View Full Version : Preparing for Inspection

09-08-2010, 09:46 PM
Hello, I just purchased a gz250, my first bike, and have been fixing it up. I had a quick question about the only potential inspection problem I see. Should the taillight always be on like the headlight? The only time my taillight is illuminated is when I apply the brakes, however, it seems like it should always be lit in case you are riding at night.

Thanks for any help.

09-08-2010, 10:43 PM
Hello, I just purchased a gz250, my first bike, and have been fixing it up. I had a quick question about the only potential inspection problem I see. Should the taillight always be on like the headlight? The only time my taillight is illuminated is when I apply the brakes, however, it seems like it should always be lit in case you are riding at night.

Thanks for any help.
Your taillight should be illuminated at all times.It sounds like your taillight bulb is burnt out.you have one bulb with duel elements,one side for brake light,the other side for taillight.To change the bulb you need to remove rubber plug under the fender, the bulb socket turns counterclockwise for removal.You can replace the bulb with a #2357 with is a little brighter without using much more power.
:2tup: :rawk:

09-08-2010, 10:56 PM
Thanks, I'll try it out tomorrow and let you know if it works.

09-09-2010, 05:14 AM
You can replace the bulb with a #2357 with is a little brighter without using more power.

How does that work? If it's higher wattage it'll use more power. Is it halogen or some such thing? (genuine question :) )

09-09-2010, 08:09 AM
You can replace the bulb with a #2357 with is a little brighter without using more power.

How does that work? If it's higher wattage it'll use more power. Is it halogen or some such thing? (genuine question :) )

Sorry,meant to say "it is a little brighter without using much more power"
:) :lol:

09-09-2010, 09:56 AM
That's what you did say. But that's not what he read. :poke2: :)

09-09-2010, 10:01 AM
That's what you did say. But that's not what he read. :poke2: :)

I went back and corrected (edited) my post this morning. He read correct and caught my mistake.(Lucky somebody does.) :roll: :cool:

Easy Rider
09-09-2010, 11:00 AM
That's what you did say. But that's not what he read. :poke2: :)

He who lives in glass houses................ :roll:

09-09-2010, 11:24 AM

09-09-2010, 03:55 PM
Here we go again, just to try and start something else I guess. That comment was very necessary, to you. And it makes no sense.
FYI, when I read that post, it had just been corrected, but I guess I didn't see that little tiny notation on the bottom that it was edited as I was posting mine, :blush:
So, keep it up, make another asinine comment like you always do. :puke: :whistle: :tdown:

09-11-2010, 01:37 PM
I finally got around to checking the bulb. Both elements in the bulb are still connected and look like they should be in working order, so I'm thinking it may be something in the wiring. I had another quick question before I purchased a bulb just to check. The rear turn signals do not come on all the time like the front. They do blink for the actual signal however. So they are kinda like the taillight, they work when they need to, they are just not on all the time like they should be. I took the rear fender covers off and checked the wiring connections and everything looks good from a quick visual inspection. I checked the fuses, and everything looks good. Any ideas? Are the rear turn signals supposed to be illuminated all the time like the front?

09-11-2010, 01:53 PM
No, just when the turn signals are on. Only the front signals are running lights. The tail light is a dual element tail light and brake light.

You can use a little fine sandpaper and clean the bulb socket contacts if the tail and or brake lights don't operate after you change the bulb.


Water Warrior 2
09-11-2010, 02:05 PM
Hope this clears things up.
Headlight is on all the time, hi or lo beam.
The front signals have a 2 element bulb. The dimmer element in the front signal will be on when the headlight is on. The brighter element of the front signal works for signaling only.
The rear signal is a single element bulb and ONLY works as a signal.
The tail light has a 2 element bulb. The dimmer element is always on the same as the head light. The brighter element of the tail light is a brake light and should work when the front or rear brake is applied.
Also to pass inspection you may need side reflectors on both ends and both sides.
Oh yeah, make sure the horn works too.

Easy Rider
09-12-2010, 08:46 AM
Are the rear turn signals supposed to be illuminated all the time like the front?

NO. As others have said.
You should try a new bulb first.....and check the socket for corrosion while you have the bulb out.

09-13-2010, 06:46 PM
Thanks everybody. It was just the bulb. I love easy fixes! :cool: