View Full Version : Exhaust

11-15-2010, 01:39 PM
the connection between the left hand exhaust pipe and where a clamp binds it has rotted and cracked finally..

must have happenned on my last long haul.

It rides OK.. until i hit full throttle at around 90-100 kms and hour then it revs excessively and wont put out any power..

Does that make sense... A Crack in the pipe affecting high end performance when the throttle is fully opened

or ?

It cant be the clutch adjustment..everything has been fine for week now and this has never happened.. now when i look down on a cold day i can see air jetting out near the kickstand .

11-15-2010, 03:06 PM
just checked valves... nothing out of ordinary
exhaust is between a .03 and .04
the intake is at .02

Drained the Carburator... and either there was water in the emptying hose or its in the gas itself?
because there were droplets in the gas when i emptied it into a clear glass bowl (dried before the carb was emptied)

either way.. fill the carb fuel hose with carb medic to fill the carb itself.
added gas..

starts fine.. mid range is normal

but when i get up to a hill at 80-100 kms it seems to over rev out of my control. Very unlike the GZ.

recent oil change.. recent air filter. reversed the needle shim mod i had done. and shes 16 toothed.

any ideas

11-15-2010, 03:46 PM
When you let off the throttle does the revving stop and the bike act normal? If your answer is yes, than your clutch is slipping,and no amount of adjustment is going to fix it.You will need a new clutch.Unless I'm missing something in your post.Your exhaust leak would not make the bike act that way.
O_o :cool:

11-15-2010, 05:07 PM
Well hopefully not! but if so .. ill keep an eye on it.

I just got back from a highway ride... Seemed better after i emptied the carb and all of the previously mentioned..
A muffler place quote me about 100 bucks to weld a new pipe for the exhaust. either way it needs to be done. and if the clutch clips again and again ill get a new one put in.

Until then thanks for the reply and ill re post once the weld is complete

11-15-2010, 05:09 PM
would a break in the pipes cause back fire ??

11-15-2010, 05:18 PM
would a break in the pipes cause back fire ??
Yes, a break in the pipe will cause the bike to back fire,especially when decelerating. Good luck!
:rawk: :cool:

Easy Rider
11-15-2010, 06:56 PM
but when i get up to a hill at 80-100 kms it seems to over rev out of my control.

Sure sign of a clutch problem.
There is no real "clutch adjustment" except for the slack in the cable.
Unless you have been using the wrong kind of oil, you are certainly looking at clutch repair.

11-15-2010, 08:19 PM
"Yes, a break in the pipe will cause the bike to back fire,especially when decelerating. Good luck!"

yeah especially on deceleration is when it happens now.

So what do you guys think... considering the cost of a new exhaust etc...100 bucks to fix the left hand pipe connection as a permanantly sealed weld VS clamped joint.
Good idea?

then see how things go with the clutch in the next week ? and go from there.

11-15-2010, 08:46 PM
So what do you guys think... considering the cost of a new exhaust etc...100 bucks to fix the left hand pipe connection as a permanantly sealed weld VS clamped joint.
Good idea?
I would say it's a good move.If the rust has penetrated into the joint any amount and you have to replace the right hand side,it gets real expensive as pipe and muffler are one unit.
:whistle: :)

Water Warrior 2
11-16-2010, 03:06 AM
You noted a recent oil change. As Easy was the first to ask I'll be the 2nd. What was the oil you used ?? This is the only thing offhand that would cause clutch slippage if all else remains the same. Maybe time for recheck that clutch adjustment also.

11-16-2010, 10:47 AM
I used a Lucas Semi Synthetic 10 w 40 .......

http://www.lucasoil.com/products/displa ... 6&loc=show (http://www.lucasoil.com/products/display_products.sd?catid=15&iid=56&loc=show)

11-16-2010, 10:50 AM
http://www.lucasoil.com/products/displa ... 6&loc=show (http://www.lucasoil.com/products/display_products.sd?catid=15&iid=56&loc=show)

Lucas 10w40 Semi Synthetic Motorcycle Oil for wet clutch applications.

11-16-2010, 10:59 AM
Clutch hasn't slipped since the other night... I have adjusted my clutch to be a tad looser than it was

im going ahead with the manifold clamp replacement... custom pipe weld ... seal it off.

My idle and ...starting off in 1st sounds weird. .... it should be perfect considering my Valves are within range.

startin goff sounds abit like "snap crackle and pop" then gradually fades as the bike gets about 20- 30 kms... (switching to second gear)

I also noticed when putting my hand close to the break at the pipe clamp while turning the throttle in Neutral the air can be felt more at a lower twisting of the throttle.. once i get to 1/2 throttle or more its like the force is decreasing the amount of air escaping.

if that makes sense?

more air escaping at lower 1/8 throttle as compared to 1/4-1/2 throttle where i cant feel an increase in air escaping.

Either way .. .I have a visibly corroded clamp on the left pipe ... cant be good for anyone. So ill pay the guy 100 bucks to cut the cancer out and weld in a new pipe . cant hurt i hope!

wish me luck

11-16-2010, 04:23 PM
I think your bike will idle and sound better once you get your exhaust leak fixed. :2tup: :rawk:

11-16-2010, 05:35 PM
Wait doesn't the exhaust always have a break in it? i mean near where little condensation hole is? I thought the exhaust was in two parts

....i get backfire when decelerating too

Water Warrior 2
11-16-2010, 06:34 PM
more air escaping at lower 1/8 throttle as compared to 1/4-1/2 throttle where i cant feel an increase in air escaping.

That is a good example of the scavaging affect of the exhaust system.

11-16-2010, 07:45 PM
Wait doesn't the exhaust always have a break in it? i mean near where little condensation hole is? I thought the exhaust was in two parts

....i get backfire when decelerating too

The exhaust is in two pieces.He is talking about the exhaust leaking were it joins under the engine,because it is rusted out.If your exhaust is not leaking,backfiring can be caused by a lean mixture.The odd pop on deceleration is no cause for concern.
:) :roll: .

11-16-2010, 07:53 PM
Cheers Blaine