View Full Version : Rear Blinkers?

04-22-2011, 12:48 PM
So I hope this is the right place for this.... but I unfortunately laid the GZ over for the first time this morning... luckily the majority of the damage is to my ego being bruised.

That being said I snapped the plastic bracket that the right blinker is held in place by on the rear of the bike would anyone know what part this is? I think it might be

part # 63311C12F00J000 (ref no 11 pg 41 of the parts manual)

I'll have to get a picture of it and look at it more also seems I may have bent my rear brake pedal a bit as it feels a bit high compared to where it should be in relation to my foot.

Thank you for your time and help folks!

04-22-2011, 01:36 PM
Yes that is the rear fender extension.Your brake pedal has a adjustment under the pedal.Just make sure your brake light still works,as you may need to make a adjustment to the switch.
:) :cool:

04-22-2011, 04:51 PM
Reference the brake pedal - I've had this problem when my bike went down after being side swiped when overtaking - I reckon you'll find the problem is that the plate (under the brake pedal) that holds the adjusting bolt, has been bent, so the bolt is no longer touching the brake pedal arm. The plate should be horizontal. Look under the pedal, & I'll bet the bolt isn't touching the arm. If this is the case, then remove the bolt, & use a hammer to bash the plate back to the horizontal. Replace the bolt, & adjust it 'til the pedal's in the correct position. An easy fix. :2tup:

It could be that the plate has just been bent slightly, so even if it is touching, it may still need bashing horizontal.

04-24-2011, 12:14 PM
Look on ebay for parts..Theres tons of GZ parts available

04-28-2011, 03:06 PM
Did check ebay might pickup a brake assembly from there if I can't tweak this one back into place. On the rear fender extension was $15 from the factory so just went with new waiting on it to arrive now. Thanks for the help folks!