View Full Version : Smoke from under

09-13-2010, 08:39 PM
Hey everyone,

So I've been a happy owner of a low-maintenance 2005 GZ250 for over a year with no problems. However, I recently noticed a funny smell when I was riding and I'm noticing a bit of smoke coming out from the grey metal part under the gas tank. There's also some black stains on the same part but only on the left side. Any feedback on what this could be? I feel like smoke is never a good thing but maybe it's an easy remedy.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!!

09-13-2010, 09:01 PM
Hey everyone,

So I've been a happy owner of a low-maintenance 2005 GZ250 for over a year with no problems. However, I recently noticed a funny smell when I was riding and I'm noticing a bit of smoke coming out from the grey metal part under the gas tank. There's also some black stains on the same part but only on the left side. Any feedback on what this could be? I feel like smoke is never a good thing but maybe it's an easy remedy.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!!
I'm afraid more information is needed. Is it the grey metal part that has a lot of fins on it and a couple shiny pipes that attach to the front and run back to a larger silver thingy on the right side, alongside that big round black thing that turns near the back?

09-13-2010, 09:28 PM
It sounds like you may have a wire touching a hot part on top of the engine.Just a guess without more info.Oh,by the way.Welcome.
:2tup: :??:

09-13-2010, 10:34 PM
Is it the grey metal part that has a lot of fins on it and a couple shiny pipes that attach to the front and run back to a larger silver thingy on the right side, alongside that big round black thing that turns near the back?

Even I, the anti-mechanic, loll'ed at this. It would be pretty wild if the smoke was coming off the big round black thing that turns near the back though. Then everybody'd want to know what he did to the whatamacallit under the tank that has all the tubes and stuff going into it (and smells like gas!)

09-14-2010, 02:52 AM
alanmcorcoran, no need to be a smart ass. I didn't pretend that I knew much about motorcycles and yes I'm new to understanding the mechanics of it. If you don't have anything helpful to contribute, I don't know why you're responding just to be a jerk.

09-14-2010, 05:06 AM
I didn't pretend that I knew much about motorcycles

Yes, but you might try to let us understand what you're talking about! Most of us don't carry a crystal ball with us, all the time. Surely you can see that what you posted was pure gibberish. How the hell do you expect us to understand you, or even take you serious when we've no idea what you're on about.

BTW, if you intend to use this site regularly, you'll just have to get used to us not being politically correct little girlies - so chill out! :tdown:

09-14-2010, 06:39 AM
Might he mean the petcock? If that's it, why would smoke be coming from there? That would mean heat, and heat + gas = kaboom.
SOSFrider-we really need more specific info to help you out.

09-14-2010, 07:27 AM
Might he mean the petcock?

He might mean ANYTHING! I've lots of "grey metal thingies" on my bike. Until he downloads the manual (hint, hint) and finds out what exactly the "thingy" is called, we're all just guessing. :cry:

3-D Video
09-14-2010, 07:59 AM
I recently noticed a funny smell when I was riding and I'm noticing a bit of smoke coming out from the grey metal part under the gas tank. There's also some black stains on the same part but only on the left side.
I'm going to take a rough stab at it… you may have gotten fuel into your activated charcoal filter, and the black stuff may be the charcoal oozing out (along with some fuel). Most of us don't have to meet the California EPA standards, and don't have this canister. I've never seen one, nor have I seen it in the parts manual. But, the California gas tanks hold less to make room for it. That "bit of smoke" is a tad worrisome.
Can you get us a picture?

09-14-2010, 10:00 AM
alanmcorcoran, no need to be a smart ass. I didn't pretend that I knew much about motorcycles and yes I'm new to understanding the mechanics of it. If you don't have anything helpful to contribute, I don't know why you're responding just to be a jerk.

Sorry man. I actually was responding to dentheman's post, not yours, but yes, I have nothing to contribute to the problem. I also know (next to) nothing about motorcycles and apparently not much about the thickness of skin either!

New GZ250
09-14-2010, 10:53 AM
alanmcorcoran, no need to be a smart ass. I didn't pretend that I knew much about motorcycles and yes I'm new to understanding the mechanics of it. If you don't have anything helpful to contribute, I don't know why you're responding just to be a jerk.

