View Full Version : Movin' on up...

11-08-2010, 03:02 PM
After about a year and half on "La Poderosita" I decided to move on up to my dream machine-- a Triumph Bonneville SE. I was going to put the GZ up for sale, but now the wife is thinking of taking the MSF course, in which case we'll keep it.

As for the Bonny, all I can say is "WOW!" That might not be very eloquent, but so it is. Power, grace (it handles like a dream), and that classic Britbike cool. Everywhere I go people ooh and ah over it. Sweet.

If we change our minds and do sell the GZ, we'll let you all know. It's 2009 with just under 9000 miles on it, clean & well maintained, with an MC Enterprises engine guard & sissy bar.

11-08-2010, 03:32 PM
Glad you like the Bonneville.It will be good if your wife leans how to ride.Good luck.
:2tup: :rawk:

11-08-2010, 03:33 PM
After about a year and half on "La Poderosita" I decided to move on up to my dream machine-- a Triumph Bonneville SE. I was going to put the GZ up for sale, but now the wife is thinking of taking the MSF course, in which case we'll keep it.

As for the Bonny, all I can say is "WOW!" That might not be very eloquent, but so it is. Power, grace (it handles like a dream), and that classic Britbike cool. Everywhere I go people ooh and ah over it. Sweet.

If we change our minds and do sell the GZ, we'll let you all know. It's 2009 with just under 9000 miles on it, clean & well maintained, with an MC Enterprises engine guard & sissy bar.

Congrats on the new ride!!! We need some pictures! Ride safe and keep the shiney side up.


11-08-2010, 04:09 PM
Congratulations on your new bike. Going anywhere special that you have highway cruising power?

Water Warrior 2
11-08-2010, 05:08 PM
Congrats. Now we need pics and riding impressions.

11-08-2010, 05:53 PM
I test rode a Bonneville T100 this past Summer. Wonderful ride. Congratulations! You'll love it.

New GZ250
11-09-2010, 05:00 PM
Just wanted to tell you I recently moved up to a Bonneville Black, Just love it! More power, better quality, handling, and the seating position. It handles great and is a lot more fun to ride, I have received many compliments regarding the retro look of the bike. I just love it! Nice to have enough power to go up hills in fifth gear. The SE model is truly a "beautiful" model, I like the looks better than the black model, (Mine) but enjoy the ease keeping the bike clean, as the spokes can be a pain on the SE model. You made a "great" decision, as I could not be happier with my purchase.

Yes,I still enjoy my GZ and plan on keeping it.

I try not to post much to this site as it has a few (Two)...individuals with strong "caustic" opinions. :fu: I am only posting because you seem like an intellegent person buying a Bonne.

Enjoy your new toy! :)

11-10-2010, 04:55 AM
I try not to post much to this site as it has a few (Two)...individuals with strong "caustic" opinions. :fu: I am only posting because you seem like an intellegent person buying a Bonne.

Saucer of milk anyone?

Seems like it's "(Three)... individuals with strong "caustic" opinions" Oh, and I don't appreciate you giving everyone who reads this the finger. It seems you too have an attitude problem.

Easy Rider
11-10-2010, 10:11 AM
Seems like it's "(Three)... individuals with strong "caustic" opinions"

Regardless of the actual number, it seems to ME that we have WAY too many users who are concerned about the personalities of other users......and who feel a need to constantly discuss it.

That's my "strong caustic" opinion for today. :shocked:

11-10-2010, 02:30 PM
Some people are'nt happy unless they are stirring up some shit.

11-10-2010, 09:41 PM
I've always heard that Triumph's are great bikes. Hope you enjoy your new ride, and congratulations. :)

11-11-2010, 10:06 PM
Thanks for the good wishes, one and all. I'll post pictures as soon as I get around to taking some. So far it's stock except for the rubber fork boots, but I'm waiting on some other factory accessories-- their short sissy bar and those old school rubber knee pads for the gas tank.

As for riding impressions, I'm still breaking in the engine, so I can't give you a very full picture.

What is clear is this-- the handling is superb! Triumphs were always known for great handling, as I recall, and the new versions clearly continue this tradition. Coming off of a dead stop I feel the weight increase over the GZ, but once rolling the Bonny actually feels like a much lighter bike. It turns effortlessly and, best of all, tracks straight and true over all sorts of bumps. I certainly feel the bumps-- this is no plush cruiser-- but I never feel the machine getting away from me.

And, as I said before, it gets all sorts of comments & compliments. If you want a great ride that also stands out from the crowd, this is it!

By the way, Herself has changed her mind about the GZ, so "La Poderosita" is for sale. Anyone interested a good used '09..?

11-20-2010, 08:14 PM
"La Poderosita" is for sale.
Probably old news to you, but April/May looks like a better time to sell a bike, there is little interest in bikes this time of the year.

PS Congratulations on your beautiful Bonnie... Ride safe and have fun !