View Full Version : Starting/Choke Issues

06-14-2007, 06:43 PM
I have read previous posts that say their gz250 can be difficult to start at times. So here is my scenario. I too purchased my bike used (2002 GZ250 with 940 miles on it). It seems to start just fine, after I have adjusted the choke. The problem, or annoyance, is how the engine on my bike revs after I have let it warm up for a minute or so. It seems to be revving much too high. Once I start my commute to work (11 miles-about 20 minutes) my engine is still revving like the choke is still on. Even when I put the bike in neutral at a red light, it sounds like I am applying the throttle, only I am not. I can then sometimes put the bike in gear, and it will take off with no throttle applied after I disengage the clutch. This high-revving will continue for the duration of my trip sometimes. The other factor in this equation is that this only occurs in the morning. When I get on my bike to go home (10 hours later) it starts without using the choke and acts like it should. I am a new rider, so I may just be missing something all together. I have had this bike for about three weeks and this has only occurred for the past few days. Thanks for any advise.

Water Warrior 2
06-15-2007, 12:02 AM
I would be a little suspicious of a vacuum leak that only shows up in cooler temps after sitting all night. It wouldn't take much to create a lean high idle situation. Also, with the amount of time your bike obviously sat around before you bought it you might want to lube the throttle cables and choke cable to make sure nothing is hanging up due to corrosion and lack of use. Good luck and keep us updated.

06-15-2007, 05:51 AM
I would be a little suspicious of a vacuum leak that only shows up in cooler temps after sitting all night. It wouldn't take much to create a lean high idle situation. Also, with the amount of time your bike obviously sat around before you bought it you might want to lube the throttle cables and choke cable to make sure nothing is hanging up due to corrosion and lack of use. Good luck and keep us updated.

Thanks for the advise. I am sure that this thing has been inactive for quite some time. I will attempt to lube the cables and respond with my results. Thanks again.

Easy Rider
06-15-2007, 01:33 PM
Thanks for the advise. I am sure that this thing has been inactive for quite some time. I will attempt to lube the cables and respond with my results. Thanks again.

Also the throttle cables could be sticking due to insufficient slack......or the return cable may be too loose or the spring stretched or missing. If you apply light but firm pressure to the throttle toward the closed position, does the speed drop?

Have a look at the idle adjustment screw and see if the throttle cable "wheel" is actually resting against the stop. If not, try to turn the wheel on the side of the carb by hand. This will tell you if something is sticking or not.

Good luck! :tup:

06-18-2007, 12:26 PM
Just an update. It appears that my problem is getting worse. I applied firm pressure to the throttle in the closed position, and the speed did not drop. Today, after not riding the bike over the weekend, the problem has gotten worse. The engine is now revving so high that it is beginning to scare me. I had to baby the bike home. I can be in third gear and apply no throttle and the bike carries on as if I were applying throttle. Not real sure what to do at this point. I will look at the throttle adjustment screw later this afternoon to see if it is resting against the stop. Maybe this does the trick. I hope so.

Easy Rider
06-18-2007, 04:56 PM
Not real sure what to do at this point. I will look at the throttle adjustment screw later this afternoon to see if it is resting against the stop. Maybe this does the trick. I hope so.

What you should do at this point: DON'T RIDE IT UNTIL YOU GET IT FIXED. In it's present condition it is dangerous!!! :cry:

Looking at the idle stop is not going to fix anything, it will just give you a clue as to what might be wrong.

The choke may be sticking on....the throttle cable may be sticking....or there may be a defect in the carb or one of it's gaskets. In any case, it doesn't sound like you are qualified to fix anything so TAKE IT TO A SHOP OR FIND A MECHANIC please before we read about your wreck in the papers. Really!

OK, I just went back and re-read all the posts. It really sounds like the choke/fast idle is sticking ON. It could be the cable but more likely that it is the mechanism INSIDE the carb that is sticking. If you MUST ride, try starting without using the choke. Draining the tank and carb and adding a double-dose of carb cleaner to a fresh tank of gas might solve your problem. In any case, the fix is likely to be fairly simple and not expensive, if you have to have someone else do it.

Oh, yea, one last IMPORTANT thing: You are pushing the choke lever FORWARD to turn off the choke, aren't you?? :roll:

06-18-2007, 05:43 PM
Not real sure what to do at this point. I will look at the throttle adjustment screw later this afternoon to see if it is resting against the stop. Maybe this does the trick. I hope so.

What you should do at this point: DON'T RIDE IT UNTIL YOU GET IT FIXED. In it's present condition it is dangerous!!! :cry:

Looking at the idle stop is not going to fix anything, it will just give you a clue as to what might be wrong.

The choke may be sticking on....the throttle cable may be sticking....or there may be a defect in the carb or one of it's gaskets. In any case, it doesn't sound like you are qualified to fix anything so TAKE IT TO A SHOP OR FIND A MECHANIC please before we read about your wreck in the papers. Really!

OK, I just went back and re-read all the posts. It really sounds like the choke/fast idle is sticking ON. It could be the cable but more likely that it is the mechanism INSIDE the carb that is sticking. If you MUST ride, try starting without using the choke. Draining the tank and carb and adding a double-dose of carb cleaner to a fresh tank of gas might solve your problem. In any case, the fix is likely to be fairly simple and not expensive, if you have to have someone else do it.

Oh, yea, one last IMPORTANT thing: You are pushing the choke lever FORWARD to turn off the choke, aren't you?? :roll:

Thanks for the response! I do replace the choke in the off position once I have to apply it. I really appreciate your input, it helps tremendously. While I am not exactly unhandy with a wrench, I have been reluctant to try to fix this problem myself. I have read and re-read both the service manual and the owners manual in regards to adjusting the throttle cables (thinking that this might be the issue). I have also adjusted the idle control on the carb, but neither of these things have made a difference. I had already told myslef that this was a job to be handled by the pros. Fortunately for me, my local Suzuki shop is 1.3 miles from my front door to their front door. So tomorrow, my poor baby will go to the hospital. Thanks again for all the info! If their is one thing that I have noticed in my brief time of being a motorcycle rider, it is that fellow bikers are more than eager to lend a hand whenever they can. Again, I appreciate it man. I will respond with an update on the situation as soon as I have one.

06-22-2007, 01:37 PM
Have you tried adjusting the idle screw? I could be it is out of adjustment. Only adjust while the engine is warmed up good (not just when you can turn off the choke).

06-22-2007, 02:32 PM
Have you tried adjusting the idle screw? I could be it is out of adjustment. Only adjust while the engine is warmed up good (not just when you can turn off the choke).

Unfortunately, yes I did try to adjustment screw. I did nothing. My bike has been at my local Suzuki dealership since Tuesday. I got a call from them this morning saying that it was repaired. I still do not know what was wrong with it. Once I pick it up and find out what was wrong, I will repost with the juicy details. Thanks for the suggestion!

06-22-2007, 08:13 PM
Finally!!!!! After three days spent at the shop, my bike was returned to me. The problem was in the choke cable. It was replaced and $62 later, I was able to ride my bike again. I really was not sure what to expect from my local Suzuki dealer (Valdosta Suzuki/SeaDoo) but much to my suprise, they were really friendly and charged what I believe to be a fair price (I only got charged for 30 min of labor). All in all, I have my ride back and I am happy. Thanks to everyone who gave me advise on this issue.