You have to understand this site is basically a group of good old boy’s, I must say they have a wealth of useful information. At times they can be very abrasive to other members, I certainly have found this true and quite posting to this Forum. I thought I was adding to the site but found the good old boys are closed to new ideas, and if they think you are vague with your request for help they can go on the attack. Some I believe a true balloon heads and into their own greatness, this Forum should be called “The Good Old Boys Forum” I refuse to generally post anything generally on this site anymore, maybe I’m too sensitive. I found this true from Anaheim, Ca. all the way to Squamish, B.C. and to members abroad.

09-14-2010, 11:06 AM
You have to understand this site is basically a group of good old boy’s, I must say they have a wealth of useful information. At times they can be very abrasive to other members, I certainly have found this true and quit posting to this Forum. I thought I was adding to the site but found the good old boys are closed to new ideas, and if they think you are vague with your request for help they can go on the attack. Some I believe a true balloon heads and into their own greatness, this Forum should be called “The Good Old Boys Forum” I refuse to generally post anything generally on this site anymore, maybe I’m too sensitive. I found this true from Anaheim, Ca. all the way to Squamish, B.C. and to members abroad.
WOW.....I'm speechless. I think you may be a bit (a lot??) sensitive. This bunch is nothing compared to the Harley (HOG) forum.

We consider ourselves kind of an e-family and speak to, argue with, piss off, and make up with each other on a regular basis similar to any family.

Every family has a few retards, morons, fools, jokers, brilliant people, and assholes. You got to go with the flow, man.

This is a biker site, not a day school site.

:) :poke2: :whistle:

09-14-2010, 11:08 AM
AMEN, Sarris.

09-14-2010, 11:11 AM
maybe I’m too sensitive.

There's no MAYBE about it!

If you're talking "abrasive", just try re-reading your post.

You're right about us not liking "vague" questions - would you mind explaining how we can help someone who can't even explain what the problem is? If we could do that we'd be millionaire psychics. I don't think you've read the hundreds of posts where we've been able to help people who've said EXACTLY what their problem is.

As for "good ole boys" - if you wanna be po faced all your life - I feel sorry for you. :skull:

09-14-2010, 11:56 AM
Again, my apologies. The last thing I wanted to do was to start a never ending thread that doesn't go anywhere (see my other thread on this very topic.) As I pointed out, I was not reacting to the original post but to dentheman's post (which I thought was pretty funny.) Obviously I misunderestimated the impact and have somehow set off a brushfire. I am genuinely sorry to hear that New GZ250 was driven off the site by my comments, as my contributions are mostly to entertain myself and rarely instructive.

I'm going to take a self imposed hiatus for a few weeks. I hope someone figures out where the smoke is coming from.

09-14-2010, 01:53 PM
SOSFrider - I apologize if my attempt at humor rubbed you the wrong way. I am fairly new on this site and have not yet become the butt of a joke, but I'm sure it will happen, then I will just have to take it. - And to the rest; lets not start another flame war over this.

09-14-2010, 02:03 PM
I agree with the "no flame war" sentiment. But I do have to say to NEW GZ 250 that I very much dislike the "good old boys" comment, as I have found this site to be nothing but fun, informative and very much a community as Sarris and some others mentioned.


Also, we are all adults here, all ride motorcycles, and I like to think that we have a lot of fun teasing, poking fun and generally being smartasses with each other. But it is all done in good spirit and not meant to be mean or hurtful.

However labelling the entire forum as good ol' boys, or getting all butt hurt because someone calls you out for being vague - well, to me that says more about you than it does about the forum. You both might consider quitting taking everything so personally - you'll be a lot happier in the end :2tup:

AZ Kev

Water Warrior 2
09-14-2010, 04:01 PM
Hey everyone,

So I've been a happy owner of a low-maintenance 2005 GZ250 for over a year with no problems. However, I recently noticed a funny smell when I was riding and I'm noticing a bit of smoke coming out from the grey metal part under the gas tank. There's also some black stains on the same part but only on the left side. Any feedback on what this could be? I feel like smoke is never a good thing but maybe it's an easy remedy.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!!
Can you post a couple pics of the dark stain on the left side. Viewed from different angles would be good. As for the smoke I am wondering if you have gotten something on the exhaust pipe down by your right foot peg that smokes when the pipe warms up. When the bike starts smoking just park it with the engine running and try to locate the source of the smoke.

