View Full Version : Saddlebags and Sissy bar
06-18-2007, 08:02 PM
Anyone know where i can get reasonably priced saddlebags and/or a sissy bar for my GZ? Saddlebags do not need to be real leather. Seems Suzuki brand add ons are too expensive! And i spent all i could afford on the bike! (and THEN some!) I need to have a way to pack things up and commute to work. Any advice will be helpful. Thanks in advance!!!
Easy Rider
06-18-2007, 09:43 PM
Anyone know where i can get reasonably priced saddlebags and/or a sissy bar for my GZ? Saddlebags do not need to be real leather. Seems Suzuki brand add ons are too expensive! And i spent all i could afford on the bike! (and THEN some!) I need to have a way to pack things up and commute to work. Any advice will be helpful. Thanks in advance!!!
AFAIK, only Suzuki makes accessories specifically for the GZ. :sad:
However you might be able to satisfy your hauling requirements some other way.
A magnetic tank bag or an athletic bag strapped to the rear seat or even a backpack.
Any "universal" saddle bags would work but without the bag supports, you need to be REAL careful how you mount them to be sure they don't get tangled in the back wheel.
Good luck and welcome!
06-19-2007, 07:38 AM
Yep, I have been thinking about these alternatives. If I ride to work, I need to take a cooler (small soft side) containing my breakfast and lunch, as well as a change of clothes. I work in an office, and will wear jeans to ride to the office, and will have to change once I arrive. I am thinking about riding with a backpack. Is this a bad idea?
Easy Rider
06-19-2007, 10:02 AM
I am thinking about riding with a backpack. Is this a bad idea?
No.....maybe..... :roll:
A lot of people do it, mostly on bicycles. It's OK as long as you don't overload the pack. It may, however, have some affect on the riding dynamics, as if you suddenly gained 30 pounds. I'd suggest you make a test run some evening first.
I hauled an xbox 360 in a backpack for over an hour .. didnt affect any riding. Just got a little heavy after a while. If you wanna affect your riding, put a passenger on the back or load only one saddlebag with 40lb ...
With the GZ, i used to use a backpack, but just would put my stuff in it and then used a bungee net to secure it to the back seat. Could carry a gallon of milk, 2 1/2 gallons of tea and a few other items in there. Never had a problem with it moving.
Suzuki isnt the only one making items for the GZ. MC Enterprises also makes much cheaper sissy bars and luggage racks. As for bags, you can use almost any one you find. Just keep it 15" or less wide and 11" or less in height and they will fit. Get ones that have a RIGID hard plastic sidewall. They will not go into your tire or 'fly up' at high speeds. One end will rest on the shocks keeping out of harms way. I also used zip ties to secure it a little more. Or get saddlebag supports off ebay.
06-19-2007, 11:31 AM
You guys are always so helpful! I was thinking of taking a casual ride with the backpack on, just to be sure i felt safe with it on. If i use a bungee net to strap something to the back seat, what to i clamp the bungee net to? I do not think i should run it under the fender. I know alot of people that have had bad wrecks that way. I think i need to get out the bike, study the body, and see where i could strap things to securely. Thanks for the advice.....if anyone has any other ideas, lemme know!
Gadzooks Mike
06-19-2007, 12:00 PM
Molly, I have saddle bags, but also have a small, plastic crate (maybe 8 inches by 6 inches square and about 6 inches high) fastened to the passenger seat with bungee cords. I put my lunch in there for the trip to work because it's easier.
As for fastening bungee cords, if the ends are thin, you can hook them under the chrome strip below the passenger seat. You can also pass one under the seat and use it to fasten top cords to. Someplace (I have a catalog at home - if I remember I'll look it up) makes a piece of leather with several metal rings attached. The entire thing fits under the passenger seat and the rings are used to attach bungee cords.
But you're right, do NOT hook them to the fender!!
Gadzooks Mike
06-19-2007, 01:20 PM
Found it Molly. It's from JP Cycles. ... All&page=4 (
Well i used one of those bungee 'nets' specifically made for motorcycles. I have never heard of one causing an accident. Honestly the plastic hooks on the fender were further away from the tire than the saddlebags were. Just gotta make sure its nice n tight. Used that net for the past year and a half now. Holds everything from jackets to helmets to backpacks. I even have two of them, one larger for helmets and one smaller for jackets n things.
Easy Rider
06-19-2007, 04:16 PM
Well i used one of those bungee 'nets' specifically made for motorcycles. I have never heard of one causing an accident.
Not sure but I think he meant "don't hook things to the fender because it is plastic and relatively flimsy". At least that why I wouldn't hook anything there. :)
Gadzooks Mike
06-19-2007, 04:33 PM
I did mean that, thanks.
