View Full Version : Trouble starting when damp/wet

05-01-2011, 02:12 AM
Hi there, I've had my GZ for a year now and has given me very few issues.

It is garaged over night and has no problem starting in the mornings but I park it outside at work and if it has been raining or even heavy mist during the day it is very likely to have starting issues that afternoon or evening. I live in sub-tropical Queensland, Australia so it is nothing to do with a cold winter.

Pressing the starter the engine cranks over but won't fire so I need to bump start it, I assume it is an electrical issue, water getting into the wiring or connections somewhere, can anyone help me with likely suspects or possible places to start pulling apart to waterproof/tape up/whatever may be necessary.

Thanks guys!


Water Warrior 2
05-01-2011, 02:44 AM
First make sure the battery cables are clean and tight. I would then look for a cracked or damaged spark plug wire. Possibly the spark plug cap is cracked or not fitting tightly enough for proper contact. Others will pop in soon enough with their ideas and possible fixes.

05-01-2011, 10:22 AM
thats a tough one ther. best thing i could tell you is to take the tank off and have a looksy at the coil and wiring and all that for anything out of the ordinary. so its not a cold thing, just a wet thing? might just need a new spark plug, who knows? just give it a good once over and look for other things to like carb air leaks

05-01-2011, 10:04 PM
Once you get it started does it run rough or does it seem fine?

05-01-2011, 11:33 PM
Once you get it started does it run rough or does it seem fine?

It runs absolutely fine once started.

Water Warrior 2
05-02-2011, 12:44 PM
Interesting. Do you have a battery tender ? If so I would leave it parked outside at home and plugged in to keep the battery charged up overnight. See if it starts happily with that. That might eliminate any battery discharge due to moisture in the air and effecting anything electrical. Yeah I'm grasping at straws but you never know.
I once had a Dodge that wouldn't run after dark until I added a bottle or 2 of alcohol to the tank. I'm sure it was built during a Friday night party at the factory.

05-02-2011, 12:51 PM
Are you using some choke to start it, like you are supposed to, unless it's already warmed up? If it was a wet wire/electrical issue, bump starting it (if you mean rolling it and popping the clutch in gear) shouldn't have much of a difference.