View Full Version : How do I take off the seat?

02-19-2011, 11:31 PM
Hi I just bought an old 2002 GZ250 and it won't start up. It's probably the battery but I can't get to it because I don't know how to take the seat off. (Sounds like a dumb question I know.)

How do I take the seat off?!?!

Water Warrior 2
02-20-2011, 12:40 AM
Welcome Newbie. Not a stupid question by far. Just take a look at the left side cover on the bike. You will see a key hole. The key will release the seat and you can lift it off the bike. Take a good look so you can get the seat securely back on and locked into place. With some luck you will find an owners manual under the seat in a small storage bin.

Oh yeah...........you wanted the battery location too. That would be behind the right side cover. With the seat removed you will be able to see 1 or 2 screws that secure the side cover. There should also be a rubber gromet affair holding the bottom corner of the side cover.

Just going by memory here, we no longer have a GZ so I can't run down and check or snap a pic or 3 for you. Some one will correct me if I am wrong. :lol:

02-20-2011, 12:49 AM
Oh yeah...........you wanted the battery location too. That would be behind the right side cover. With the seat removed you will be able to see 1 or 2 screws that secure the side cover. There should also be a rubber gromet affair holding the bottom corner of the side cover.
Welcome.When you remove the seat,you will see a storage compartment that lifts straight up,under that you will be able to see the top of the battery,fuse box,and relays.Good luck.
:2tup: :cool:

02-21-2011, 12:56 AM
Now that I know how to access the battery, what can I use the charge the battery?

Any recommendations on what battery charger I could buy? Can I use my friend's 1993 Toyota Camry battery or Motortrend 12V DC?

PS: The sale didn't include a owner's manual unfortunately.

02-21-2011, 01:08 AM
Now that I know how to access the battery, what can I use the charge the battery?

Any recommendations on what battery charger I could buy? Can I use my friend's 1993 Toyota Camry battery or Motortrend 12V DC?

PS: The sale didn't include a owner's manual unfortunately.
When charging your battery don't exceed a 2 amp trickle charger or you will ruin the battery.It is o.k. to boost from a vehicle as long as it is not running.A "Battery Tender" is a good charger to buy,but any small 2 amp charger will be sufficient.There is a manual here on the forum you can download for free.
:2tup: :)

02-21-2011, 06:53 AM
While there's no problem with charging at 2A, the handbook recommends 0.7A for 5 to 10 hours. My battery tender gives out 0.65A, & while I've only needed to top up the battery (as a precaution) after I've been on holiday, & not used the bike for 3 or 4 weeks, I've had no problems with this charge rate. :2tup: