View Full Version : Throttle stuck

06-15-2011, 05:23 PM
Getting on my bike this afternoon I found my throttle was not returning to idle position when rolling it on. My bike was outside on a very hot day in Orlando (95 degrees) and I thought it was the heat making it stick(?) Turned out to be a simple thing: the plastic end cap was so tight it was interfering with the play of the throttle. So I loosened the cap slightly and that did the trick. Rolls smoothly now. Seems I must have tightened the cap with my grip. Has this happened to anyone??

06-15-2011, 06:04 PM
SImple solutions are the best type. Make sure you really give it some attention though. That would suck to have it happen when you're riding.

06-16-2011, 08:40 AM
Might wanna take the time to adjust your throttle cable play while you are at it. Just to be sure.

I once a Ninja 250 and I would use the bar end as a cruise control when I knew I would be on the highway for a while. Before I left, I would simply tighten the bar end enough so that it would interfere with the throttle on purpose. Knowing that I did this, I had to conciously push the throttle closed when I got into stop-n-go traffic. But if I ever got into a situation where I would be in town for a while, I would simply loosen the bar end.

It wasn't the safest thing to do. But it was cheaper than buying a throttle lock.

Speaking of cruise control, some people also just use an O-ring from a John Deere tractor or a Caterpillar and roll it into place:
