View Full Version : Need 2 know. many questions Please answer

rolling barcalounger
04-05-2011, 10:48 PM
Hello I like to call myself The Rolling Barcalounger Because of my love for a 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale. I also have a 1996 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 Model "88" and a mint condition 1984 Honda Elite 125cc. I recently bought a 2007 Suzuki GZ 250. it has only 2700 miles on it for $1100. My questions are as follows:

Was this a good deal? Bike needs rear tire and oil change and I notice it pops exhaust every now and then out the left side of the manafold "RING" on cylinder head.

What were these bikes cost new?

What if any are known issues other than the obvious 16t sproket upgrade

What is the average life expectancy with regards to miles I can expect to get from this bike.

How can I make it last??...I know oil changing and I can work on my own things. very well mechanically inclind with a multitude of tools.

Any helpful answers would be greatly appreciated...

I am a big guy..6 ft tall 340 pounds I own big bikes. But kinda FOND of this black little 250. I live in Texas and ride year round. I wrecked a 1982 Yamaha 1100 Maxim. some one pulled out in front of me and was in hospital for 6 months and in a wheelchair for 3 years until I got back on the Ironhorse again. That was Sept. 97. My bones are Evil Keneviled with much metal.

I can get on and off this little GZ-250 easier than any other bike I owned and it is sooo easy to shift. I will post picts of my collection of bikes here soon which will also include a mint condidion 1984 Honda Elite 125 scooter
. Thank You Rolling Barcalounger

04-05-2011, 11:09 PM
Welcome to the forum :)
Regarding your questions: - yes it looks like a good deal. If it's in good shape and well maintained.

New cost is about $3200 as far as I know. Plus whatever the dealer charges for delivery etc.

The sprocket: it does take away some of the top speed. Based on that I never did it.

Life (mileage) expectancy: once i heard a rule of thumb, multiply a bike cc's by 100. That will give you 24,900 miles.
There is a thread somewhere here where people posted their mileage.

How to make it last: download the maintenance manual from this site, and follow the instructions.

Keep the shiny side up ! :rawk:

04-05-2011, 11:32 PM
Welcome to the forum.These bikes will last a long time if maintained properly.I had a 99 model that I rode for almost 4 years.It had 46000 kms on it when I sold it and still worked excellent.
:cool: :)

rolling barcalounger
04-06-2011, 01:21 AM
I bought it from an old man about a month ago. It seems like he just rode it and parked it in garage. looks great. pipes are blued rom the cylinder head to about 5 to 6 inches down the pipe. oil and filter need changing for sure as it looks as he never turned a bolt on drain plug or oil filter cover. Also I know valves need adjusting as well for 3000 mile tune up. I hope adjusting them will resolve the issue of the exhaust popping out from exhaust head RING manafold. it only does this when starting up with choke and only very occasionally.

04-06-2011, 05:05 AM
GZ's main problem is the carb clogging up. Keep some carb cleaner handy, to put in the fuel tank. I reckon a dose now wouldn't do any harm. :)

04-06-2011, 01:35 PM
I had a 2006 gz250 I bought in Jan 2007. It got really cold (0'f) for a few weeks and I got hurt by a horse in March 2007 so I didnt start riding it until April 2007. By October, I had 11,000+ miles on the little bike, including a 1100 mile ride to the Smokies, and a 2500 mile trip to Florida. I bought a C50 in Oct 2007 because I like to ride Interstate (I know, I am weird) and I bought the C50. I sold the bike to a guy I work with and it is still going strong.
I changed oil every 1000 miles (I do all my motorcycles) and never had a problem. I never had a carb issue because the little bike was ridden almost every day after I started riding it. I did put in a couple of ounces of Seafoam every other oil change though.

rolling barcalounger
04-08-2011, 01:26 AM
WOW excelent advice. SEAFOAM. I used that in 2 cycle boat motors. NEVER thought to use in a motorcycle..I just bought another engine that has only 3200 miles on it. the other engine is complete less the starter. I heard it run before it was taken of bike. it is from a 2000 Suzuki GZ 250 It has the carburator along with it. Looks IDENTICAL to the engine on bile already. I also purchased the 16 tooth sprocket we will see how this goes.