View Full Version : Oil Leak/ Gasket
05-29-2011, 05:38 PM
I noticed an oil leak today while my bike was parked so i checked it out. Turned the bike on in neutral and gave it same gas....I noticed a very small leak coming from two areas (please look at picture attached) Does anyone know the part number for the gasket on the right side of the engine case? Also has anyone had similar experiences/what you did to fix it?
05-29-2011, 05:59 PM
go to suzuki website and look sorry i wont do your homework for you :roll: have you checked the torque of the bolt yet?
05-29-2011, 06:06 PM
I noticed an oil leak today while my bike was parked so i checked it out. Turned the bike on in neutral and gave it same gas....I noticed a very small leak coming from two areas (please look at picture attached) Does anyone know the part number for the gasket on the right side of the engine case? Also has anyone had similar experiences/what you did to fix it?
That is the clutch cover gasket.Part #11482-38312.A easy fix.The hardest part is removing the old gasket from the cover.Just be careful not to gouge the the surface with anything sharp.I used a Dremel tool with a small sanding drum,to remove the old gasket.
:) :cool:
05-29-2011, 06:42 PM
if your limited on tools, goo gone and a sponge work to, after you get most of the gasket off but you gotta use some elbow grease.
05-29-2011, 07:13 PM
Thank you for all your help!!
Have either if you replaced the magneto gasket? And is it fairly painless as well? I figured both are 12 years old and should replace both while I'm at it.
05-29-2011, 07:31 PM
Thank you for all your help!!
Have either if you replaced the magneto gasket? And is it fairly painless as well? I figured both are 12 years old and should replace both while I'm at it.
Yes, it is pretty straight forward also.The cover is a little more difficult to remove because you need to over come the magnetic pull of the fly wheel,without prying or gouging the gasket surfaces.If it's not leaking,I wouldn't disturb it,as it don't get the abuse the clutch side gets.
:cool: :)
05-29-2011, 07:44 PM
+1 dont mess with it. my 99 aint got a leak one, so age aint an issue
Water Warrior 2
05-30-2011, 12:02 AM
Like I once told a friend. " If it ain't broke don't fix it. " He fixed it, it broke.
05-30-2011, 10:41 AM
:plus1: :itsokay:
06-09-2011, 04:11 PM
I'm having a hell of a time getting this caked gasket off...But once it's all cleaned and im ready to put the new gasket on is there anything that needs to be applied around the gasket prior to bolting the cover back on?
06-09-2011, 05:12 PM
I'm having a hell of a time getting this caked gasket off...But once it's all cleaned and im ready to put the new gasket on is there anything that needs to be applied around the gasket prior to bolting the cover back on?
No,the gasket goes on dry. :cool: :)
06-09-2011, 10:14 PM
a trick i learned so you can remove that cover again someday and not ruin the gasket, put some oil on the gasket, this keeps it from coming apart when you split cases
06-10-2011, 09:58 AM
Just wanted to let you all know...After hours of carefully scraping the gasket off I was able to start the bike up this morning! I have found no leaks so far! Fingers crossed =D
06-10-2011, 12:46 PM
removing old gasket is the worst part of living.
06-10-2011, 07:01 PM
So I feared the worst. I have a leak on the magneto case upper right size from.a bolt that chipped some metal away. Can I used a glue to seal it up or anyone have ideas?
06-10-2011, 07:09 PM
So I feared the worst. I have a leak on the magneto case upper right size from.a bolt that chipped some metal away. Can I used a glue to seal it up or anyone have ideas?
I don't think so.Your just prolonging what you will have to do.I know,a crappy job.
:itsokay: :curse:
06-10-2011, 07:18 PM
so youy did end up with a leak on the other isde? :shocked: wow now if that aint some kinda messag i dont know what is
06-11-2011, 12:59 PM
Not sure my life could get much worse atm with these dang oil leaks!!!!!! I have attached a photo with another oil leak coming from underneath the engine case. The drip that shows in the picture is hanging off the magneto side (and is a different leak from my post above about the bolt).Is there a gasket that's right there in the middle of the engine case? I'm not seeing one in my parts manual.
I suspect that I will be taking the bike to the shop to get worked on in coming days, but wanted to get parts bought before taking it in. If anyone has had similar leaks from underneath the engine case and has a possible source where it may be coming from, I'd be interested in hearing in case I'm over looking a specific place.
:poorbaby: :cuss:
06-15-2011, 04:47 PM
Thank you for all your help!!
Have either if you replaced the magneto gasket? And is it fairly painless as well? I figured both are 12 years old and should replace both while I'm at it.
Yes, it is pretty straight forward also.The cover is a little more difficult to remove because you need to over come the magnetic pull of the fly wheel,without prying or gouging the gasket surfaces.If it's not leaking,I wouldn't disturb it,as it don't get the abuse the clutch side gets.
:cool: :)
Hey Blaine,
you seem pretty well rounded on the gz250. So im doing the gasket on the magneto side now...There is a hex bolt in the upper left corner of the cover and a center bolt that looks like you can remove with a large flat head screw driver.... Do both need to be removed to take off the magneto cover? Just want to make sure i dont mess anything up.
06-15-2011, 05:01 PM
The large center plug is for access to turn the engine over when adjusting the valves.It does not need to come out to remove the cover.
:) :cool:
06-16-2011, 08:51 AM
Maybe it's just me being cheap, but I would just make sure the case bolts were all tightened to spec and then live with it. I think seep leaks are par for the course with small displacement bikes. I've always just washed them down every weekend so I can see if they get worse. Or if I start losing 1 quart of oil per week, then there would be a problem. But based on the location of that leak, you won't be losing oil while you are riding. Just while it's sitting.
music man
09-18-2011, 08:29 AM
Maybe it's just me being cheap, but I would just make sure the case bolts were all tightened to spec and then live with it. I think seep leaks are par for the course with small displacement bikes. I've always just washed them down every weekend so I can see if they get worse. Or if I start losing 1 quart of oil per week, then there would be a problem. But based on the location of that leak, you won't be losing oil while you are riding. Just while it's sitting.
:plus1: :plus1: To Tightening the bolts back down, the GZ I just bought back had a head gasket leak, I torqued the head bolts back down and presto, no more leak.
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