View Full Version : Can't get any fire...
06-06-2011, 09:09 PM
My bike was running 2 days ago and it seemed to be running fine. Now today it turns over like a champ but isn't getting any fire... any suggestions or tips that might get my baby up and running again?
06-06-2011, 09:17 PM
My bike was running 2 days ago and it seemed to be running fine. Now today it turns over like a champ but isn't getting any fire... any suggestions or tips that might get my baby up and running again?
Try turning your key on & off a few times,than see if it starts.Mine used to do this once in a while,turn the key on & off a couple of times,start every time.
:cool: :)
06-06-2011, 09:19 PM
I tried that... my key has been on and off so many times... im still not getting anything...
06-06-2011, 09:32 PM
I suggest you download the service manual and check the troubleshooting section, pages 7.1 through 7.7.
With the fire triangle in mind (ignition+fuel+oxygen), if it has no fire, it is most likely an electric or a fuel issue, air filters don't tend to clog overnight.
Let's hope it is something really simple, like: um, oops, ran out of fuel...
Oh and by the way: Welcome to the forum ! :rawk:
06-06-2011, 09:37 PM
if its been awhile sence you replaced your plug go head and do so now
06-06-2011, 09:39 PM
I tried that... my key has been on and off so many times... im still not getting anything...
Do you mean,"no fire" as in no spark? or "no start"? :??: :cool:
06-06-2011, 09:41 PM
its turning over and good fuel flow it just wont fire up.... and i just put a new plug in today
06-06-2011, 09:43 PM
try putting your hand over the intake using a sweater or sumptin. will it start? done a vavle adjust at all? milage?
06-06-2011, 09:47 PM
its turning over and good fuel flow it just wont fire up.... and i just put a new plug in today
You mean it hasn't run since you put the new plug in?
Does it give a spark? Is the spark gap right (your thumb nail which is about 0.6 mm should just barely fit) ?
06-06-2011, 09:53 PM
Spark plug is good.
06-07-2011, 03:54 AM
You stated good fuel flow - How did you check for this? Did you pull the line from the tank to the carb? When you changed the plug, was the old one wet with fuel? Have you checked the new one again? Is it wet with fuel? Just because the fuel is flowing out of the tank, does not mean that it is necessarily filling the carb bowl.
If the plug's not wet, try setting the petcock to prime, tapping on the carb bowl with a screw diver handle a couple of times, and then tipping the bike from side to side - causing the float to drop so the fuel can refill the bowl.
Just a thought.
If the fuel is making it from the carb to the engine, then there's a whole slew of different things it could be. Try sticking a long screw driver in the end of the plug boot and resting the metal part of the driver 1/8 of an inch from a non painted metal surface on the engine. Hit the starter button and listen for a popping noise - spark.
If you have all of the above, and still no fire, then it's time to break out the compression tester.
Good luck to you
06-07-2011, 01:15 PM
Do the poor man's test for spark by shorting the plug against the frame. If you are getting spark to the plug then you know you have a different problem.
06-07-2011, 01:58 PM
"Do the poor man's test for spark by shorting the plug against the frame. If you are getting spark to the plug then you know you have a different problem."
If you do it that way, just make sure there's a second plug already in the bike - if he does have fuel - fire is no fun when it's not supposed to be there. Also, if the plug happens to be bad right out of the box, then you won't be able to tell if you are indeed getting spark from the coil.
06-07-2011, 09:11 PM
Sorry about the late response. I'm not getting a spark from the spark plug...
06-07-2011, 10:52 PM
know where the coil is? under tank at the front of bike near steering stem, see it? ok are the wires connected? chaffed? i have noticed on my bike a zip tie threre that was beginning to eat a groove in the wire there. did you do anyof the things i told you about in my last post? how bout some answers bub :roll:
06-07-2011, 11:27 PM
My air filter is good, I'm getting good fuel flow through everything, and the bike turns over like a champ. At this point I'm thinking it's prolly electrical because I tested my old and new spark plug. No spark. I'm just wondering at this point if the coil is the best place to start?
06-07-2011, 11:59 PM
My air filter is good, I'm getting good fuel flow through everything, and the bike turns over like a champ. At this point I'm thinking it's prolly electrical because I tested my old and new spark plug. No spark. I'm just wondering at this point if the coil is the best place to start?
