View Full Version : Richmond Motorsports - Canada

02-08-2011, 10:29 PM
Looks like Richmond Motorsports in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia has closed it's doors as of last Thursday.
Apparently, they had their invetory seized by creditors.
All I saw was the bars still up on the windows and the shop door closed and a small notice on the main door.

Water Warrior 2
02-09-2011, 02:10 AM
Yup, we've lost a few too many dealers lately. But in all honesty a couple of them should have been run outta town long ago.

02-09-2011, 10:51 PM
Sure have, I hope Western Powersports stays afloat for at least three more months. My babies stored there!!!!

Well, I work right behind them (RMotors), and today I went to see whats up, the windows had kraft paper covering them, the sign on the door read,

"Dear Valued Customers,

We will be closed for a week as of Feb04 for pre-season inventory and renovations."

Funny thing is, there has been no action or anything around there at all.

Water Warrior 2
02-10-2011, 12:03 AM
OMG, the windows are covered and nobody is home !!!!! I would be wanting to get my property outta there soonest.

02-11-2011, 03:04 AM
OMG, the windows are covered and nobody is home !!!!! I would be wanting to get my property outta there soonest.

A short relevant story. I had a friend who worked (mechanic) for Pan Am airlines when they folded. They asked him to stay on until the end. He came into work one day and the place was locked down and his tool boxes were locked in the hanger. He never got the tools back.
