View Full Version : used about a pint of oil today

06-04-2011, 08:57 PM
today was just under 95 degrees. i probably put 100miles or more on it, and i was riding two up. and near the end of the ride i decided to let the lady do some practice laps for about 30 minns in a parking lot. during which bike would sit at idle, clutch would be slipped it would stall and be started back up repeatedly :lol: so my question is is this normal consumption for that kinda abuse? anyone ever riden all day hard and come home to find the oil level low? and how bout afterwards, a few days later of normal use does it still eat oil or is it nice and full? any experience here? i am some what worried. of btw bike has 6500 miles on it

let me throw some more info in here, let me paint a picture for you guys to visualize. with bike level and looking through the site glass all i could see was a sliver of oil at the bottom, a few days prior to this it was full like usual

06-04-2011, 09:07 PM
today was just under 95 degrees. i probably put 100miles or more on it, and i was riding two up. and near the end of the ride i decided to let the lady do some practice laps for about 30 minns in a parking lot. during which bike would sit at idle, clutch would be slipped it would stall and be started back up repeatedly :lol: so my question is is this normal consumption for that kinda abuse? anyone ever riden all day hard and come home to find the oil level low? and how bout afterwards, a few days later of normal use does it still eat oil or is it nice and full? any experience here? i am some what worried. of btw bike has 6500 miles on it

let me throw some more info in here, let me paint a picture for you guys to visualize. with bike level and looking through the site glass all i could see was a sliver of oil at the bottom, a few days prior to this it was full like usual
I think that is normal in that kind of environment.If I pushed mine hard all day It would use some oil.But would return to normal when riding easier.My bike had almost 45000 kms on it when I sold it and it used no more oil than it did when I bought it with 15000 kms on it.
:cool: :lol:

06-04-2011, 09:20 PM
great news thanks

Water Warrior 2
06-05-2011, 01:36 AM
High temps and a loaded GZ !! Yeah I would be expecting some oil usage. Oil is cheap considering the alternative. Top her up and ride on.

06-05-2011, 07:02 AM
Just as a rule of thumb check, whenever I go to the bike, before I get on it, I pull it upright by the handlebar (while still on the stand) and if I see oil shoot up to the top of the glass I'm happy. Only takes a couple of seconds at most. :)

06-05-2011, 08:53 AM
having no oil light to warn you i always stay on top of my gz oil level. thats why i freaked out when i got ohme and it was so low.

06-05-2011, 09:44 AM
Trouble with warning lights is that by the time they come on, the damage has been done. Only safe way is an oil pressure gauge, so you can see when the pressure STARTS to drop, not a warning light which only comes on once the pressure has dropped sufficiently to cause damage. :cry:

06-05-2011, 12:38 PM
Trouble with warning lights is that by the time they come on, the damage has been done. Only safe way is an oil pressure gauge, so you can see when the pressure STARTS to drop, not a warning light which only comes on once the pressure has dropped sufficiently to cause damage. :cry:

06-05-2011, 02:08 PM
Just as a rule of thumb check, whenever I go to the bike, before I get on it, I pull it upright by the handlebar (while still on the stand) and if I see oil shoot up to the top of the glass I'm happy. Only takes a couple of seconds at most. :)
the manual says that you are supposed to let it run for a few minutes to warm up, then shut if off and let it sit for around 30 sec, then tilt it upright to check the oil level...though I have yet to do it the proper way myself either, lol :) but, in my own defense I didn't get the manual with my bike and just got one in the mail off ebay a few days ago.

I do have a question regarding this though....so where is the oil being consume at? is it leaking or is it being used? i'd say either way is probably not healthy. and does it make a difference between using conventional or synthetic oil?

06-05-2011, 02:25 PM
the manual says that you are supposed to let it run for a few minutes to warm up, then shut if off and let it sit for around 30 sec,[/quote

Well.....My manual certainly DOESN'T say that! In all the many years that I've been driving/riding, the acceptable way of checking the oil level is to let the oil drain down with the engine off, THEN check the level. The point being, that you want to see how much oil there is in the sump, not floating about in the oilways (as that will give a false reading). The way your manual tells you to check means that all the oil may have not drained down, so you'll definitely get a false reading. I just can't understand anyone putting such rubbish down in writing. :sad:

Water Warrior 2
06-05-2011, 03:56 PM
the manual says that you are supposed to let it run for a few minutes to warm up, then shut if off and let it sit for around 30 sec,[/quote

Well.....My manual certainly DOESN'T say that! In all the many years that I've been driving/riding, the acceptable way of checking the oil level is to let the oil drain down with the engine off, THEN check the level. The point being, that you want to see how much oil there is in the sump, not floating about in the oilways (as that will give a false reading). The way your manual tells you to check means that all the oil may have not drained down, so you'll definitely get a false reading. I just can't understand anyone putting such rubbish down in writing. :sad:
2 or 3 minutes on a warm engine should suffice. I check before a ride to see where the level is. That way I am assured there is no oil lurking in the upper engine. Part of my pre-ride routine.

Water Warrior 2
06-05-2011, 04:10 PM
The difference between regular dino oil and synthetic oil is an ongoing debate for many riders/drivers and the folks who sell the stuff. Do I think sythetics are worthwhile ? Yes but only for certain purposes. For a mechanical device that will have extended service on some items the synthetic is my choice. On both bikes I just pour in cheap dino Shell Rotella 15-40. I started out the Vstrom with Amsoil products but it is a fortune in Canada so it was time to economize. Both bikes are very happy with dino oil and use only a very small amount. The transmissions shift very well and don't hang up ever.
My Ranger 4x4 is Amsoil bumper to bumper except for the Rotella in the engine. Works for me.

