View Full Version : My formal suggestion for a MAJOR improvement for the Site

music man
01-03-2011, 03:45 PM
Keep in mind this is just one long time member's SUGGESTION, not saying that everyone (or anyone for that matter) else's opinion is the same.

My suggestion is, that Easy Rider should be permanently banned from the site, he is nothing but a cancer to the site and just a trouble maker in general.

Read through every thread in this entire site and you will see that other than small minor arguments among us, almost EVERY major argument or thread meltdown (other than one MAJOR ONE, that I myself was guilty of), Easy Rider has been the MAIN and most of the time ONLY cause of almost all of them.

Also keep in mind that I am not threatening or any thing like that, but I am saying that even though it might not mean much considering I don't contribute to the site much anymore (don't know if I really ever did), but if someone like Easy Rider is going to continue being a member of this site and verbally attacking people just simply because he is in a bad mood about what he see's in the mirror(or whatever his problem is), then I am going to delete my profile from the site and ask that all my posts be removed (if that is even possible), as I do not want to have any part of a place where someone like Easy Rider is welcome.

We have had and I hope we continue to have an almost "neighborly" type of atmosphere on this site where for some reason the general rules of thumb and "norms" of the internet and more specifically, forums such as this, just don't apply to us. With the exception of Easy Rider's nasty attitude, I have never and probably will never again see a place on the internet where everyone is basically nice and cordial and helpful to everyone else, it has been quite a nice change of pace to sit down at my computer and experience the kind of attitudes that I don't even seem to see much of out in the "real world" anymore.

And I alluded to it earlier and I will reiterate that I know that in the past I have personally attacked a person on here, and let my temper get the better of me, and got into a pissing match or two (mostly with Easy Rider). But Easy Rider is a whole different situation, you never know who, why or when he is going to just flat out go off the deep end on someone just for the hell of it, and I personally think it is an attitude that is not NEEDED and definitely not WANTED on this site, or any other ones for that matter.

So in this one members humble opinion, this would be a GREAT and much needed improvement to the site.

Easy Rider
01-03-2011, 04:38 PM
My suggestion is, that Easy Rider should be permanently banned from the site, he is nothing but a cancer to the site and just a trouble maker in general.

You're quite a piece of work.

You somehow think that THIS POST is perfectly OK.......and are blinded by your hate.

I feel sorry for you.

If you really are that upset about it, there is one simple and easy solution: LEAVE.

AND we've been over all this before. If you think you are going to run me off with your personal attacks and character assasination, you couldn't be more wrong.

I will not, however, be suckered into yet another pointless pissing match.
Hope you feel better after venting.

music man
01-03-2011, 04:59 PM
I don't hate you, I just think that you are a pathetic, weak little old man who gets his rocks off stirring people up over the internet, And I didn't personally attack you, nor did I ask for your opinion, as a matter of fact, I posted this in this section, for the ADMINISTRATOR to see a legitimate suggestion for improving the site that I had, which I am under the assumption is the correct section of the forum to do so in, if I am wrong please enlighten me.

And I am not trying to "run you off", I don't have or want the power to do so, I just made the suggestion that you be FORCED OFF the site.

And this whole little speech you just made just reinforced EXACTLY what I was talking about. You had no reason to respond to this thread in a negative way other than you cannot help yourself just like you haven't been able to help yourself hundreds of times before.

So in closing, thanks again Easy Rider for degrading yet another thread with your mindless and pointless verbal attacks, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you for making my point for me :2tup: .

01-03-2011, 05:12 PM
Every site has and needs a "Village Idiot".

I don't think he should be banned.
I just get tired of his negative post.

..so sad.

music man
01-03-2011, 06:04 PM
Every site has and needs a "Village Idiot".

I just get tired of his negative post.

The problem doesn't lie with him being an "Idiot", quite to the contrary, I have seen posts where he has actually made a solid contribution to the thread, sometimes being the one to just solve the problem outright.

But............ Unfortunately those are few and far between the MULTIPLE degraded threads he causes, members he runs/pisses off, (a lot newbies for sure), its just not worth it.

I am trying to make an objective point, this has nothing to do with my personal feelings about Easy Rider and everything to do with what he does to the "vibe" of this ENTIRE site.

Everyone take notice that in my first post that I made no "personal" attack of Easy Rider, merely stated the facts, as sad and as incendiary as those FACTS may be, they still by anyone with half a brain can see are indeed FACTS.

If you still want to say that I insulted him or attacked him personally in some way, then you would also have to say that I "personally attacked" myself as well.

Anyway, this conversation is going nowhere, I didn't really even intend for it to become a "conversation", although I should have known he wouldn't be able to resist stirring up shit, All that is left is for the ADMINISTRATORS (this does not mean you Easy Rider) to read this and either agree or disagree with me, whether Easy Rider wants to accept it or not, Whether he gets booted from this site or not is not up to HIM or ME.

