View Full Version : Headlight and Fuel Gauge

09-07-2010, 12:09 AM
I need a new headlight for my GZ, I was looking at this one on eBay http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Circular-Univers ... 2c568dbea8 (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Circular-Universal-Chrome-Headlight-Motorcycles-NEW-/190430690984?pt=AU_Motorcycle_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2c568dbea8) .

I'm worried that it won't fit or I'll have difficulty wiring it, can anyone help or recommend somewhere I can buy this part? I'm from Australia and it's been a real pain trying to get a new light. I don't mind if it's second hand, just need a new one.

Also, has anyone fitted a fuel Gauge to their GZ? If so, could you recommend one for me to fit?


09-07-2010, 01:10 AM
Can't help you re either one, but may I suggest you not bother with the fuel gauge? I have a fuel gauge on my Yamaha (and none on the GZ, like everyone else.) The fuel gauge is not as useful as you might think. They go down to "E" when there is still about a gallon left so you don't really know when you are REALLY gonna run out anyway. On the Strat there is no reserve switch, (and it weighs 850 pounds) so you don't dare run out. I start thinking about gas when I'm down to a half tank, cause I've had some scares on my various middle of nowhere adventures.

Set your trip odometer when you fill up. You'll get between 140 and 180 miles out of a tank before you need to switch to reserve. Depends on how you drive, what kind of shape your Geezer is in and, how fat you are I guess. Regardless, it's usually pretty consistent. Reserve is about a gallon - go to the gas station when you flip to reserve. Having a gas gauge isn't going to tell you any much more than the odometer as far as "about how much is left." The reserve concept works well.

09-07-2010, 01:16 AM
Thanks for your help. I use the trip odo trick as well, I just thought it might be a little more convenient to have a fuel gauge, incase I forget to flip the trip meter back.

It's really been a pain to find this headlight too, my current one is cracked as my bike fell over in my fathers garage which for some odd reason was on a slope.

Thanks anyway Alan.

09-07-2010, 01:52 AM
I need a new headlight for my GZ, I was looking at this one on eBay http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Circular-Univers ... 2c568dbea8 (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Circular-Universal-Chrome-Headlight-Motorcycles-NEW-/190430690984?pt=AU_Motorcycle_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2c568dbea8) .

I'm worried that it won't fit or I'll have difficulty wiring it, can anyone help or recommend somewhere I can buy this part? I'm from Australia and it's been a real pain trying to get a new light. I don't mind if it's second hand, just need a new one.

Also, has anyone fitted a fuel Gauge to their GZ? If so, could you recommend one for me to fit?


Here's one on eBay: GZ250 Headlight (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/SUZUKI-GZ250-GZ-250-FACTORY-HEADLIGHT-ASSEMBLY-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem43a16cd5adQQitemZ29047 1073197QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories).

Ask him if he'll ship to AU. If not, let me know and I'll buy it and ship to you but I won't be responsible if it gets lost in the mail.

09-07-2010, 02:19 AM
Thank you! I've asked if he will ship to AUS, I will keep you posted.

Thanks again.

09-07-2010, 07:57 AM
Welcome,I don't think the headlight you are looking at would be a good replacement as it looks like it has a low wattage bulb instead of a H-4.They don't specify in their ad,and the price indicates a cheap knockoff.I think it
would be totally useless at night.Good-luck on your hunt.
:rawk: :2tup:

09-07-2010, 07:59 AM
Thanks Blaine. I think I'll pass on that one then!

09-07-2010, 08:32 AM
Be aware that the reflector assembly and lens for a DOT US headlight focuses the beam to the right instead of the left and is not good for you folks that drive on the left (wrong) side of the road.

FYI :whistle:

09-07-2010, 08:34 AM
Good point Sarris. Right or left, there is no wrong side of the road haha. But thanks for the heads up!

Water Warrior 2
09-07-2010, 02:16 PM
Be aware that the reflector assembly and lens for a DOT US headlight focuses the beam to the right instead of the left and is not good for you folks that drive on the left (wrong) side of the road.

FYI :whistle:
I have to question that Sarris. On cages ...yes but not on bikes. Cages on low beam focus to the right in lefthand drive cages, and focus to the left in righthand drive cages. Bikes in my experience just drop down in focus on low beam so the light still remains directly in front of the bike.

09-07-2010, 02:38 PM
Welcome,I don't think the headlight you are looking at would be a good replacement as it looks like it has a low wattage bulb instead of a H-4.They don't specify in their ad,and the price indicates a cheap knockoff.I think it
would be totally useless at night.Good-luck on your hunt.
:rawk: :2tup:

Which one? The one I posted is off of a GZ.


09-07-2010, 02:39 PM
Be aware that the reflector assembly and lens for a DOT US headlight focuses the beam to the right instead of the left and is not good for you folks that drive on the left (wrong) side of the road.

FYI :whistle:

Isn't that adjustable?


09-07-2010, 03:12 PM
Be aware that the reflector assembly and lens for a DOT US headlight focuses the beam to the right instead of the left and is not good for you folks that drive on the left (wrong) side of the road.

FYI :whistle:

Isn't that adjustable?

It is adjustable left and right, up and down. I don't think the beam is restricted from any side if it is adjusted to straight forward. On the other hand, some folks prefer the right side of the road to be better lighted (in the US), even the halogen light on my bicycle seems more effective if aimed slightly toward the ditch on my right side.

09-07-2010, 04:19 PM
Welcome,I don't think the headlight you are looking at would be a good replacement as it looks like it has a low wattage bulb instead of a H-4.They don't specify in their ad,and the price indicates a cheap knockoff.I think it
would be totally useless at night.Good-luck on your hunt.
:rawk: :2tup:

Which one? The one I posted is off of a GZ.


I am talking about the orginal one he asked the question about.Good of you to make the offer about the shipping.

:2tup: :yes:

09-07-2010, 05:29 PM
WW, I really don't know. The information I received was about headlights in general and had no specific reference to cages or bikes. I just looked at both my bikes and the GZ DOESN'T have the "DOT Approved" note cast into the lens and I can't see the reflector beyond. My Harley has a clear lens and the reflector DOES have the "DOT Approved" note cast into it.

So.... honestly I couldn't tell you whether it's cars only or not. I do suggest our Australian friend get this clarified before buying a US headlight.

:??: :??: :??:

Water Warrior 2
09-08-2010, 12:40 AM
Just make things a little more clear. Moto headlights have both hi and lo beams internally aimed straight forward through the lense. They are also adjustable externally to aim the entire headlight up/down or to the side/left or right a few degrees. Cage headlights are designed internally to point straight forward on hi beam and a little to right and down in lefthand drive vehicles. That way you do not blind oncoming traffic at night. The same idea applies to righthand drive vehicles with hi beam being straight forward and lo beam dropping down and to the left a bit. Cages are also externally adjustable by moving the entire headlight.