rolling barcalounger
04-05-2011, 10:48 PM
Hello I like to call myself The Rolling Barcalounger Because of my love for a 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale. I also have a 1996 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 Model "88" and a mint condition 1984 Honda Elite 125cc. I recently bought a 2007 Suzuki GZ 250. it has only 2700 miles on it for $1100. My questions are as follows:
Was this a good deal? Bike needs rear tire and oil change and I notice it pops exhaust every now and then out the left side of the manafold "RING" on cylinder head.
What were these bikes cost new?
What if any are known issues other than the obvious 16t sproket upgrade
What is the average life expectancy with regards to miles I can expect to get from this bike.
How can I make it last??...I know oil changing and I can work on my own things. very well mechanically inclind with a multitude of tools.
Any helpful answers would be greatly appreciated...
I am a big guy..6 ft tall 340 pounds I own big bikes. But kinda FOND of this black little 250. I live in Texas and ride year round. I wrecked a 1982 Yamaha 1100 Maxim. some one pulled out in front of me and was in hospital for 6 months and in a wheelchair for 3 years until I got back on the Ironhorse again. That was Sept. 97. My bones are Evil Keneviled with much metal.
I can get on and off this little GZ-250 easier than any other bike I owned and it is sooo easy to shift. I will post picts of my collection of bikes here soon which will also include a mint condidion 1984 Honda Elite 125 scooter
. Thank You Rolling Barcalounger
Was this a good deal? Bike needs rear tire and oil change and I notice it pops exhaust every now and then out the left side of the manafold "RING" on cylinder head.
What were these bikes cost new?
What if any are known issues other than the obvious 16t sproket upgrade
What is the average life expectancy with regards to miles I can expect to get from this bike.
How can I make it last??...I know oil changing and I can work on my own things. very well mechanically inclind with a multitude of tools.
Any helpful answers would be greatly appreciated...
I am a big guy..6 ft tall 340 pounds I own big bikes. But kinda FOND of this black little 250. I live in Texas and ride year round. I wrecked a 1982 Yamaha 1100 Maxim. some one pulled out in front of me and was in hospital for 6 months and in a wheelchair for 3 years until I got back on the Ironhorse again. That was Sept. 97. My bones are Evil Keneviled with much metal.
I can get on and off this little GZ-250 easier than any other bike I owned and it is sooo easy to shift. I will post picts of my collection of bikes here soon which will also include a mint condidion 1984 Honda Elite 125 scooter
. Thank You Rolling Barcalounger