View Full Version : bike check

05-13-2011, 06:41 AM
Over here, a bike has to have a full examination on its 4th birthday, then every 2 years. Took it, this morning, to the ITV station (Inspección Technica Vehiculo) Paid my €17.26 ($24.65) then found that a couple of things had changed since I last took a bike in. Firstly, in addition to having to produce my fischa technica (to prove the bike conforms to the construction regs) & permisso de circulacion (to prove ownership) we now have to produce proof that the bike is currently insured.
Then, after the test of emission, lights, horn, brakes (on the rolling road) came the new part. They now test the level of exhaust (muffler) noise. This is done with a microphone set at a distinct distance/angle from the end of the pipe (set with a guage), and a clip on the spark plug lead to record RPM. The geezer came out at 85.26 Db at 4000 RPM. I don't know what the legal maximum is, but it passed inspection. Just shows that you wouldn't have much chance of fitting noisy aftermarket pipes, in Spain. :2tup:

05-13-2011, 06:48 AM
Loud pipes save lives...

A million Harley riders can't be wrong???

There are a few states here that have a noise limit, but it is not enforced.

Water Warrior 2
05-13-2011, 03:31 PM
And 999,999 of them suffer hearing loss.

05-13-2011, 03:58 PM