06-19-2007, 04:45 PM
I ride my bike to and from school every day and it's perfectly comfortable and doesnt effect the ride. Granted i'm 5'6" and 150 lbs, so theres not much weight difference and the bottom of the pack usually rests on the passenger seat. However, as with what dupo said, I used one of the bungee nets (you can get them at walmart in the automotive section for 12 bucks) to strap my backpack to the passenger seat for my ride from Orlando to Pensacola and back and it worked like a charm. The only difference is that I hooked my net to the underside of the passenger seat instead of the fender. Takes a little more effort because you have to kinda wiggle the hooks in to get them in the narrow crack between the seat and the fender, but it worked just fine.
06-19-2007, 07:36 PM
I really appreciate all the ideas and links. Will have to try some of them out over the weekend. Great advice is everywhere here! Thanks SO MUCH!
Well, still....hooking to the fender wont break it.
I'd say go for the saddle bags ... much more room to put things. Ebay can get you some cheap (like 40 bucks) bags, but just know to not get them wet! They are cheap for a reason but if you take care of them they can last. I had a set of them and i got stuck in about 4 rain storms and they started warping real bad.
If you want to spend the money, get a GOOD set of thick leather bags. I have a set of saddleman for my spirit and wouldnt trade them for anything. Not that i can use them anymore, but still.. lol.
06-22-2007, 01:31 PM
On my trip to the N. Georgia mountains, I strapped a full size suitcase, loaded to the gills (weighted about 80 pounds) and used the turn signal brackets as the supports. They give just enough to hold it on. I rode it almost 1100 miles with the suitcase strapped to the brackets; it never moved and this included interstate travel.
I turned the suitcase length across the seat, used bungee cords and used the rear shocks as my connector to the front, strapped the bungee cord over the suitcase, and used the rear turn signal brackets as the rear support. I then strapped bungee cords from the left side fender trim over the top to the right side fender trim.
A picture of me with it on doing the dragon is here: ... &po=176&c= (
dont laugh, my bungee cords where all different colors, but they worked.
lol david, that made for one heck of a back rest! Now thats the way to pack up a GZ :)
06-23-2007, 08:05 AM
I FINALLY ordered some saddlebags and bracket supports this morning. I cannot wait to get them and use them! DH Bought me a windshield that arrived yesterday, and we installed it last night. YAY! I cannot find a sissy bar for the gz250 that I like, so may either wait on that or do without altogether. The stock sissy bars for the gz are just too "uptown" for my taste. I would really love to have one that would fit made of plain tubular steel, with NO pad, and perhaps some scrollwork. I have seen some on Ebay, but DH says they are not angled in a manner that will fit my bike. (BOO HOO!) Anyhow, anyone got a sissy bar that is not stock? Or anyone have opinions on going with a sissy bar versus going without? Sorry for all the questions, but I am a NEWBIE! LOL!
Easy Rider
06-23-2007, 10:51 AM
DH Bought me a windshield that arrived yesterday, and we installed it last night. YAY!
I'm still searching for the "perfect" shield for the GZ. Got a small one but think I'd like something a little larger. What kind did you get? Any chance of some pix ?
06-24-2007, 08:37 AM
Easy Rider: DH is looking up the paperwork now........It is an HD-O universal Harley shield, manufactured by slipstreamer, inc. Got it on Ebay from a seller called thecycleking. (that's his seller username) I do not have photos yet, but if you do a search on Ebay, you will find it. It was shipped very fast, DH says he ordered it on Tuesday and it was here on Friday!!! I took my first ride with the windshield installed last night, and I LOVE IT!!! We rode into our local town for gas, and then to a local restaurant for dinner. It was a blast! And much easier since the wind was not shifting my helmet and glasses around so much. I really LOVE this windshield!!! Hope this helps.
06-24-2007, 08:43 AM
OH! And he has an Ebay store called Harber's Cycle Parts. The title of the auction DH won is 99-06 Suzuki GZ250 GZ 250 Boulevard CMP Windshield
Perhaps he has others......his store has contact info and phone numbers you can call, but he is closed Sunday and Monday. Lemme know how it works out for ya!
Easy Rider
06-24-2007, 11:23 AM
Easy Rider: DH is looking up the paperwork now........It is an HD-O universal Harley shield, manufactured by slipstreamer, inc.
Thanks. Saved for future reference.
Looks like I'm going to run out of time b/4 my trip in July but the small one I have is MUCH better than nothing!
P.S. How's about filling out your location in the profile (State at least) so we know where you're "coming from". :)
06-24-2007, 09:18 PM
06-26-2007, 07:27 PM
I've got a pair of SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) boxes on min right now. Works great. Locable with a home made or purchased locking system. Water proof. Very cheap provided you can find them local.
06-27-2007, 09:24 AM
Product ID: 99000-990M7-100
Description: Sissy Bar with Rack
Order Quantity: 1
Unit Price: $254.96
Total Cost: $254.96
Product ID: 990A0-77023
Description: Custom Saddlebags
Order Quantity: 1
Unit Price: $65.41
Total Cost: $65.41
Product ID: 99950-70534
Description: Saddlebag Supports
Order Quantity: 1
Unit Price: $47.56
Total Cost: $47.56
$5.95 shipping.
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