View Full Version : initial servic

07-09-2007, 11:23 AM
i just got my 07 gz june 16 ..the guy at the shop i bought it from says i should bring it in at 600 mile to have the initial service done im at 550 now only thing is i dont think i'll have the 150 dollar service fee..what im gettin at is how far or how many miles can i go before i screw up my new bike or should i park until i get money which would only be about 2 weeks

Easy Rider
07-09-2007, 12:23 PM
i just got my 07 gz june 16 ..the guy at the shop i bought it from says i should bring it in at 600 mile to have the initial service done im at 550 now only thing is i dont think i'll have the 150 dollar service fee..what im gettin at is how far or how many miles can i go before i screw up my new bike or should i park until i get money which would only be about 2 weeks

A couple of hundred miles won't make any difference; you're OK to 700 for sure.

07-09-2007, 10:18 PM
Easyrider's going in the right direction...I'd carry it a little further and suggest that, unless you notice some wierd behavior, you're probably go way up until you save up enough money. The only reasons that the miles are important is because they make you bring it in to stay within warranty.

Also, the main adjustment to this service, which can be pretty expensive, is the valve adjustment. If you know how to follow instructions, measure and turn a wrench, it can be done at home.

I'm not suggesting that you do this unless you feel pretty mechanically inclined. I'm just saying that, if you feel so inclined, it's no big deal.
Throw that in with a spark plug change and an oil change you're done.

07-11-2007, 10:22 PM
Look in the service manual. The initial service is essentially changing the oil, checking valve clearance, chain tension, and checking bolt torque. If you've a mind to do it yourself you can buy the tools for less than the dealer will do it for.

07-11-2007, 10:57 PM
thanx to all for reply