View Full Version : Bouncing at 40 mph with 16T sprocket, solved

Easy Rider
06-26-2007, 09:26 AM
Since we're into pulsing bikes, has anyone noticed that at a certain RPM, the bike actually almost bounces up and down? It's like riding a trotting horse. I'm guessing that it's sypmathetic vibration caused by the single-cylinder engine that just builds up. I can hit it pretty consistantly at around 40mph in 4th gear with the 16T sprocket. All I have to do is back off the throttle or go up just a hair and it goes away.

Couldn't remember where this was posted; finally found it!

Don't know for sure what causes it, probably a combination of the counter-balanced single and the suspension design and maybe even the spacing of the pavement cracks.
It sure is a wierd sensation though!

At any rate, I'm pretty sure I eliminated it by upping the rear shock pre-load(s) by one notch. Had it on the lowest setting to start with. Haven't noticed the bronko bucking now for the past 5 rides.

06-26-2007, 09:42 AM
I adjusted mine to the fourth setting the day I got the bike. I don't know how you managed riding around on #1. That must have felt like a tempurpedic back there. :neener:

Take care :)

Easy Rider
06-26-2007, 12:46 PM
I adjusted mine to the fourth setting the day I got the bike. Jonathan

Old habits are hard to break!
When you live SO long as a small, light person, that kind of gets eched on your brain.
Then one day you step on the scale (after accusing your wife of shrinking all your pants) and HOLY CRAP, you've gained 30 pounds! :cry:

I may have to bump my setting up yet another notch!