View Full Version : which exhaust?
10-23-2010, 06:28 PM
I know there's a debate pro and con verse getting an exhaust but if you do want one which one is louder and cooler looking but not to loud to scare the neighbors kids...
Please peeps let me know and website where you got them would be apperciated. :2tup:
11-22-2010, 12:14 AM
I wanna try these set of pipes on my but i have no idea of what they will sound like or be but I think they would be so cool!
Let me know what you think of them.
11-22-2010, 06:44 AM
I like the look of the duel pipes.You would need to do some mods, as the G.Z. pipes are two into one.But I think it would be worth the effort. :) :cool:
11-22-2010, 09:54 AM
I'm no mechanic, but people here who are, mention that the back pressure of the stock exhaust is needed to stop the mixture from being too weak.(at least I THINK that's why the back pressure is needed) Would two exhausts from the same cylinder (but different exhaust ports) affect the pressure in the same way as putting two resistors in parallel in an electrical circuit i.e. halve the resistance (halve the back pressure)? I'm not saying "don't do it", just trying to find out if you might have to do more mods than you first thought. :2tup:
Water Warrior 2
11-22-2010, 10:30 AM
First off the Rebel is a 2 cylinder engine and that is a different sound to begin with. I personally don't mess with a factory exhaust because they do make the OEM stuff to work the best over the widest range of operating conditions. You can't really make any changes to the exhaust without making changes to the intake to compensate for air flow differences. Whatever goes in must come out with more or less matching values.
11-22-2010, 12:10 PM
First off the Rebel is a 2 cylinder engine and that is a different sound to begin with. I personally don't mess with a factory exhaust because they do make the OEM stuff to work the best over the widest range of operating conditions. You can't really make any changes to the exhaust without making changes to the intake to compensate for air flow differences. Whatever goes in must come out with more or less matching values.
Yes and no water warrior, it is a 2 cyl. motor and yes it will wound a bit diff on our bikes, maybe a bit deeper since our one cyl. is twice the size of the rebels one cyl. but it will have a bit more time between the exhousting sound unless you bump up you idle. I would think for our bikes you would have to rejet them or get them retuned, WW is right in the fact that our stock exhaust is the best in an all around way and for best power over the bandwith and for smooth riding, how this is more about looks and sound then a preformance mod, our bike does not have really any exhaust options that are aftermarket and researched like many other bikes out there so pretty much anything is a guess.
I am not saying what you stated is wrong it is all right its just I get the feeling that you think I posted it as something that would improve the bikes preformance, I mearly ment it as a cosmetic and auditory improvement thats all.
Plus I plan on getting these when I rejet the bike next year so I will already be in the prosses of improving it why not right all in all it will be less work at that time! :2tup:
Water Warrior 2
11-22-2010, 01:11 PM
Ah, now I see more clearly now.
I'm trying to put larger saddlebags on - no need for better performance or louder pipes.
Would it make any sense to cut the stock muffler, bend it down slightly, and re-attach? Maybe extend too the mounting bracket?
Reading the forums I see a few folks who've put aftermarket mufflers on and they sit much lower. I'm not keen to mess with a working system or risk something loud enough to annoy the neighbors.
04-08-2011, 08:02 AM
I'm trying to put larger saddlebags on - no need for better performance or louder pipes.
Would it make any sense to cut the stock muffler, bend it down slightly, and re-attach? Maybe extend too the mounting bracket?
Reading the forums I see a few folks who've put aftermarket mufflers on and they sit much lower. I'm not keen to mess with a working system or risk something loud enough to annoy the neighbors.
I don't see problem with cutting the exhaust behind the heat shield an installing a straighter pipe.You would need to extend the mount at the rear of the exhaust to lower the muffler.we would like to see pics of finished product.
:cool: :)
Rookie Rider
06-19-2011, 11:08 AM
Im dying to put different pipes on my 2000 suzuki gz250 for better look and sound. I just dont know where to start and for a reasonable price.
06-19-2011, 05:20 PM
Im dying to put different pipes on my 2000 suzuki gz250 for better look and sound. I just dont know where to start and for a reasonable price.
Welcome to the forum.There is not much for a direct bolt on.There are a lot of universal mufflers that will fit with a minimum amount of work.A good price range is about $40.00 to $80.00.
:) :cool:
Rookie Rider
06-22-2011, 03:29 PM
Thanks Blain, i have to start this project, i cant even hear my bike while riding.
07-01-2011, 06:23 PM
Thanks Blain, i have to start this project, i cant even hear my bike while riding.
Your not revvin Her high enough :rawk: :rawk: :rawk:
Oh wait on second thought, Keep doin what ya doin! :2tup:
09-22-2011, 10:14 PM
Some suggestions on what exhaust to purchase would be great. I'm with Ram, my little ol' 250 is way to quiet!
