View Full Version : Better late than never.

Water Warrior 2
03-02-2011, 06:42 PM
Got a letter today from the Alberta Government about my health care.

"We have received notification that you have moved to another province. Therefore, we have cancelled your coverage June 30, 2005."

No sh*t Sherlock. In another month it will be 6 years since they were originally notified. And notified again and again and again till I finally gave up. Every time I notified them they sent me a bill for health coverage. HELLO THERE. You can't bill me for something I don't have and don't qualify to receive.
I actually burst out in laughter when I read this letter today. They finally did stop billing me after spending a small fortune on stamps and paperwork.

03-02-2011, 06:46 PM
bureaucracy is hilarious

Water Warrior 2
03-02-2011, 07:03 PM
I guess we can all be grateful we don't get all the Government we are paying for.

03-02-2011, 07:57 PM
Makes you nostalgic for the old days when people just got sick and died. One more reason (besides impending zombification) to ride a motorcycle.

Water Warrior 2
03-03-2011, 01:14 AM
My father said people went to the hospital to die. Hell yeah, if you wait long enough at home they can't save your a$$ no matter how hard they try. The first time Dad got really sick (eleven days at home) the Doc said go to the hospital now or die tomorrow. He actually had to think about it. I drove him to the hospital after a cup of tea at home. He was there for 6 weeks. A very old fashioned man with little concern as long as he was alive and breathing. 8 years later he was alive, breathing and had chest pains that surely would go away. Pain went away when his heart stopped. Doc's office was a block away all those years.