View Full Version : Idling

05-02-2011, 12:15 PM
After riding for awhile, my bike idles really high it seems when Im at a light/stop sign when Im holding in the clutch, but is fine once I start moving. Im not sure what causes that, Ive tried to adjust engine idle, so its not so loud, but seems like it has a hard time idling when I first start the bike.

Also, the bike backfires when I turn it off after I ride it for 10+ minutes at 55-60mph, but only sometimes. Any ideas?

05-02-2011, 02:11 PM
Ive tried to adjust engine idle,........ seems like it has a hard time idling when I first start the bike.

First........... Yes, it will have a hard time idling when you first start the bike. You need to use the choke, & reduce it, bit by bit, until the engine gets warmer. That's what happens with air cooled engines.

second ......... the engine idle should only be set when it's HOT, & the choke's OFF. Suzuki recommend 1200 - 1400 RPM, so use this as your starting point to get it set to what you're happy with.

:) :2tup:

05-02-2011, 02:21 PM
Yea, I guess my main problem is the choke cable doesnt work, Ive tried using wd40 to loosen the control, Ive taken it off the carb, I guess I just need a new cable, hopefully

07-07-2011, 06:19 AM
I only adjust mine when the motor is warm. I have mine set a little higher so when the engine is cooler or first started, I can still let it sort of idle by itself without stalling. I have noticed when you set the idle to idle good at warm engine temp, it does not idle good at cooler engine temp. Hope thsi helps. GZBrian.

07-07-2011, 06:57 AM
How many miles since the last valve adjustment?