09-23-2011, 08:29 AM
Your only option is to go with a universal muffler and adapt it to your bike.
Check out this link for some ideas:
Muffler Swap How-To:
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=19 (
Rookie Rider
09-26-2011, 02:43 PM
Im gonna cut the muffler off and probably just weld a staight regular ol pipe (galvanized) on the exaust pipes. Good or bad idea and what size are our pipe in diameter, i dont have a caliper ?
Rookie Rider
09-26-2011, 02:46 PM
Sorry, its a 1- 3/8" pipe
09-26-2011, 04:04 PM
That's going to be stupid loud and I'll wager that you won't like it once the initial "AWESOME!!!!" feeling wears off.
For consistent riding, you'll want something a little more timid.
Trust me.
Go with a straight shorty or something like that, but get something that at least has some baffles in it.
And, as always, be prepared for jetting. Your bike will be almost not rideable without a rejet.
Rookie Rider
09-26-2011, 08:10 PM
I'll consider that, thank you.
09-26-2011, 11:09 PM
FYI, and even though a lot of people do it, in most places in the US it is illegal to modify the exhaust of a motorcycle, ie., changing it from stock. Check out your state Motor Vehicle laws. And a super loud exhaust like you are contemplating will lead to a very expensive ticket and depending where you are, your bike may be confiscated or impounded. And you may slowly lose your hearing.
Do yourself a big favor and save yourself a lot of money, like I said before, and do your homework with research aside from on here. You may mess up your bike and not like it very much if you do, and then it can be a pain to sort it all out again, especially if you're trying to do it on the advice you are able to get over a forum and not have any knowledge of what's going on.
Rookie Rider
09-27-2011, 12:33 AM
Mrlmd1, i do appreciate your input and advice, i want to do it, and i dont want to, cant decide ya know. What i do know is that i do not like the sound of the gz
09-27-2011, 07:24 AM
Mrlmd1, i do appreciate your input and advice, i want to do it, and i dont want to, cant decide ya know. What i do know is that i do not like the sound of the gz
Before you change the whole exhaust,you could drill 4 holes in the back of the muffler as others have done.If you don't like louder,it's easily repaired with some self-tapping bolts.
:) :cool:
09-27-2011, 09:03 AM
Before you change the whole exhaust,you could drill 4 holes in the back of the muffler as others have done.
Never done it myself, but I sure have heard a LOT of people say that it's a complete waste of time, because it just doesn't make it sound right. :cry:
Rookie Rider
09-27-2011, 12:15 PM
I have about 8 holes drilled in it already.
09-27-2011, 04:29 PM
That's a lot of holes.
If you can't hear that, then you might need to consider hearing aids. :neener:
Do you wear your ear plugs all the time?
If so, that's probably why you can't hear the bike. With ear plugs, you'll really enjoy a super-loud exhaust.... although it will cause anyone within earshot to hate your guts.
Rookie Rider
09-27-2011, 07:33 PM
All my nieghbors suck, so i hope i get it nice and loud, and i leave at 4:30 am too, hahahaha
09-28-2011, 03:00 PM
I don't know if you're kidding or not, but you are asking for a s*#tload of trouble.
Gz Rider
09-28-2011, 06:05 PM
09-28-2011, 11:12 PM
I'm not talking about from your neighbors, unless someone trashes your bike. I'm talking about from the NYC Police Dept.
Rookie Rider
09-28-2011, 11:21 PM
Nah, i should be ok, im a city.worker too. That may help me not get a ticket.
Rookie Rider
10-10-2011, 09:55 PM
I always wear earplugs.
Rookie Rider
10-15-2011, 11:47 PM
Whats a good home made baffle that i can try ?
10-16-2011, 09:47 AM
Now you want to quiet or muffle the exhaust?
There are some resources on the internet for that, do a Google search. None of them are as good as a proper factory made exhaust system.
You can try to plug some of those 8 holes in your exhaust with sheet metal screw or nuts and bolts if you can get the rear plate off.
Rookie Rider
10-16-2011, 05:25 PM
I want it loud but if i have to i'll put a baffle
10-17-2011, 09:02 AM
Depends on what muffler you are looking at.
Rookie Rider
10-17-2011, 05:10 PM
Im thinking of a plain ol tailpipe, weld it on.
Water Warrior 2
10-17-2011, 06:39 PM
Im thinking of a plain ol tailpipe, weld it on.
Basically a straight pipe exhuast ? That would be pretty loud. Maybe try clamping on a pipe to see if you like it first. Weld it permanently if it works for you.
Rookie Rider
10-17-2011, 09:57 PM
Good idea. But if its to loud i ll stick a home made baffle in there.
Water Warrior 2
10-18-2011, 12:02 AM
Good idea. But if its to loud i ll stick a home made baffle in there.