Hate to say it,but it's starting to sound like the ignition box. :cry: :sad:
06-08-2011, 01:12 PM
Ok. I might sound like a dummy here. But ignition box?
06-08-2011, 04:06 PM
Run by Wal-Mart or the Home Depot, pick up a cheap volt meter and see if you are getting current through your ignition coil.
Hook it up to the positive and negative leads on the coil and bump the starter. See if you get the volt meter to register some numbers.
It's very easy. There are only two leads on the coil. It's the blocky box at the non-spark plug end of the spark plug wire.
06-15-2011, 05:06 PM
Sorry for the really late response! I've been working not stop lately and haven't had much down time. But my coil is good but I'm still not getting any spark. Any suggestions on what it might be?
06-15-2011, 05:24 PM
Ok. I might sound like a dummy here. But ignition box?
Main ignition box is under the seat by the fuse box. :)
06-16-2011, 08:45 AM
Don't overlook the kickstand kill switch. These have been known to go bad. If it tripped or has failed, your bike will not start, despite everything else being in perfect condition. They are wired in to simply kill the spark when they are down. So, it would look like a spark problem, even though it's not.
I never had it happen to my Gz, but I know of others on here who had a problem with it. I also just had to deal with one on my new 2005 Murray 30" riding lawnmower. Seat switch was failing and I spent 2 days trying to diagnose why I wasn't getting spark. Stuck my hand under the seat body, lifted the switch maybe 2cm and she fired right up.
06-16-2011, 09:35 PM
I know it's not the kickstand switch though. I dont run a kick stand switch and when it's unhooked it doesn't kill the bike until I try to put it in gear... :( I wish it was something that simple!
06-16-2011, 10:13 PM
I know it's not the kickstand switch though. I dont run a kick stand switch and when it's unhooked it doesn't kill the bike until I try to put it in gear... :( I wish it was something that simple!
If the switch is working properly,it won't kill the bike unless you try to put the bike in gear with the side stand down.If you have the switch disabled,the bike shouldn't quit when you put it in gear,regardless if the side stand is up or down.
:??: :)
06-16-2011, 10:20 PM
Well when I changed the wiring harness my wire cap some how came off and it took me a few mins to figure out why it wouldn't go in gear without goin dead haha the wires came untwisted. I have fixed the problem there tho
06-16-2011, 10:34 PM
Well when I changed the wiring harness my wire cap some how came off and it took me a few mins to figure out why it wouldn't go in gear without goin dead haha the wires came untwisted. I have fixed the problem there tho
Now,I got ya. :) :cool:
06-17-2011, 05:57 AM
Do you mean that you've disabled the side stand safety device? Whoooooooooooo d a n g e r o u s.
Just let us know when (not if!) you set off with the sidestand down, & the bike goes down. :whistle: :)
06-17-2011, 11:43 AM
That's why I like a kick start - you don't ever "accidentally" kick start the bike :lol:
06-18-2011, 09:34 PM
Well now that you said something about taking off with the kickstand down I will be double sure to make sure I don't :P and thats only if i can get it up and running... one of my dads friends who works on bikes said that he has never heard of the ignition box going out... he said what most likely happened is my regulator went out and isnt allowing power to get to my coil... so im going to try that next i guess... O.o
06-22-2011, 09:00 PM
Well I finally found my problem but now I need to know the best way of going about it. It's either my stator or pickup coil. My rectifier is good and my ignition box is good. I was wondering what is the best way of replacing that?
06-22-2011, 09:26 PM
Well I finally found my problem but now I need to know the best way of going about it. It's either my stator or pickup coil. My rectifier is good and my ignition box is good. I was wondering what is the best way of replacing that?
It must be a pickup coil.The stator charges your battery.The pickup coil gives you spark to fire the plug.You need to take the left side cover off to gain access to the stator,flywheel,and pickup coil.
:) :cool:
07-12-2011, 10:31 AM
Finally fixed my problem! I am back on the road with my little beast :) I ended up not having to replace the stator :) what happened was my rectifier fried and that fried my ignition box. But I finally got everything replaced and up and running. Thanks to everybody that helped :)
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