lost all juice initially.
Batteries should not get hot unless they are boiling over or being overcharged. Check your battery fluid levels if you can see into the case. If your battery gets really hot it may have and internal short and need replacement.

08-02-2011, 01:06 AM
After much cussing and pushing the old girl i broke down and took her to a shop and let them deal with her.. so after one stator and generator later she will be running great well at least until i buy her new shoes and necklace.But a good thing did come of one of the breakdowns found a group of christian bikers to go riding with.