View Full Version : Had an interesting morning....

02-21-2011, 08:57 PM
Had an interesting morninig.....

I had a hard braking this morning, gate across the road was in place when its not supposed to be at that time. Went around a turn and there it was... closed. Hit both brakes, locked up the front, released front and held the rear. Skidded and almost went sideways down til I released the rear. Got back upright just in time to bump the gate - thank god it was not locked or chained. Bike just pushed through at about 3 mph. Now the problem - continued on to work w/o issue. Left work and turned the key, nothing. Flicked the shutoff swith a couple times (read about that here), turned key a few times nothing. Checked battery for lose conntection- ok there. Read somewhere on here about taking it in and out of gear for an electrical problem then Moved bike back and forth. Tried key and bingo started right up. I am assuming its a lose connection/short somewhere but was looking for the most logical place to start after checking battery conncections based on the evidence?

Forgot to add, I cant repeat the electrical failure.

Any suggestions would be most welcome? I will post this in a new thead if needed.

02-22-2011, 04:06 PM
I'd start with kickstand cutoff - Did you have it in neutral or in gear when you tried to fire it up? There's been a number of reports of the safety switch being flaky.

02-22-2011, 08:26 PM
It was in neutral when I first tired it and when it started.

Water Warrior 2
02-22-2011, 11:07 PM
In case you weren't aware of the safety features. Bike must always have the clutch pulled in to start.
Bike will not start in gear with the side stand down.
Bike will start in gear with the side stand up.
You might have just tripped yourself up with safety stuff. We all did it or will do it eventually.

02-23-2011, 08:11 AM
I always leave my bike in neutral and although not a good habit I start it before I mount it. Let it warm up while I am putting gear away or on etc...so I know it was in neutral when I first tried it and got nothing, no lights no power whatsoever. Just may be one of those fluke things like Blaine said and it may never happen again. So far so good.

I did clean up the kickstand safety switch, was getting gummy but the conncections were solid.
Will also get some contact cleaner and give them all a cleaning.