06-05-2011, 04:13 PM
so you guys are trying to say that oil lights are pointless? ok i wont even start this arguement

tcrave was not saying to check oil level with engine running, read the post fully before stateing opinions! geez he said run motor turn OFF (seems like you didnt read that part) wait, then check oil level. he is correct and his manual was not leing to him :lol: wtf

06-05-2011, 04:47 PM
so you guys are trying to say that oil lights are pointless? ok i wont even start this arguement

tcrave was not saying to check oil level with engine running, read the post fully before stateing opinions! geez he said run motor turn OFF (seems like you didnt read that part) wait, then check oil level. he is correct and his manual was not leing to him :lol: wtf
Tcrave stated "the manual says that you are supposed to let it run for a few minutes to warm up, then shut if off and let it sit for around 30 sec, then tilt it upright to check the oil"
If his manual states that,he better get a new manual.The oil should be checked at the first of the day,before starting the engine.My Kawasaki has a oil light,but I check my oil before each ride.Even if it had a oil pressure gage,I would still check the oil level at the start of the day.

06-05-2011, 05:03 PM
and there is nothing wrong with checking your oil, light or no light. a light would be nice though. i was srprised when i got the bike and it didnt have one, all my other bikes did so i thought it was common place for them to be there. but upon ferther learing i have found that some bikes dont even have oil filters, haha oh boy

06-05-2011, 05:28 PM
and there is nothing wrong with checking your oil, light or no light. a light would be nice though. i was srprised when i got the bike and it didnt have one, all my other bikes did so i thought it was common place for them to be there. but upon ferther learing i have found that some bikes dont even have oil filters, haha oh boy

Yea, my bike is a 90 model.Oil light,belt drive,water cooled,and self canceling turn signals.Pretty ahead of it's time for a bike 21 years old.
:cool: :2tup:

06-05-2011, 05:36 PM
tcrave was not saying to check oil level with engine running, read the post fully before stating opinions! geez he said run motor turn OFF (seems like you didnt read that part) wait, then check oil level. he is correct and his manual was not leing to him :lol: wtf

NO....... seems like YOU didn't read what WE said!!!!!!!!! What we said - if you care to re-read it carefully - was that you should not need to run the engine before checking it! The oil needs time to drain into the sump, so a check should be done before you even think about starting the engine.

Just imagine if the oil was really low, and you started the engine without checking it, just so you could run it for a minute or two. Imagine the damage it would do. That would be really stupid.

Is English your first language? I've noticed that on some of the other posts you've misunderstood some of the replies. :cry:

06-05-2011, 09:22 PM
haha nice burn, yes its my only language. id rather belive a manual than anyones so called "wisdom" anyday :lol: haha whatever

06-05-2011, 09:38 PM
haha nice burn, yes its my only language. id rather belive a manual than anyones so called "wisdom" anyday :lol: haha whatever

So your saying,to check the oil,you first start the bike,let it run for a couple of minutes,shut it off and wait 30 seconds,and THAN check the oil ?????
:??: :retard: :shocked:

06-05-2011, 09:51 PM
no i just check it with the motor cold, thats what his the manual says to do :lol: personally dont do it that way but if its in writing its there for a reason. i love this forum and i love you guys! :crackup

Water Warrior 2
06-05-2011, 11:09 PM
haha nice burn, yes its my only language. id rather belive a manual than anyones so called "wisdom" anyday :lol: haha whatever
Manuals have been know to be wrong. I have personally added and deleted info when I still worked after a so-called expert wrote a procedure because it was wrong and equipment did not work as specified.
As soon as we get into manuals for bikes you have to realize that there have been 2 or 3 translations from different languages to get to the English language and we get some very disturbing results. The British and Australians have the same language as most North Americans and we still wind up confused with entirely different meanings or words being tossed about.
An old Japanese manual for a bike advised riders to Tootle their horn to warn pedestrians. Huh ?

06-06-2011, 03:17 PM
Aw, this is a thread Easy would've been right at home with.

06-06-2011, 04:05 PM
Aw, this is a thread Easy would've been right at home with.

Exactly what was thinking. :poke2: :tongue:

06-06-2011, 04:10 PM
Aw, this is a thread Easy would've been right at home with.

We NEVER said his exhaust was too loud !!!!!!!!!!!! :whistle:

06-06-2011, 05:52 PM
every time i post i feel ike easyrider reincarnate

Water Warrior 2
06-06-2011, 06:49 PM
every time i post i feel ike easyrider reincarnate
Just say to yourself "What would Mary Poppins say?" and go from there. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

06-06-2011, 07:56 PM
not sure what she would say. yall planing on banning me to? :hide:

Water Warrior 2
06-06-2011, 09:10 PM
Not at all so far but if you try for an Easy II designation we might call a meeting. :lol: :lol:

06-06-2011, 09:40 PM
how do yall know im not him? its easy to get another email and new pics and stuff. :neener:

Water Warrior 2
06-07-2011, 12:58 AM
We have our ways and you will be hunted down. :techy: :techy: :techy: :techy:

06-07-2011, 01:18 PM
how do yall know im not him? its easy to get another email and new pics and stuff. :neener:

Easy. I just reference your IP number against Easy's old posts and....

turns out you're not him :)

06-07-2011, 01:56 PM
Don't f**k with Jonathan, Lord of the Forum. :rawk:

06-07-2011, 06:08 PM
well at least i made you go out of your way :neener:

Water Warrior 2
06-07-2011, 09:43 PM
how do yall know im not him? its easy to get another email and new pics and stuff. :neener:

Easy. I just reference your IP number against Easy's old posts and....

turns out you're not him :)
I just knew that was coming. :lol: :lol: :lol: