View Full Version : GZ Rev limit
04-10-2011, 02:17 AM
Found this think its viable info. :popcorn:
You can clearly see the rpm gauge in this video and it clearly shows 9,500 as a redline! Now since this bike uses the same motor as ours (not sure about the carb or all that but pretty sure its the same) I think it is safe to say that our bikes can rev to near or even that range on an ongoing basis! Not daily or hourly but once and a while for passing and so on!
And it also makes sence since when I had my gz at 87miles an hour that means the motor was doing 8,700rpm so still in the "safe" range! Since I ahve heard with 5th your MPH speed is X(times) 1000 and that should roughly be your RPM! :popcorn:
Not that I would recomend revving all the way to 11grand! But a good shoing of the revving. Also the driving is just superstupid! ... re=related ( :shocked: :popcorn:
Water Warrior 2
04-10-2011, 02:50 AM
Don't even think about it. If you need to go 80 MPH to pass a car on a GZ you might be in a world of hurt. Even that is not really a realistic speed for a GZ. Yeah they will do it on occasion under good conditions but they don't like it. 65 MPH is a more realistic speed for this bike.
I honestly believe if you need to go that fast you need a bigger bike or pick a smaller less travelled road. I'm not trying to be the Safety Czar but just being concerned about your health and welfare. When the bike is near the limit you are more of a hazard if you suddenly need to Get Outta Dodge.
04-10-2011, 04:30 AM
Don't even think about it. If you need to go 80 MPH to pass a car on a GZ you might be in a world of hurt. Even that is not really a realistic speed for a GZ. Yeah they will do it on occasion under good conditions but they don't like it. 65 MPH is a more realistic speed for this bike.
I honestly believe if you need to go that fast you need a bigger bike or pick a smaller less travelled road. I'm not trying to be the Safety Czar but just being concerned about your health and welfare. When the bike is near the limit you are more of a hazard if you suddenly need to Get Outta Dodge.
Oh no I was not clear yet again on a forum :shocked: I really need to ether reread my stuff or get someone else to type it out for me! :neener: .
I was personally worried that I over reved on the highway and the answer is NO I did not!
What I ment about revving to those limits are not ment for the highway. What I ment was more along the lines of you need to get past a car or truck or something doing 40mph/60kph you bump it down to second and take second to about 9,000rpm and the thing is screaming but it gets you outta there! Then that is ok since these motors can atke 9,5000rpm. So runing gears 1 2 and 3 to there limits in a tight spot taht you might need to is ok so people are not shifting at like say 6,000rpm cuz they think the motor will not rev higher and they are not getting the acceliration they need outta the bike in a tight spot on a normal road! And the speeds I went were more or less to see if the GZ could even pull it of. More for fun then anything but ay I dont think Ill be hitting those numbers really on roads again except on a track from now on.
So is that big mess of words any clearer? :lol: :cry: :retard: :neener: :biggrin:
04-10-2011, 01:15 PM
In the 2nd vid that engine sounds really odd for its indicated RPM; like it's only spinning half that fast. Maybe it's just a quirk of the camera sound system.
Water Warrior 2
04-10-2011, 02:01 PM
Much more clear now. I might have read a bit too much into the original post too. It's all good now.
04-10-2011, 08:23 PM
In the 2nd vid that engine sounds really odd for its indicated RPM; like it's only spinning half that fast. Maybe it's just a quirk of the camera sound system.
It might also be cuz of wind noise and other traffice and so on cuz the second video is nosiey to begin with!
At WW Ok good! I just dont wanna be giving the wrong impretion about how far the GZ should be pushed on the highway this is not a highway worrier bike! :rawk:
04-21-2011, 08:35 PM
Should this be stickied? Cuz when I asked about the GZ250's redline nobudy on hear seemed to really know for sure.
04-21-2011, 10:10 PM
funny how everyone thinks there your mommy :whistle:
04-22-2011, 07:18 PM
Geezer explain I dont get it. lol
Water Warrior 2
04-22-2011, 08:45 PM
I suspect Geezer had a bad day yesterday, his posts were a slight bit unusual.
04-22-2011, 09:35 PM
yeah i was drunk, but i was jjust making fun try not to take offence :fu: lol :lol:
Water Warrior 2
04-22-2011, 10:26 PM
And here I thought we would have to tell you to back away from the bong. :lol: :lol:
04-22-2011, 11:00 PM
shit son i wish! i had to stop befor i got into marines and havent picked it up sence almost 8 yr now, oh well
04-23-2011, 04:07 AM
Wait offense from me? Or what I am lost now big time :poke2: :retard: :lol:
Someone tell me whats going on :shocked:
04-23-2011, 10:17 PM
way over your head i guess dude anyway i run the bike up to red line today got 30mph in first but i didnt like the way the rev limiter made the bike sound so i only did it twice and ill nver do it again lol
04-24-2011, 12:34 AM
ya I think I pushed it up to 31 or 32mph at the most a few times. I almost redlined in 5th. but ya it sounds like it is really trying at those rpm!
04-24-2011, 01:05 PM
Why do you want to blow up your bike, or seriously shorten it's life?
04-25-2011, 01:58 PM
Why do you want to blow up your bike, or seriously shorten it's life?
I did this ofte with my old motor and like once with the newer one. Let the record show that if I ahd checked my oil before I hit the highway that day and before my buddy and I got on my bike and headed to the bike show I would not have had a problem with the motor. The second one that spun the top end was full of oil and was running great! I think some dirt or carbon got loss and cloged and oil passage to the top of the motor.
If the motor was made to rev to those limits then it can take it. Like I said not hoursly or daily but it can do it.
And why do people not car about revving a 250 or 125 cbr or ninja 250 but when we clearly see that our motor come equiped to a sport bike so that means it waas ment to rev no one wants to rev it! I do not think this motor was even make with the cruser in mind. More tourqe and cost effectiveness cuz of the thumper desing. :cool:
04-25-2011, 07:04 PM
maybe it will be safer if you richen the mixture a bit by jetting, lean = hot and that = blown motor
04-25-2011, 10:38 PM
maybe it will be safer if you richen the mixture a bit by jetting, lean = hot and that = blown motor
Yes very ture Ill deal with that problem when I get there but I am plannin on a oil cooler and when I upgrade the motor I will be getting it tuned with the new jets and all. Put I dont push it like I used to with the first motor so it should be all guud! :2tup:
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