View Full Version : Needs new Exhaust Gaskets?

10-13-2010, 01:21 PM
Hey everyone,

I've got a good feeling i might be losing some much needed compression due to a leak in the exhaust port.

when i fire up "the beast" after a cleaning i noticed the steam got hot enough to show me where the leak was..I would turn the throttle and could visibly see the steam being thrusted away from the hole. It was coming from the pipe going to the engine ojn the left hand side if sitting on the bike (right if looking from the front)

could even a small amount of escaping pressure cause idle problems or anything??

10-13-2010, 02:30 PM
No, this will no cause any idle problems.If this hole is the one on the bottom of the exhaust it's supposed to be there to let moisture escape.If it is up by the head you may only need to re torque the bolts or install a new gasket.This is not compression escaping, only exhaust gasses.

:2tup: :)

3-D Video
10-13-2010, 02:42 PM
Know anyone with a compression tester you can borrow for 5 min? Most probably, you can find a shop which will run a compression test for free... there's good money in it for them if they grind a seat or replace a valve.
If it's just a gasket, then you're home free. And no (I'm pretty sure), escaping pressure from an exhaust port won't have any effect on your idle or "anything".
You really need to know, first, how your compression is doing.

Edit: Like Blane said :)