View Full Version : Jack Daniels Bike

09-06-2010, 07:47 PM
Saw this guy at Cook's. Even though I'm not really a custom fanatic, this one was slick looking even to me...
http://s3.postimage.org/HOPdS.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqHOPdS)

Water Warrior 2
09-06-2010, 09:14 PM
Not my style but not my bike either. Sure hope the rider likes it b/c there sure is a lot of $ sitting there.

09-07-2010, 12:33 AM
Cook's is MHC (Mostly Harley Country.) Lots of shiny, shiny chrome, lots of gigantic beer guts and plenty o Extra Loud Pipes!! There were actually less than the usual contingent of interesting bikes (The Whizzer's were my best find) today, perhaps because it's not actually the weekend. Still no shortage of leathery biker skank-babes, and fat old dudes with serious ear hair. Cook's used to be sort of dangerous but I think all the dangerous folks died off and the remaining are too old to get into trouble. Theresa saw a couple of ginormous HD's with captains chair seating for two she was liking. Looked kind of like a Harley Goldwing. Sarris can probably tell us the model. I admit - I'd like to take one of those out for an hour or four and see how the old ass and back fare. They sure have a lot more seat on 'em than my Strat.

Also saw a pretty effing huge displacement Victory V-Twin. Not sure what model but it made my 1854 cc look downright inadequate.

Water Warrior 2
09-07-2010, 04:20 AM
Not meaning to knock the customs but most just don't do it for me. The full on cruisers really catch my eye with all the dodads to make life easier and more comfy. As much as I like the BIG cruisers they are just too heavy to my way of thinking. Yeah, I like mid size bikes, they are more my style and price range.
When I test road a Zuk C-50SE cruiser recently(almost bought one)I found the suspension just barely acceptable in stock form but it wasn't a deal breaker. Although I did manage to somehow find some of the worst potholes and RR crossing in the area. Full on cruisers like a Gold Wing have far better ride characteristics to match their other features and price tag.

09-16-2010, 04:30 PM
i like it just cause its an omage to my favorite man of all time....