View Full Version : Constantly Running Left Turn Signal

10-10-2010, 10:02 PM
I got my GZ today. It looks great, but there's one thing I'm curious about...

My front left turn signal is on all the time with the key turned to the on position. Everything functions fine. It still flashes when the left turn signal is activated via the switch, but after it is cancelled, it stays illuminated.

Has this happened to anyone? Does anyone know what my problem might be?

Thanks in advance!

Easy Rider
10-10-2010, 10:15 PM
My front left turn signal is on all the time with the key turned to the on position.

Ah, HA! Yet another forum member from Hotlanta !! Welcome.

That's normal. BOTH of your front signals are supposed to be on like that as a "running light".
They are dual-element bulbs. The problem probably is that the right side bulb is burned out (one of the 2 elements). New bulb: about a buck fifty. :)

10-10-2010, 10:38 PM
Yessir, hotlanta. Are there a lot of GZers in ATL? It says you're from Illinois though. Did you live here for some time?

Also, that is good to know. I just assumed it shouldn't be on all the time. That's not how my Katana is lol.

Easy Rider
10-11-2010, 11:00 AM
Yessir, hotlanta. Are there a lot of GZers in ATL?
It says you're from Illinois though. Did you live here for some time?

There are several on here.
Many have "moved on" to a different ride but are still here; good bunch.

My daughter lives there.....and my mother's side of the family were original settlers.

Cobb County was named after some of my relatives.......but we think my branch of the family tree had "horse thieves" instead of politicians. :biggrin:

10-11-2010, 11:08 AM
Haha that's too funny. My parents live in Cobb. I'll be on the lookout for your folks lol.

10-11-2010, 06:15 PM
yeah sounds like you got a light burned out or something else is going on, they should both be on. if you got it from a dealer go back right away and they might fix it for you..

Water Warrior 2
10-11-2010, 06:42 PM
yeah sounds like you got a light burned out or something else is going on, they should both be on. if you got it from a dealer go back right away and they might fix it for you..
Probably cheaper and easier to drop into an auto parts store and get a new bulb. Take off the lense at the store, take out old bulb, walk in and get a new twin to the old one.

10-11-2010, 07:43 PM
The front turn signal bulbs are NOT standard auto bulbs. They are a lower wattage and if you use a standard auto bulb (1156 or 1157?) they will not blink. I tried to replace mine with clear lenses and and yellow auto bulbs and got no flash. I was surprised when I found out about the lower wattage bulb. I doesn't matter where you get it, just be sure to get the right wattage. The manual says 12v 21/5 watts.


Water Warrior 2
10-11-2010, 07:48 PM
The front turn signal bulbs are NOT standard auto bulbs. They are a lower wattage and if you use a standard auto bulb (1156 or 1157?) they will not blink. I tried to replace mine with clear lenses and and yellow auto bulbs and got no flash. I was surprised when I found out about the lower wattage bulb. I doesn't matter where you get it, just be sure to get the right wattage. The manual says 12v 21/5 watts.

Good point Sarris. Any parts counter guy could find a proper replacement with the right wattage requirements.

10-12-2010, 07:00 PM
I bought it used. I've ordered an OEM replacement for the bulb. 97 cents! :2tup:

10-13-2010, 04:27 AM
97 cents, man that is a lot of money lol. glad your getting it fixed, hope everything elsee on the bike is working.