View Full Version : Winter Storage

10-29-2010, 09:31 AM
Hello All,

I am a new rider from Ohio so we store our bikes for the winter. Since I have not doen this before I was wondering if anyone had any helpful tips? I am still learning any you all have been great help so far.

10-29-2010, 09:47 AM
You should change your oil & filter.Fill the tank with fuel & add some fuel stabilizer & let run for a few minutes to circulate stablizer & the clean oil.Remove or put your battery on a Battery Tender.Put a drop of oil on cable ends & pivot points. Clean & wax to prevent rust.DON'T start till spring!
:rawk: :cool:

Easy Rider
10-29-2010, 09:52 AM
DON'T start till spring!

That's not exactly what I would do but can't really argue with any of it......unitl you went HERE.

MY storage plan is purposely designed to encourage riding whenever the weather permits !! :cool:

10-29-2010, 10:12 AM
MY storage plan is purposely designed to encourage riding whenever the weather permits !! :cool:

I would prefer using a method that would allow ne to ride if the weather permits before spring.

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Easy Rider
10-29-2010, 11:42 AM
I would prefer using a method that would allow ne to ride if the weather permits before spring.

Stabilizer in the gas; full tank.
Tender connected to battery.
Change oil if it is due; otherwise don't bother.

If the weather turns nice, check tires and GO.

10-29-2010, 04:14 PM
DON'T start till spring!

That's not exactly what I would do but can't really argue with any of it......unitl you went HERE.

MY storage plan is purposely designed to encourage riding whenever the weather permits !! :cool:

I should have made myself clear."Don't start till going for a ride"!A lot of people start their bikes in the winter time,just to here them running.Not a good idea,nothing gets completely warmed up, moisture lays in the exhaust, not to mention that they don't charge at a idle.Instead of taking the battery out just keep the battery on a "tender" and your good to go.
:2tup: :rawk:

Water Warrior 2
10-29-2010, 05:10 PM
I put Lynda's M-50 to bed a couple weeks ago. Added stabilizer and filled the tank. Bike cover on the bike till spring. A tender every couples weeks seems to work well in our climate because we don't get really cold weather. The Vstrom just sits and waits for an infrequent ride if/when I get the ambition to dress up and go.
Lynda has been considering selling the M-50 and upgrading to a newer cage. I sure wish I could buy it. It already has most of the stuff I would put on a new cruiser.

12-06-2010, 08:41 PM
You should change your oil & filter.Fill the tank with fuel & add some fuel stabilizer & let run for a few minutes to circulate stablizer & the clean oil.Remove or put your battery on a Battery Tender.Put a drop of oil on cable ends & pivot points. Clean & wax to prevent rust.DON'T start till spring!
:rawk: :cool:

Any recommendations on brands of stabilizer? And what kind of oil would you recommend to put on the cable ends and pivot points?

12-06-2010, 09:10 PM
I always had good results with STABIL brand stabilizer.I use aerosol chain wax to lube cables & pivot points.I find it lasts longer & is less messy as it is clear and doesn't attract dirt.
:cool: :2tup:

12-08-2010, 04:43 PM
Do everything that Blaine said and you should be good to go. Its alright to take it for a ride anytime, just be sure to let it warm up and let everything get up to "running temp". Just no short starts to hear it run

12-11-2010, 09:44 PM
I use STABIL as well in everything not just my bike and have never had a problem with it. Someone also mentioned polishing it or something I wash mine and then wax it then use a chrome polish as well on anything chrome.