View Full Version : Clutch Cable replacement

05-25-2011, 10:50 AM
Hey all,

So this is the first bike I'm doing my own maintenance on, so this may be a very simple question. My clutch cable snapped last night. :skull: I've already ordered a new one. I'll have it in tomorrow, and understand the basic of installing it at the clutch control.

However, what I don't understand is how the "springiness" works. How do you install it so that when you release the clutch the clutch control returns to position?

I tried looking through the Service manual but didn't see anything. (I was browsing quickly on a slow computer, so I might have missed it) If anyone can point to a detailed install or "How-To" on the forum I would greatly appreciate it. :)


05-25-2011, 01:40 PM
The springiness is in the clutch itself. When you pull the cable, it opposes the pull of the clutch springs, then when you release the lever, the springs return to their original position. :2tup:

05-25-2011, 03:06 PM
as for the adjustment, first make sure there is some slack at the botom of the cable at the motor. you should be able to wiggle it with your hand. that will give you the proper amoun of play so your not riding the clutch constantly. then adjust the handle lever with some play in it too

05-26-2011, 12:58 PM
Great advice guys. I'm still waiting for the cable, but in the mean time can anyone direct me to a tutorial or service manual section that covers the installation of the cable? Although I think I've got a pretty idea, seeing pictures would really help.

05-26-2011, 04:09 PM
Great advice guys. I'm still waiting for the cable, but in the mean time can anyone direct me to a tutorial or service manual section that covers the installation of the cable? Although I think I've got a pretty idea, seeing pictures would really help.
About the only information on the clutch cable is on page 2-9 of the manual.To make things a little easier,when you unhook your old cable tape the new one to the end of the old one and pull it up through.This way you know the new cable is routed the same as the old one.
:) :2tup:

05-26-2011, 07:37 PM
Be sure that you turn the handlebars to the far side and check to make sure that is not to tight on the cable. Otherwise, I was taught to leave a gap about the thickness of a nickle when the bars are straight ahead, the gap being where the edge of the clutch lever closes up on the front. Boy, that is a lot easier to show someone than to try and put into words. I don't have my camera with me right now or I'd take a picture to show what I mean.

05-26-2011, 08:43 PM
I was taught to leave a gap about the thickness of a nickle when the bars are straight ahead, the gap being where the edge of the clutch lever closes up on the front.

About 1/2" to 9/16" of free play at the outer tip of the clutch lever.
:) :rawk:

05-27-2011, 09:34 AM
Thanks. I'll try to take some pictures as I do this, and if it works I'll post a how-to for the next guy who has to do this.