View Full Version : Where's the battery?

02-04-2011, 10:39 AM
I love the bike. I got it for the gas mileage because I drive 1 hour to work each morning, 6am, and my car was only getting around 23 miles to the gallon. Right after I purchased the bike, Phoenix weather decided to drop to the lowest ever. This is killing my fingers. LOL

So I purchased some of the heated glove and need to hook the controller to the battery. They say it's under the seat, but I'm probably just blind. I don't see a battery there or any other place. Could anyone help?

music man
02-04-2011, 10:41 AM
take the right side cover off, it is right there. you can also take off the seat and pull out the little compartment that is under there and see it I think, (i don't have a gz anymore so i cant look).

02-04-2011, 11:05 AM
Thanks... I just found it and figured out that the right side pops off once you undo the once screw. I wasn't sure at first and was afraid that I would break it.

02-04-2011, 03:47 PM
Welcome to the forum!! :cool: :2tup:

02-04-2011, 04:02 PM
Does that controller come with the type of flat 2 pronged plug that you can connect a battery charger to? If so, leave it on permanently so you can connect the charger when you need it without again removing the side cover.