View Full Version : Possible New GZ250 Owner-with a few questions please!!

09-23-2010, 02:26 PM
Greetings: I've just joined in the hopes of getting first-hand information regarding the GZ250.

First off, could someone please tell me - if the GZ250 is a single cyl. then why do I see two (2) exhaust pipes coming out of the front of the engine???

Second: How would you compare the GZ250 with say the Honda Rebel 250 and the Yamaha Vstar 250? Pros and Cons.

What is the horsepower?

Thanks in advance.


09-23-2010, 02:43 PM
Many answers on here. Try the search engine. And, welcome.

09-23-2010, 05:22 PM
Multi-valve? There is a comparison of similar three bikes here: http://www.motorcyclecruiser.com/roadte ... index.html (http://www.motorcyclecruiser.com/roadtests/beginner_motorcycles_comparison/index.html)

I think it's about 20 HP. If you are looking for high performance, this ain't it (get a ninja 250.) It'll go 65-70 mph but that's all out. gets great gas milage though.

09-23-2010, 05:56 PM
First off, could someone please tell me - if the GZ250 is a single cyl. then why do I see two (2) exhaust pipes coming out of the front of the engine???


Welcome.You see two exaust pipes because the G.Z. has two exaust valves,one pipe for each valve.The G.Z.also has two intake valves.
:) :roll:

09-23-2010, 05:57 PM
why do I see two (2) exhaust pipes coming out of the front of the engine???
How would you compare the GZ250 with say the Honda Rebel 250 and the Yamaha Vstar 250?

Hi there, & welcome to the madhouse :2tup:

Two pipes because it's twin valve.

Comparisons?........ Well, to be honest, I don't reckon there's all that much difference. It's probably just a case of sitting on each one, & finding which one feels most comfortable to you. Just remember that they are what they are - great bikes for around town. Very manouverable, great mileage, but don't even think of freeway riding. They'll struggle to keep up with the traffic, & they're so light you'll be bumping around over every pothole. I've had mine for over 3 years, & it's still a fun bike & I use it every day, but it's ideal for me because I live on a small island with low speed limits & heavy traffic congestion.

Having said all that, PLEASE don't let me put you off buying any of them. They all make excellent starter bikes, & they're cheap to run (gz gets 65-70 mpg) Like I said, I love mine, so depending how you intend to ride, any one of them may be the bike for you. :2tup:

09-24-2010, 01:37 PM
Think the GZ has a slightly bigger frame than any of the other 250 cruisers out there and a bigger tank too - hard to feel too cramped on them which is a good thing - they all have ~20hp but i think the Yamaha virago has a 14t sprocket as stock instead of a 15t (GZ) so it'd be quicker off the line but loose out on the top end

If your getting one as a commuter or a small run-about you can't loose with it

Suzuki also do a v-twin version of the bike called the LC 250 (intruder) if you partial to two cylinders


09-24-2010, 06:09 PM
I think everyone has pretty much answered all the technical stuff, so I will do one of my favorite things, and share my OPINION about GZ's with you : )

I think that, if someone is looking for a great, around-the-town commuter that is fun to ride and gets awesome gas mileage, the GZ is THE perfect bike. And as far as the freeway riding goes, I agree that it is not the best choice if you are looking for something to use primarily for freeway/highway driving. However, I can say that on my ride to work every day, 5 miles of it is freeway, and I can clip along just fine at 60-65 mph with no problem. I wouldn't dream of riding for any extended period of time at any higher speeds though.

And, just as a closing note, I absolutely love my GZ. It is easy to start, easy to ride, has enough get up and go to be fun to ride and do ok in traffic, has been very dependable and is a pretty nice looking machine too.

That's my 2 cents - hope it was helpful. Just remember, no matter what you choose to get, ride safe, and always wear protective gear -it might just save your life :2tup:

AZ Kev

01-15-2011, 08:19 AM
Kevin, I am probably one of the few that ride 2 up on the GZ. We have sat on and compared the Rebel and GZ. Seating on the GZ for passenger is much better. The seat is longer and you are not smashed up against the driver. The padding and comfort of both the GZ seats is better then the rebel. Yes, after about a 2 hour ride or 1 1/2 hour ride, you will need to stretch your legs. The GZ is not a sit all day cruiser, but is more comfortable then the Rebel. I liked the seat position and handlebars on the GZ better then the rebel. Ready for this one..... I took the mirrors off our old 125cc Kawasaki elimanator and put them on the GZ. The positioning of the mirrors on the Kawa were way better then the GZ. That is the only thing I think the GZ could improve. But as long as I have these mirrors, they will pretty much stay with any bike we get. Love those mirrors. GZBrian

01-15-2011, 09:51 AM
I am probably one of the few that ride 2 up on the GZ.

And so do I (we). On such a small island - congested traffic - lack of parking spaces - it's the ideal vehicle for our needs. :2tup:

02-06-2011, 08:45 AM
That's good to know that alantf. At least now I know I am not alone!!! My wife and I enjoy our GZ. We can't wait for the snow to melt to ride again. Take care. GZBrian