View Full Version : brake pads

05-09-2011, 12:22 PM
As some of you probably know, I live in the mountains, & every ride starts with a long downhill run, with a low speed limit. This means that I get a very poor mileage out of the brake pads. I'm talking like 3000 km (2000 miles). Went to get new pads today, & the mechanic advised me to try out some different pads. They're EBC brakes (marked as high performance), around the equivalent of $10 more than the ones I normally get. The packet says "Black non asbestos organic series (FA). A GG rated high brake effect organic pad blended with aramid fibres as used in bullet proof vests and the space shuttle. These pads give good mileage and eliminate rotor galling and are suitable for all big sports bikes, cruisers and tourers alike". I'm giving them a try, but has anyone else used these type of pads? "GG rated" "aramid fibres" "rotor galling" is double dutch to me. Anyone care to explain? or pass judgement on the pads? :) :popcorn:

Water Warrior 2
05-09-2011, 12:28 PM
Those pads are very often recommended by other riders as a better product than OEM pads. You will likely get better braking and longer life over and above the increased priced difference. Many dealers have them in stock as a common item.

05-09-2011, 04:48 PM
try using a lower gear going down hils, my gz has excelent engine braking and i dont have to touch the brakes going down some steep hills

05-09-2011, 05:20 PM
my gz has excelent engine braking and i dont have to touch the brakes going down some steep hills

But engine braking on mine is non existant. All the lower gear does is make it over-rev. I'm talking about keeping the speed to 30 MPH down the side of a mountain. :cry: :)

05-09-2011, 08:34 PM
that sucks dude, i wonder why mine has suck good engine braking? something bad is about to happen to it huh? :lol: well then as far as the pads yeah they will work for you

02-07-2012, 02:31 PM
Updating this old post. Well...... The pads were the worst I've ever used. At 1,392 miles I've had to replace them. The grinding & squealing were driving me mad. Never ever had that with other pads. Braking was no better than with ordinary pads. Definitely, in my opinion, not worth the extra money, with the GZ. Now I've replaced them, peace again. They've not done the disc any favours either. It's much more scored than it used to be. My advice for the GZ - stick to the cheapo normal pads. BTW, I let the bike shop change the pads, it's only €5 ($7?) labour, & the mechanic who advised me to change them was surprised at the poor results. Perhaps useful for high powered sports bikes, but not for the GZ.

Gz Rider
02-07-2012, 03:02 PM

Water Warrior 2
02-07-2012, 03:04 PM
Alantf, that is a bummer. At least we now know from your experience what not to use. As your mechanic suggested they might be designed for a racing application and where money is a secondary thought and performance is the primary concern.