And NO we don't have an Old Boys Club. It just appears that way now and again because some forms of humor are hard to convey in the written word. This is one of the better forums around and we do normally try to show respect towards others no matter what the situation. We are not a bunch of bad a$$ bikers with a key board.

Water Warrior 2
09-14-2010, 04:14 PM
alanmcorcoran, no need to be a smart ass. I didn't pretend that I knew much about motorcycles and yes I'm new to understanding the mechanics of it. If you don't have anything helpful to contribute, I don't know why you're responding just to be a jerk.

I found this true from Anaheim, Ca. all the way to Squamish, B.C. and to members abroad.
Whoa there pardner. Climb down off your high horse and tell me more. Please tell me when I have acted ill towards anyone on this forum. I doubt I have ruffled anyone's feathers except in a humorous vein and they should have realized that it was humor not malice towards them.

09-14-2010, 04:45 PM
We are not a bunch of bad a$$ bikers with a key board.
We're not??? (Joke FYI!)
:lol: :crackup :lol: :crackup

09-14-2010, 05:36 PM
The hell is a "good old boy"?

09-14-2010, 06:50 PM
It's the same good ole boys - maybe 10?-12?- that answer people's questions on here. The rest don't participate much in problem solving, unless they have another problem and are looking for more answers or advice. If it wasn't for those good ole boys, there would undoubtedly be a few less GZ's on the road I'm sure. And to a newbie coming to any forum, everybody is a good ole boy, just like it was for me a couple of years ago and 50-100 other people since who came on here. While most of the advice given is quite good, every once in a while there's a difference of opinion, sometimes egos are prevalent, sometimes egos get bruised, occasionally someone may be abrasive, but most times all of us, and whoever is a good ole boy, is genuinely helpful. Relax, try it again, but correct and pertinent information has to be provided in order to answer your question. I think most of us saw the humor, or attempt at humor, in the first couple of responses to you, I guess you didn't. You have to speak the same language, we all have to be on the same page, to talk to each other. And if you knew how this or any other forum works, you can see in AC's response, he quoted dentheman in that little box in his post, and it was not directed at you, or making fun of you. So you really owe AC an apology for going after him.
So let's start over and try and solve your problem, and a picture would help a lot in identifying what you are talking about, or you can search a parts fiche or owners/service manual available for download on here, or ask how to navigate this site, post a pic, etc. :)

09-14-2010, 07:40 PM
Good old boy & certified red neck! :poke2: :roll:

09-14-2010, 09:19 PM
I'll never be a redneck 'cause I'm a transplanted Yankee (orig. from NY, then NJ -ugh) who moved down to the South 8 years ago, nor would I ever want to be one, although they do provide for daily humor. See Jeff Foxworthy and his Blue Collar Comedian friends, Bill Engvall, Larry the Cable Guy, and Ron White --
http://www.webspawner.com/users/mandy77/ and also Jeff Dunham (comedian/ventriloquist).
Genuine rednecks are born and raised in the South, you can't "become one", unless you were born and bred that way you'll never get it or have a brain that works like that. It's like break dancing or hip- hop or rap. Coming from the North as I do, I don't know how they were ever allowed into this country, LOL. :roll: :??: :)
But seriously, I have a lot of Southern friends and many of them are rednecks.
The real good ole boy networks down here are in politics and inter-related businesses, many just on the verge of illegality, but they take care of each other, like the "families" up north.

09-14-2010, 10:50 PM
Every family has a few retards, morons, fools, jokers, brilliant people, and assholes.

Thanks, Man...

Now which one was I :??: :)


09-15-2010, 06:50 AM
Every family has a few retards, morons, fools, jokers, brilliant people, and assholes.

Thanks, Man...

Now which one was I :??: :)

Well, I'm obviously the brilliant one. :lol:

Easy Rider
09-15-2010, 11:44 AM
alanmcorcoran, no need to be a smart ass.

No need to be such a tight ass either.

If you really want help, it is usually best to "go with the flow" and not yell at people right off the bat. IT WAS A JOKE. Lighten up a bit.

My serious advice: Given that we have a serious communication problem regarding the silver things under the tank (engine??), I suggest you take it to a bike shop.

It sounds to me like you have oil leaking out on the cooling fins.
Have you checked the oil level lately.......and regularly ??
It could be a minor problem but oil leaking anywhere can lead to BIG problems if neglected too long.