01-03-2011, 07:45 PM
I agree with Music Man! Think I might of been kicked off this site, as my user name will not let me log on. I generally have quit posting because of Easy Rider and I'm sure there are others like me. I always tried to add positively to this forum and got really tired of his negative input to my posts and to others. Have no idea why I can't log in under my old user name, as I added to this site, 200 plus posts plus I think I was one of two that contributed cash to this site last year. I know Easy won't get booted off this site, but he sure needs to! Think we have tried this before! Just my two cents. As I really don't post any more, no loss if I have been booted, just felt I needed to comment as I know others past and present feel as I do.

01-04-2011, 01:08 AM
I agree with Music Man! Think I might of been kicked off this site, as my user name will not let me log on. I generally have quit posting because of Easy Rider and I'm sure there are others like me. I always tried to add positively to this forum and got really tired of his negative input to my posts and to others. Have no idea why I can't log in under my old user name, as I added to this site, 200 plus posts plus I think I was one of two that contributed cash to this site last year. I know Easy won't get booted off this site, but he sure needs to! Think we have tried this before! Just my two cents. As I really don't post any more, no loss if I have been booted, just felt I needed to comment as I know others past and present feel as I do.

Who are you again?

01-04-2011, 10:47 AM
The forum is for the GZ 250,I'd like to see more comments/stories/ ride reports on the GZ, were all on the same side, we love riding /owning motorcycles . In my case the smaller cc versions [250]. Thats why I come here. There is no reason for negitive comments to anyone. We do have a great forum ,lets keep it going, With Suzuki not importing a 2011 GZ this year we need to keep the GZ owners together. CMS

Easy Rider
01-04-2011, 12:06 PM
With Suzuki not importing a 2011 GZ this year we need to keep the GZ owners together. CMS

And the TU250 too. I wonder if there's any way to get this site to show up on a Google, etc. search for "tu250" ??

Easy Rider
01-04-2011, 12:15 PM
Anyway, this conversation is going nowhere, I didn't really even intend for it to become a "conversation", although I should have known he wouldn't be able to resist stirring up shit,

You suggest that I be permanently banned from the site.....mostly because YOU don't like me.....and then accuse ME of stirring up shit ????? And you are so dense that you claim your suggestion was NOT a personal insult to me ???? Amazing.

How about we turn the tables and suggest that YOU be banned......because you are stalking ME and butting into conversations where you weren't invited just for the expressed purpose of busting my ballls. That adds nothing positive or useful to the site; it is 100% a personal attack and degrades the overall feel of the site.

music man
01-04-2011, 01:09 PM
You suggest that I be permanently banned from the site.....mostly because YOU don't like me.....and then accuse ME of stirring up shit ????? And you are so dense that you claim your suggestion was NOT a personal insult to me ???? Amazing.

How about we turn the tables and suggest that YOU be banned......because you are stalking ME and butting into conversations where you weren't invited just for the expressed purpose of busting my ballls. That adds nothing positive or useful to the site; it is 100% a personal attack and degrades the overall feel of the site.

Again and this time a HUGE thanks for proving my point for me, you really are off in the head, now we definitely can all see that, STALKING YOU? WTF dude, go to the doctor and tell him that you are definitely schizophrenic, and bi-polar and need some medication in a bad way.

And again you revert back to your typical 5 year old banter, "what about you" why don't we turn the tables and ban you. Every time someone challenges you, that is what you revert to, not well I know I have a problem and I am going to fix it, its always well what about you.

I unlike YOU have no problem with being banned from this site, by all means, if anyone on this site thinks that I am doing anything here but trying to help this site, and for the most part not cause anyone any distress or bad vibes, please feel free to openly say so and ask to have me banned. I won't argue with it a bit, but remember that Easy Rider is still going to be here, Personally and verbally attacking anyone that doesn't bend to his way of thinking, or hell sometimes just because.

So if you are delusional enough to think that I wake up every morning wondering how I am going to stir up shit with Easy Rider you have real issues, I don't really personally care one way or another about you, I DO however, care plenty about this site, and you are ruining it, and if no one else on here can see that, then like I said I will delete my profile and none of you will ever have to hear me say another thing about Easy or anything else.

01-04-2011, 01:16 PM

Easy Rider
01-04-2011, 01:29 PM

Oh come on Dude......be a real moderator.

This crap is getting REALLY old......and should come to a stop one way or another.

01-04-2011, 01:33 PM


PS: Don't poke the sleeping dragon.

music man
01-04-2011, 01:38 PM
Bye bye psycho. :2tup:

01-04-2011, 01:42 PM
Maybe now we can get some f*cking sleep.

music man
01-04-2011, 01:47 PM
Maybe now we can get some f*cking sleep.

I don't know about that, but at least people can post without being verbally assaulted just because someone has an inferiority complex, or just because he doesn't agree with what you say.

I know there will be some naysayers on this subject, but you will all see that over the next few months, this site will have a better vibe to it. Just think about an entire troubleshooting or god forbid a modification thread without Easy Rider telling someone how stupid they are, or how BAD of an idea they have is.

01-04-2011, 01:52 PM
The naysayers can go that way too if they're so inclined.

This has been an executive decision and will not be reversed by me.

No further discussion is necessary.

01-04-2011, 02:20 PM


01-04-2011, 02:26 PM