An old temp trick is to roll up a couple layers of screening for the backdoor of your house and stuff it in the pipe. Never tried it myself but an oooooold biker told me it will do in a pinch. A sheet metal screw through the bottom of the pipe should hold it from blowing out. A really cheap baffle that might do.
Rookie Rider
10-18-2011, 07:32 AM
Hahaha really ? Thats something to keep in mind.
10-18-2011, 08:21 AM
If you're just going to get a straight piece of exhaust pipe, then you definitely need something.
Go to Home Depot, buy two crumb cups from the plumbing department and some sheet metal screws. I would also use the screen as a baffle.
I don't think you really appreciate how mind numbingly loud this is going to be. I still think you should just get a universal Jc Whitney or EMGO muffler and have it put on.
Rookie Rider
10-18-2011, 08:40 PM
Oh wow, thats great...... and cheap.
Water Warrior 2
10-18-2011, 08:44 PM
Oh wow, thats great...... and cheap.
Yeah, you gotta love those big box hardware stores for DIYers.
Rookie Rider
10-19-2011, 12:42 AM
My buddy is telling me not to put the tailpipe on now to buy a muffler. Dammit.
Water Warrior 2
10-19-2011, 02:15 AM
My buddy is telling me not to put the tailpipe on now to buy a muffler. Dammit.
Maybe he doesn't want to hear your bike when you ride together. Personal opinion here but I don't see any reason for a loud bike. I once tried it on a Suzuki SP370 single years ago. Sounded great for 2 days and then got really annoying. Riding a bike is hazardous enough to your hearing, why push your luck. But it is your choice and I can't hear you from the west coast. :lol:
10-19-2011, 08:54 AM
My first experience with a loud muffler(s) was a set Cobra F1Rs that I put on my Ninja 250. When I first fired up the bike, it was an indescribably awesome crotch-tingling experience. At idle, these things "fwoped" just enough to sound fat and mean. Completely different bike. On the road, however, and at speed, it made the entire universe inside my brain vibrate and rattle and it was impossible to even think clearly.
I tried to pretend that it was OK for a couple of days, since the idle sound was just so pleasing, but I couldn't do it. It hurt too much.
I replaced them with the more subtle Cobra F1s and kept those for the duration of my ownership.
Your friend is right. I can't think of too many people who run open pipes on a street machine and enjoy it. If you are one of those guys that only rides once a month, maybe you can live with it. But those types of guys aren't real bikers anyway. :whistle:
10-19-2011, 10:03 AM
If you are one of those guys that only rides once a month, maybe you can live with it. But those types of guys aren't real bikers anyway.
:rawk: :2tup: :lol: :twisted: I am starting to see that, the more I ride...
10-19-2011, 10:08 AM
When I bought my Suzuki S50 the PO had put on Cobra mufflers. Not kidding, it was the coolest motorcycle sound you ever heard. As soon as you started up the bike you knew it was mean, you could tell there was someone home. It was powerful. I rode it that way for a couple of months, then went on eBay and found an almost new set of stock pipes and switched them back and couldn't be happier.
One of the reasons people go for loud pipes is that when they lose their hearing (from loud pipes) they have to get louder pipes to hear them. There is really nothing cool in having a bike that makes a lot of noise. The GZ is a little bike and the loud noise it's going to make from the kind of exhaust you are considering is like a lawnmower or big chain saw without a muffler - it's going to be very loud and sound like s**t, even worse with your home-made baffle in it. You want to spend your money, get a real factory made muffler that will fit, or leave it alone. And when you change the muffler and backpressure, you may have to rejet and screw with the carb to get the bike to run right. You are in for more than you realize, besides slowly going deaf and pissing off everyone around you.
10-19-2011, 10:15 AM
I purchased an emgo 12" shorty Muffler and have yet to install it because I ride so much but I am going to swap it soon enough. I am gonna make sure not to deface the stock pipe just in case. As far as the Carb work goes I have been a Mechanic since I was able to walk in to the Garage and watch my Mother and Step Father Stripping apart engines rebuilding them and roasting tires just before they were ready to be changed. and if the shorty is too loud for me i might even try the breadcrumb cups before just putting the stock pipe back on... Never can tell what it will do unless you do it. I have also been playing around with a mini roots charger idea to increase the performance of the little engine. But I think that Might Kill it, Quickly! don't mean i wont give it a whirl at least once.
Water Warrior 2
10-19-2011, 04:06 PM
A mini Roots charger would probably work well until the engine turned to slag. I would have serious doubts about the smaller oil volume and cooling capacity of the GZ. But go for it. The results could surprise all of us.
10-19-2011, 05:00 PM
A mini Roots charger would probably work well until the engine turned to slag. I would have serious doubts about the smaller oil volume and cooling capacity of the GZ. But go for it. The results could surprise all of us.
