View Full Version : new sprocket and chain tomorrow.

Water Warrior 2
05-28-2011, 01:53 AM
In preparation for my new sprockets and chain tomorrow I thought a little cleaning would be appropriate. The following are pics of the front sprocket after 25,000 km(15500 mille). Very little wear by my eyes but with a new chain going on why use an old sprocket and promote a shorter life span for the chain. The rear will also be replaced. Pics of the sprocket cover are after said distance with little build up of mung and chain lube. I have used Du Pont with teflon all this time. Prior to that the original front sprocket was incased in a big blob of mung and dirty stuff. The sprocket cover was a total disaster too. Full of stuff and just enough room where the sprocket rotated.
This is probably after 2 or 3 chain cleaning sessions. Bad but I was curious about build up with Du Pont. I am impressed.

Cleaned up the cover using Sunlight liquid dish soap and paper towels.

05-28-2011, 09:23 AM
have fun, hwy what size is the front sproket nut?

Water Warrior 2
05-28-2011, 11:37 AM
Hmm, maybe 32 mm. I really have no firm answer. I will be going to my local Yamaha shop to have the front sprocket and chain installed. Ride home and do the rear myself. I don't have the tools, patience or proper work area to fight with the bike. Or just chalk it up to being older and less agile when kneeling down on concrete. Give me a well lite garage and a bike lift table and I would be all over it.

05-28-2011, 12:11 PM
WW, I was cleaning out my parents rental storage locker and the guy next to us had his set up just like a garage workspace. He came by on a Saturday afternoon, set up his lawn chairs, unloaded his Coleman cooler from the car and basically camped out for the day while he and his son worked on some sort of project. I figured this was an ideal way to live in an apartment and still have a "man cave". I second the lift table notion. My knees and back are getting more and more fragile.

Water Warrior 2
05-28-2011, 05:13 PM
A storage locker would have some definite advantages but also some disadvantages too. 1st the price of real estate around here is insane so the locker rental would be ugly. 2nd old guys always forget where all the tools are. As it is I shuttle up and down the apt to the parking area for more tools all the time. With a locker I would have a much further shuttle. I always like to have some minor tools handy and I'm sure they would not be the best or even workable if I moved everything else to a locker.
In days gone by when I was rich and infamous(well financed to the 9s) I had a laaaaarge double garage with big windows, lots of light and heat at the flip of a switch. All that went away with the future retirement home, mortgage, 2nd wife and a boat load of debt. Am I better off ? You bet. Now I just pay folks to do the heavy lifting and whine now and again. Retired and Life is good.

The front sprocket and chain are on now. I will do the rear sprocket and other checks later this weekend if I feel ambitious. I am willing to do that myself only because it is pretty hard to mess up. After that I will go test my new gearing in the twisties and on the hills.

05-28-2011, 06:57 PM
you two old timers are cracking me up :biggrin: new gearing? what did you do?

Water Warrior 2
05-29-2011, 12:55 AM
The new gearing was one tooth more on the front sprocket. 4th and 5th should be nicer with a little longer torque curve. 6th will put me near the bottom of the torque curve when just loafing along in the sunshine.

Water Warrior 2
05-30-2011, 02:21 AM
All done as of today. 2 sprockets, new chain. Checked and adjusted the clutch push rod on the side of the case. All set for a summer of riding with a trouble free Suzuki. Thank goodness for pain killers as a 3 to 4 hour stint down on my knees or bending over is a killer. Would love a bike lift like a bike shop but it is done and I will recover. Old guys shouldn't have to fight so hard to R and R a rear wheel with all the assorted spacers and pieces that require 4 hands and 4 arms. Did a quick check of the rubber cushions in the rear hub and they are as tight as new. I must be a pretty smooth rider to accomplish that.
51750 kms(32,000 miles)and I've done the sprockets and chain for the 2nd time. Had a shop do the front sprocket as I haven't the big tools or expertise to install the master link without the special tool. Oh yeah. Somebody asked, it is a 32 mm socket for the front sprocket R and R.
Had a smart young man working on the bike. He had previously worked in a Suzuki shop and knew his way around a Vstrom very well. A very good learning experience for me as he was more than happy to share his knowledge and make my future trouble shooting and maintenance much easier. Not that I have a lot but there might come a time. Rain tomorrow but Tuesday will be warm and clear. Ready to try out the new gearing in the twisties and hills.