View Full Version : A Brave Boy's Ride - Jawbone OHV Trails (Photo/Video)

09-20-2010, 07:16 PM
Hello, riders!

This is the report for a brave boy who inspired me about riding.
I got a riding camping last weekend at the Jawbone OHV areas (Mojave Desert, close to the California City).

And, I met a little boy who is going to be a real man later on for sure.
The reason what I'm saying is like this...

I was in the looong and steep hill which intimitated me when I was fronted.
Took some time to make decision, "Go or Not".
At the time that I have almost gave up to go ride fronted steep hills.
A boy came after me, and he went over the hills without any hesitation.. ^^
This brave boy inspired me alot, and felt some .. you know ha ha ha

Here is the boy's photo just before he went up the hill.
You can see his riding video clips at about 3:40 in the slide show.
Don't miss it; (you don't have to see other parts except his riding).
At the about end of the slide show, you may see his another riding.
He waved hands for me ?? or to other, but want to believe that he waved me.. ha ha ha


And, Photo and Video Slide Show (don't forget the sections on the 3:40 of clip)



09-20-2010, 08:22 PM
I would love to have those kinds of places nearby to ride around in, nothing like that down here in Florida on the Gulf Coast. I would even go out and buy an Enduro type bike like yours so I could play like that.

Water Warrior 2
09-20-2010, 09:38 PM
Busy that was a seriously long climb. Not real steep but the length of the trail can tire you and that is where you can make a mistake. Did you notice it is easier going up hill with gravity working for you ? The rear tire is always planted and pushing which makes steering and balancing a lot easier. You could try much shorter hills with more grade to them and experiment with the bike's handling and power. You will of course be limited to the bike's suspension characteristics but a fairly smooth hill will be a lot of fun. When in doubt don't be afraid to twist the throttle, sometimes that is all you need to regain control when you get a little out of shape. Thanks for the update and ride safe.

09-21-2010, 12:30 AM
Little Dude has his own Secret Service protection. Reminded me of how I felt the first time I went down a grade on roller blades. Google the Dune mantra that starts with "Fear is the Mind Killer." I used to have it taped over my workstation. Still use it before playing the piano in public. Much scarier than riding the motorcyle on hairy roads.

Got to get me that KTM adventure so I can hit the dirt before my joints are completely shot.

09-21-2010, 02:22 AM
I would love to have those kinds of places nearby to ride around in, nothing like that down here in Florida on the Gulf Coast. I would even go out and buy an Enduro type bike like yours so I could play like that.

Um.. sorry to hear that..
Here; so. cal, actually motorcycle riders are blessed all year around.
My bike is a small trail bike, not actual enduro type ???
But still I love my current riding with it.

09-21-2010, 02:27 AM
Busy that was a seriously long climb. Not real steep but the length of the trail can tire you and that is where you can make a mistake. Did you notice it is easier going up hill with gravity working for you ? The rear tire is always planted and pushing which makes steering and balancing a lot easier. You could try much shorter hills with more grade to them and experiment with the bike's handling and power. You will of course be limited to the bike's suspension characteristics but a fairly smooth hill will be a lot of fun. When in doubt don't be afraid to twist the throttle, sometimes that is all you need to regain control when you get a little out of shape. Thanks for the update and ride safe.

Thanks, Mr. WW alwasys, and about riding advices.
Yes, it was easier to ride up to the hill, and riding down >> don't ask me, much slower and more fear.
Those hills are STEEP for me... ha ha ha
Honestly, I could not make sure if I and my bike could do before I see the boy and his gangs wented up.
Whew, fortunately, there were no sandy section on the hills.
I'll ride in my skill level, and will try some small adventures too... ha ha ha

09-21-2010, 02:32 AM
Little Dude has his own Secret Service protection. Reminded me of how I felt the first time I went down a grade on roller blades. Google the Dune mantra that starts with "Fear is the Mind Killer." I used to have it taped over my workstation. Still use it before playing the piano in public. Much scarier than riding the motorcyle on hairy roads.

Got to get me that KTM adventure so I can hit the dirt before my joints are completely shot.

Thanks, Mr Alan for the comments.
Overcoming the fear is not easy for me especially when riding the motorcycle, yet.. and will be.

In those secret service, I think that the boy's mother is and following/protecting him during the riding.
Did you hear what the boy said to the behind truck just before he went down the hill ???
"Follow Me !!!", he shouted.
How great mind he has.. ha ha ha

09-21-2010, 02:40 AM
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

-Dune, Frank Herbert

OK, it's cheesy science fiction claptrap, but it always resonated with me - and it kinda works!

Water Warrior 2
09-21-2010, 04:40 AM
Alan, I used to have the entire Dune series. It was exceptional in many ways IMO but then they made a movie of it and killed my interest in the whole thing. Sometimes the written word is best.

Water Warrior 2
09-21-2010, 05:11 AM
Little Dude has his own Secret Service protection. Reminded me of how I felt the first time I went down a grade on roller blades. Google the Dune mantra that starts with "Fear is the Mind Killer." I used to have it taped over my workstation. Still use it before playing the piano in public. Much scarier than riding the motorcyle on hairy roads.

