View Full Version : crash bars

06-06-2011, 01:20 PM
While my crashbars certainly do their job, the chrome is, without doubt, the worst I've ever seen. The front of the bars, where they get hit with water are totally rusted.[attachment=1:2ai2ryhl]b39.jpg[/attachment:2ai2ryhl]

The other day I was parked next to a Suzuki Intruder. I noticed that the crash bars were BLACK. It's the first time I've seen any other than chrome, and they looked really good - matching the bike colour. When I got home I decided to try this myself. I'd got a spare crash bar that had been replaced under insurance when my parked bike got knocked over by a reversing car. I filled in the scratches with a two part filler then sanded down to get rid of all the loose, flaking, rust. After a coat of de-oxidiser to get rid of all traces of rust, I gave it a rattle can primer, then black gloss. After leaving it a few days to harden, I got it fitted today. I think I like the finished effect better than the chrome.[attachment=0:2ai2ryhl]b42.jpg[/attachment:2ai2ryhl]

06-06-2011, 01:44 PM
Cool. Good job.

Water Warrior 2
06-06-2011, 07:26 PM
Does look good. Chrome is just so common for bars and the black gives the bike a certain one off look.