View Full Version : New guy on site, 1999 GZ250.

Ron Dupuy
01-09-2011, 05:17 PM
Battery charged but still dead. Past problem with corrosion on starter. Bike kept outside. $100.00 to put on shop floor labor cost. Can this be dealt with by me and friend. Not a mechanic, but can get manual and try. Could use some ideas. Thanks, Ron

01-09-2011, 05:53 PM
Welcome.Sounds like you have a bad connection between the battery & starter.Make sure all connections are clean & tight.Does lights come on when you turn the key on?Move the red on-off button back and forth a few times and spray some contact cleaner in it.They can have a bad contact from being out in the weather.
:) :cool:

01-09-2011, 06:18 PM
Hi there, & welcome to the madhouse.

Just a bit of friendly advice :) If you find that you've posted twice, there's a button (i) that you can press to delete the second posting. Don't worry, I reckon it's happened to a lot of us until we find out what everything does. :cry: Hope you'll have many more happy postings, & we'll be happy to help out if we can. :2tup:

Water Warrior 2
01-09-2011, 10:33 PM
Do you have a meter to varify the battery is charged ? If it is charged does the voltage drop off when you leave the bike alone for a few hours. How are you charging the battery, you should not use a charger of more than 2 amps or you can cook the battery.

01-12-2011, 04:39 AM
Welcome aboard. How old is the battery? I always work it KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. If the battery isn't old and it's fully charged then work it back from the battery connections. Check to make sure they're clean and tight. After that switch contacts and connections. Don't go looking for the big stuff until you've eliminated the simple stuff.


01-12-2011, 02:55 PM
Charge the battery fully - like 6-8 hours on a 2 amp charger, then get it load tested. That's the only way to see if it's any good.
Clean off all your contacts of corrosion, with sandpaper or a wire brush 'till it shines. Cover the connections with some anti-corrosion grease to prevent it from coming back.
If the battery is no good and you buy a new one (an AGM), remember to fully charge it first before you use it or it will be toast and not hold a full charge.