Got to get me that KTM adventure so I can hit the dirt before my joints are completely shot.
Alan you sure pick on tall expensive bikes. Yeah I know the color is appealing. You might want to take a peek at Suzuki's 400 street legal enduros. Suzuki makes 2 of them(available in the GWN) with one being a bit taller, and more dirt oriented tires with a tad less weight. My personal favorite was the Kaw KDX 200 that I had years ago.
Although times have changed and bikes are better I would not want anything bigger than a 250. With power comes weight as a rule and you will eventually have to pick it up.
As for your joints giving up, never fear. I had and still have a bad back. I found that dirt riding and the body english and muscle toning I experienced off road did wonders for my back. The taller bikes have longer more compliant suspension which is so nice you have to experience it to believe it.
Oh, just did some searching. Check out a Yamaha WR250R. Long legs, light weight and very modern.

3-D Video
09-21-2010, 06:54 AM
but then they made a movie of it and killed my interest in the whole thing.
I had a small production company in San Francisco. I talked with Herbert about getting the film rights... I thought I/we had some pretty good ideas. But, he sold the rights for $1,000,000 (a record setting amount at the time) to De Laurentiis. Cool with me because De Laurentiis had the bucks to do a really great job, and I loved the book... You can't even imagine how disappointed I was when I saw the film :(

09-21-2010, 07:05 AM
then they made a movie of it and killed my interest in the whole thing. Sometimes the written word is best.

Same thing with Clive Cussler. Loved his books. The film of "Raise the Titanic" was mediocre, and they altered the ending. "Sahara" was one of the worst films I've ever seen. :puke:

09-21-2010, 02:02 PM
Alan, I used to have the entire Dune series. It was exceptional in many ways IMO but then they made a movie of it and killed my interest in the whole thing. Sometimes the written word is best.

I never saw it in full but if memory serves Sting was in it and that would sour me on it as well. I was a bigtime science fiction reader in junior and (regular) high school but eventually I migrated towards what I guess is called "literature." Still read the occasional collection of SF stories though. SF is kind of like reading junk food, and every once in a while you come across something particularly tasty.

With the exception of the Matrix (first one only!), Blade Runner and maybe Total Recall, the movie versions of these things rarely live up to my expectations. It's a thrill, though, when they do.

Edit: (Actually, now that I think I about it, I don't know if I ever read Matrix. The other two were Philip K. Dick adaptations, as was the somewhat disappointing Minority Report and the kind of oddball "Scanner Darkly")

09-21-2010, 02:12 PM
Alan you sure pick on tall expensive bikes.

Ran into two dudes riding these at a rest stop right after some really thrilling snaky stuff on CA33 through Los Padres. They really look like I imagined an adventure bike should look. Haven't seen one since, but they've stuck in my brain. My experience is, one day I will have one. Did not have the same reaction to the BMW's with the engines that seem to stick out, but really, I got to do a lot more thinking and research before I take the leap.

BTW, my Strat is absolutely not tall. And, relative to an equivalent HD, (especially since I bought a two year old model) not really that expensive. Relative to the GZ, well, yes. But it's not much taller than the GZ. Seriously.

Water Warrior 2
09-21-2010, 03:54 PM
My Vstrom is an adventure bike and many riders take them everywhere all over the world. I am basically a pavement pounder with the ability to do some off roading. Adv bike differ from dirt bikes and street legal enduros in that they can be used for touring and carry a pile of stuff with little effort. Adv bikes are heavier and their height can be a liability if you are new to the off road game.

09-21-2010, 06:41 PM
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

-Dune, Frank Herbert

OK, it's cheesy science fiction claptrap, but it always resonated with me - and it kinda works!

Sometimes fear is a good thing - if it means seriously looking at something and reasoning it out. It can keep you out of trouble instead of just leaping off the cliff and hoping the landing will be OK when your brain knows it won't be. On the other hand, too much is not a good thing either, it keeps you from going to the edge to see if you want to take that leap.

09-21-2010, 06:46 PM
Busy- your bike can be called an Enduro, another word for a dual sport bike, that can be ridden on the road (is street legal with head and tail lights, turn signals), and is capable of off road riding as well.
Instead of the van and bike arrangement, at one time I had a full-sized Desert Storm type Hummer H-1, then years later a Jeep. Talk about off road riding, hard to compare with those. But you sure look like you are having a lot of fun, like I said, just wish I could do that down here. May have to move to Arizona or California (not).

And don't you just hate little kids like that? They have no fear at all. He's just riding down that hill fast enough to keep from getting run over by the trucks following him. Smart kid.

Where do you mount your camera now for those videos?

09-21-2010, 08:08 PM
Busy- your bike can be called an Enduro, another word for a dual sport bike, that can be ridden on the road (is street legal with head and tail lights, turn signals), and is capable of off road riding as well.
Instead of the van and bike arrangement, at one time I had a full-sized Desert Storm type Hummer H-1, then years later a Jeep. Talk about off road riding, hard to compare with those. But you sure look like you are having a lot of fun, like I said, just wish I could do that down here. May have to move to Arizona or California (not).

And don't you just hate little kids like that? They have no fear at all. He's just riding down that hill fast enough to keep from getting run over by the trucks following him. Smart kid.

Where do you mount your camera now for those videos?

Thanks, Mr. MM.
That clears out the definition of the Enduro.
Those different type names of bike confused me.. still.. ^^;
So, now I could say that "My bike is an enduro type!!"
"Enduro" word make me more better feeling.. ha ha ha

The kids is a really brave boy for make decision; I felt that he was thinking little bit just before he put the throttle on.
And he removed his fear out by shouting "Follow Me !!!".

My camera is mounted on the Chest.
I wear camel-backpack which has strap on the my chest side.
So, I put the camera (Kodak Play Sport Zx3, thin and light weight) on there.
Amazingly, with this ENDURO bike, camera angle is perfect for me.