If i added roots charger i would add a small electronic oil pump and a oil cooler to the front to not only increase cooling but also volume so that the engine didn't over heat... as well as run a small electric fan in front of the oil cooler for the periods of time that the bike be at idle. I was thinking that would be the most effective way to increase power to such a small displacement engine, however the Piston and cylinder walls then become an issue as they aren't made for such pressure or wear. I do however think that it would do a good deal or improvement to current torque and speed attributes. It is something I am going to try to run in a cad cam engineering program to see the faults if I can get the information right I can test it there first with out the money. to see if it is greatly flawed or if it is a feasible risk.
Water Warrior 2
10-19-2011, 09:20 PM
You are way ahead of me with the thought process. For cooling you could use surplus 12 volt computer fans. Little guys in a square housing. I put one on a Yamaha DT 200 years ago to cool the single radiator for a friend. 35 cubic feet of air per minute did wonders for the engine temp. A really cheap mod.
10-19-2011, 10:04 PM
You are way ahead of me with the thought process. For cooling you could use surplus 12 volt computer fans. Little guys in a square housing. I put one on a Yamaha DT 200 years ago to cool the single radiator for a friend. 35 cubic feet of air per minute did wonders for the engine temp. A really cheap mod.
For the fan i actually was looking at a 12" electric 12v radiator fan with a temperature switch installed at the out side of the cooler that way if the cooler wasn't cooling good with the fan on low it would kick the fan into high to get a better cool on the oil. I have a few means of getting used auto parts for next to nothing i was going to get a heater core for a pick up truck as they normally have 90 degree lines coming off the cooling fins its self, and i can run phosphoric acid through it on a vacuum and rinse with baking soda water. to neutralize the acidity. Then bake the heater core in the oven on something like 200-250 for 8-12 hours to dry the inside of all water. the fan can be found with shroud on most 4cyl car rad shrouds. might luck up and get one for a geo prism they are 11" fans. the oil pump I haven't found yet because all the pumps i find are pulling too much pressure to run and not kill the battery on the bikes electrical setup.. thought of doing a mechanical pump on the same feed as the roots charger. but then i might have to consider serpentine belting the pulleys for maximum efficiency of space at the sprocket shroud. temperature switch could be a simple coolant temp switch with with a more sensitive relay. to kick the fan from low to high.
Rookie Rider
10-19-2011, 11:21 PM
Wow you guys lost me with the last few posts. lol. As for the muffler i may just buy the HD bullet slipon. Mat black and i dont think it will look to bad, thanks for the help.
Water Warrior 2
10-19-2011, 11:39 PM
Wow you guys lost me with the last few posts. lol. As for the muffler i may just buy the HD bullet slipon. Mat black and i dont think it will look to bad, thanks for the help.
Probably a better idea than a simple straight pipe. You will still hear it and not break any nearby windows.
Water Warrior 2
10-19-2011, 11:50 PM
A car fan would probably be ideal if the power requirement stays at 40 watts or less. An 11 or 12 inch fan would move more than enough air to cool a hot GZ. All in all you have an interesting project to consider. You won't have a Busa killer but you may surprise a lot of other small displacement riders. Any thoughts as to the power increase you may achieve if all goes well ? 20-30 % would be awesome for the GZ.
10-20-2011, 11:13 AM
I do not know the power increase that is involved but I do know as how much nicer it would be to have the right to say that it is now a better performing bike.
Water Warrior 2
10-20-2011, 04:14 PM
Doubtful I have the expertise to attempt your project. At most I would probably slap GZ 250 stickers on a S-40 Suzuki. Very similar in looks but a bigger 650 thumper.
10-21-2011, 09:02 AM
Doubtful I have the expertise to attempt your project. At most I would probably slap GZ 250 stickers on a S-40 Suzuki. Very similar in looks but a bigger 650 thumper.
That is just cheating but all my research might have just been for not... There is an Sargent in the Army reserve unit that I am in that is willing to give me 2300.00 for a dropped 2003 gz the one i have been riding and i am not sure that I can pass that up. I can just sell the exhaust and carb jet on here and get into my larger gl1200 project with a nice funding flow.
I will say that I am glad that I got a chance to ride a GZ it was a great deal of fun and i might buy someone else's gz headache to fix up for myself.
10-21-2011, 03:29 PM
Don't rush off.
10-21-2011, 03:33 PM
Don't rush off.
I'll still be around I might not have a gz but they are great bikes and i would like to get another one just need to free up some money for my gl1200 resto-mization.
Water Warrior 2
10-21-2011, 06:30 PM
Take the $ and do the wing. I'm sure we would all like to follow a resto from start to finish.
04-16-2012, 10:31 AM
Amy one use a small glass pack muffler
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