View Full Version : Clutch Cable

05-30-2011, 09:49 PM
Last Sunday night I did the "needle shim mod" and went out for a quick spin to see if I could spot the difference. Well bugger me if in the middle of nowhere my clutch cable gave up on me.

I managed to limp home by crashing the gear box - I hope I haven't done too much damaged.

Come Monday I started to phone around to get a spare. Apparently there are none to be had in New Zealand, there are 2(!!) on the way but they have already been reserved. I'll have to do a special order from Japan which will take at least 10 days.

Soooooo are there any alternatives? Will the cable of a GN250 fit?

Please help - I can't face the prospect of having not being able to ride for 2 weeks.



05-30-2011, 10:40 PM
A lot of cables will interchange.

The main difference is usually the length.
Search Dennis Kirk and get the part number then google the part number. This should give you a list of bikes the cable will fit.

05-31-2011, 04:12 PM
Clutch cable part number is:

SKU: 785961
Mfg. Part Number: 58200-13F00

Haven't looked for crossovers. But all you need is something similar in length. You can adjust it for propert play.

06-01-2011, 03:39 AM
I managed to find a GN250 being broken - fits perfectly :-)

06-01-2011, 09:33 AM
Good info.
Make sure to share this nugget of wisdom next time someone asks a clutch cable question.