05-10-2011, 10:43 PM
just as a FYI....
my disclaimer:
i was in a rush and i felt like i did a horrible job. however... its better than what it was.
i will never buy another rubatone helmet again. coating broke down and got sticky. pollen, dirt, cat hair.... anything would stick to it... except pedestrians apparently.
i sanded it down to get rid of nearly all of the original finish. Lori and I went into Advance Auto and picked out what we thought was the closest match to her '07 Suzuki... it was a Toyota color... Stellar Blue Pearl (BTY1612). i also clear coated it with Crystal Clear. primed with sandable primer.... kinda the black/grey color. all i can say.. is wow. dispite my sorry work on the finish sanding. :rolleyes: looks good from 10 feet, though.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/225987_1679026931533_1113316232_31298783_699741_n. jpg
helmet is a AFX FX90
my disclaimer:
i was in a rush and i felt like i did a horrible job. however... its better than what it was.
i will never buy another rubatone helmet again. coating broke down and got sticky. pollen, dirt, cat hair.... anything would stick to it... except pedestrians apparently.
i sanded it down to get rid of nearly all of the original finish. Lori and I went into Advance Auto and picked out what we thought was the closest match to her '07 Suzuki... it was a Toyota color... Stellar Blue Pearl (BTY1612). i also clear coated it with Crystal Clear. primed with sandable primer.... kinda the black/grey color. all i can say.. is wow. dispite my sorry work on the finish sanding. :rolleyes: looks good from 10 feet, though.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/225987_1679026931533_1113316232_31298783_699741_n. jpg
helmet is a AFX FX90