View Full Version : Well, I redid the forks today

03-26-2011, 04:10 PM
I can say that I had a much better experience than doing my own tires. I had the parts ready and took my front tire into be replaced. While they were doing that, I came back and went to work.
Allow me to say, this is not hard by any means. The only 'special tool' I needed was a 16 inch piece of pvc pipe I picked up at Home Depot for under $3. Use the 1.5 inch size and you wont need to cut it down and use a hose clamp to size it like I've read elsewhere. I used the manual provided here extensively since this was my first attempt. A bunch of parts but was not overwhelming at all.
Tools I used:
6mm hex
10,12,14,17 mm sockets
Small screwdriver
PVC pipe (a mallet helps to knock the seal into place)
A s*it ton of paper towels
Baby bottle (to measure fork oil)
Fork oil (obviously)
Some cleaning solvent

If you are on the fence about doing this, do it. Its really not as hard as it looks. The manual here helps tons! I looked up a lot on information here and as much as this forum has helped me, directly and indirectly, I'll be a contributing member whenever and however I can. Expect a monetary donation come next weekend. Ya'll have earned it! Thank you, all of you!
Oh and if you need a clearer picture, go bike bandit and you can zoom in on the forks:
http://www.bikebandit.com/2001-suzuki-g ... #sch240459 (http://www.bikebandit.com/2001-suzuki-gz250k1/o/m6284#sch240459)

Edit: Forgot to add the screwdriver to pry the dust cover off.

Water Warrior 2
03-26-2011, 05:04 PM
Good for you. I tend to shy away from stuff like that now due to lack of a real work area and old guy syndrome.

03-26-2011, 05:19 PM
Ya, my work area consists of a driveway but I'm not old yet. Well the kids say I am but at least I havent hit 40. Yet. Cant say that come June but I'll enjoy it until then!

Water Warrior 2
03-26-2011, 10:23 PM
You should be due for reading glasses soon. Had my eyes checked at 40 and they were okay. He said see you in 2 years and I asked why. After 40 years gravity finally has it's way with your eyes and starts changing their shape.

03-26-2011, 10:29 PM
Actually, I'm nearsighted. Did a lot of years in jewelry repair and fabrication. I've worn glasses or contacts since I was 19. I am due for another visit though. My last eye exam was almost 4 years ago.

04-18-2011, 04:57 AM
You should be due for reading glasses soon. Had my eyes checked at 40 and they were okay. He said see you in 2 years and I asked why. After 40 years gravity finally has it's way with your eyes and starts changing their shape.

It happened to me here too. I don't want to get into all that happens between 40 and 60+ but, if it works, Viagra is your friend. lol


04-18-2011, 11:30 PM
Getting back to the forks......
One word of advice: Unscrew the damper rod bolt (the bolt in the bottom of the shock) BEFORE you undo the cap at the top and let the spring tension out. Also use an impact wrench on this bolt. You might get away without one but I found it indispensable.

I guess that was 46 words of advice.....

Water Warrior 2
04-18-2011, 11:36 PM
Yes it was 46 words. I counted them.

04-20-2011, 11:13 AM
... The only 'special tool' I needed was a 16 inch piece of pvc pipe I picked up at Home Depot for under $3. Use the 1.5 inch size and you wont need to cut it down and use a hose clamp to size it like I've read elsewhere.

That pipe, is that schedule 40 (white) or schedule 80 (gray) PVC ?

Thank you.

04-20-2011, 01:46 PM
I would go with schedule 40 just because you don't want to put any pressure on the ID of the seal. Schedule 40 has the thinner wall so in applying it you will be no where near the seal ID. The OD is the important thing and both schedules are the same (1.9").

I used black ABS pipe but I don't have it nearby at the moment so I can't quote those dims.