View Full Version : Petcock not working?

05-19-2011, 07:39 AM
Have had my bike since Sep 2010, and this was my attempt to see how far I could get on one tank of gas. Filled it up, turned the trip meter to zero and left petcock in the ON position.

Good news: found that my bike went 343kms in town driving before the tank ran dry. Bad news: petcock was in the ON position the entire time. Which is why I had to have someone run out gas to me so that I could get home from work last week.

When the bike wouldn't start, I tried to change the petcock to the reserve position. Let it sit for a bit and tried to turn it on. Then I checked the tank, rocked the bike with the tank open and found that the tank was dry. Isn't this was the reserve setting suppose to prevent?? Ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Filled the tank and bike ran fine for 230kms, but now having other issues (see Bike won't stay on)

05-19-2011, 08:01 AM
The petcock on these bikes have a habit of the pickup tube falling off in the tank,leaving you with no reserve level in the tank.Its a easy fix once you take the petcock out and have a look.The pickup tube will be laying in the tank.It has a screen in it to prevent dirt getting into your carb.When the tube fell off,it left everything open to any dirt in the bottom of the tank.That is why I suggested the inline filter in the other post. This very thing has happened to other riders on here.Do a search under "petcock" you will find lots of info on this very problem.Good luck.

05-19-2011, 10:52 AM
it happened me - it was a bitch to get the pipe out and +1 on the inline fuel filter - that'll save you a few headaches

05-19-2011, 04:23 PM
Thanks for the info. I will take it all apart this weekend and let you know how it goes.

05-20-2011, 12:09 AM
The petcock is supposed to be in the ON position, that's normal operating position. Only when the engine is on, a vacuum opens a valve, and gas flows. When the engine is off, the valve closes and there is no flow of gas.
The other position is RESERVE, same action, just a different, shorter pickup tube at the bottom of the tank.
With your taller ON tube having fallen off the petcock inside the tank, you were essentially running the tank dry, the same as if you had it in the RESERVE position.

The other, third, position of the petcock. is PRIME, in which the valve is open and gas will free-flow and the only thing stopping it will be a needle valve inside the carb operated by the pressure of the float, and may not be relied on to keep the flow of gas stopped.

Read the manuals on this site, search for petcock threads on here, and you'll see the operation and pics of how it works. Look at the pictures, make sure you know which way the arm of the petcock is supposed to point - the difference between RUN and RESERVE.