View Full Version : Got my MSF course out of the way.
08-30-2010, 10:47 AM
I wanted to do it later in the fall when it would be cooler, but their website said classes were filling up 'better register now'. The first day was Aug. 27th. The first day was 1/2 day, second was full day, and third was 1/2 day. When the weather cools down they change to 2 full days. There were 8 students. The cost was $195.
When I first saw the two instructors I thought: 'motorcycle gang'. (stereotype) But they were excellent instructors, very professional and took a personal interest in us learning to ride properly and safely.
My two big problems were 'thinking too much' about what to do next thus getting confused, and 'looking down' at my path when turning. I pretty much got over the first problem, but looking down caused me to go out of the line on the curve when being evaluated. The instructor gave me a talking too and a couple practice runs then a retest on the curve and I passed! There was one woman in the class and she had problems with the curve and the quick stop. She also passed on the retest.
Overall, a very worthwhile course. I know the areas I need to really practice on to become a safe rider. Now to study the Texas Motorcycle Operator's Manual and take the written test.
08-30-2010, 11:51 AM
08-30-2010, 01:46 PM
Interesting - in CA you do the written first to get your permit, then you do the MSF to get your license. In any case, good to get that step out of the way. What kind of bikes did they have?
08-30-2010, 04:37 PM
Kawasaki 125 Eliminators and GZ 250s. I finally got to see and ride an actual GZ. It fit well and I was comfortable on it, I LIKE IT!
Water Warrior 2
08-30-2010, 10:05 PM
You better like it. The GZ was built with you in mind. :2tup:
08-30-2010, 10:10 PM
When I took my MSF, they let me use my own personal GZ. I was the only one in the class that had a ride with mirrors and a gas tank that wasn't all effed up. Those were heady days!!! (Course, after class was over, a few of the other students climbed aboard block long Harley Land Yachts with pipes I could park my Suzi in, but during actual instruction hours, I was the king.) Only had about 300 odd miles on it then.
08-31-2010, 01:25 PM
When I took my MSF, they let me use my own personal GZ. I was the only one in the class that had a ride with mirrors and a gas tank that wasn't all effed up. Those were heady days!!! (Course, after class was over, a few of the other students climbed aboard block long Harley Land Yachts with pipes I could park my Suzi in, but during actual instruction hours, I was the king.) Only had about 300 odd miles on it then.
One guy brought a scooter that he was allowed to use, another had some naked super sport that wasn't registered and was very loud, he wasn't allowed to use it. If he would have used it we wouldn't be able to hear the instructors. It was was hard enough for me to hear them some times just from the wind blowing across my helmet. Maybe it was better that I didn't hear what they were yelling. :cuss:
08-31-2010, 03:24 PM
When I took my MSF, they let me use my own personal GZ. I was the only one in the class that had a ride with mirrors and a gas tank that wasn't all effed up. Those were heady days!!! (Course, after class was over, a few of the other students climbed aboard block long Harley Land Yachts with pipes I could park my Suzi in, but during actual instruction hours, I was the king.) Only had about 300 odd miles on it then.
One guy brought a scooter that he was allowed to use, another had some naked super sport that wasn't registered and was very loud, he wasn't allowed to use it. If he would have used it we wouldn't be able to hear the instructors. It was was hard enough for me to hear them some times just from the wind blowing across my helmet. Maybe it was better that I didn't hear what they were yelling. :cuss:
08-31-2010, 07:55 PM
When I did mine we had one guy on a Ruckus, one on a Buell, me on my gz than everyone else had the Hyosung. ( Overall the class was pretty good. We did have a lady that anytime she tried to lean the bike for a turn she would have a panic attack. Needless to say she didn't pass the course.
** edit** just realized the link is not working. should be fixed now.
08-31-2010, 08:48 PM
here in fl, the rules have changed. no learner permits. mst class is required to get your license. take the class, do the written and riding evaluations, and get a card. take card to dmv and get license.
we had GZs, nighthawks, a yamaha enduro, yamaha tw200s, and tu250s. i rode a tw200, and really liked it. i wanted one, but they are pretty uncommon, and therefore expensive. i always liked the gz, and found one at a decent price, so that's what i got.
09-03-2010, 02:54 PM
here in fl, the rules have changed. no learner permits. mst class is required to get your license. take the class, do the written and riding evaluations, and get a card. take card to dmv and get license.
we had GZs, nighthawks, a yamaha enduro, yamaha tw200s, and tu250s. i rode a tw200, and really liked it. i wanted one, but they are pretty uncommon, and therefore expensive. i always liked the gz, and found one at a decent price, so that's what i got.
I believe TX has just gone the 'motorcycle course required' route for motorcycle license or M endorsement as well. Things are changing so quickly that the manual they just gave me is outdated, and the instructors aren't even sure what the current laws are. I wonder if the police are keeping up to speed on this stuff?
Water Warrior 2
09-03-2010, 11:09 PM
dentheman, just print out whatever info you need to prove you are legal in whatever category you are licensed for. The LEO's don't always find out about certain changes until after something happens. The only thing constant is change and that applies to laws too. I still carry info around concerning the legality of Modulating headlights as there is always a newbie in a police car who doesn't know all the ins and outs. Reading just traffic laws would be a full time job for most folks.
09-04-2010, 01:44 AM
here, the cops will pull you over just to see if you have your endorsement.
Water Warrior 2
09-04-2010, 04:21 AM
here, the cops will pull you over just to see if you have your endorsement.
That just proves they are out doing their job. Licenced riders are normally safer riders by all accounts. I'm sure they are stoppng cagers as well and not just singling out bikes.
Don't ever be upset with it though when you get stopped. Think of it this way. You are stopped and checked out and the LEO logs in the stop in his note book. Time is 2:45 Thursday/Sept 16/ 2010. At the same time and date a biker 10 miles away makes a clean getaway after robbing a 7-11. Your description matches his. Bike color, helmet and jacket. No plate number is seen during getaway. Now aren't you glad to be stopped now and again ? You can't be in 2 places at the same time.
09-09-2010, 11:55 AM
here, the cops will pull you over just to see if you have your endorsement.
So they still pull people over just to check in FL? I thought the US police depts had quit doing that because they were being accused of 'profiling'. I know in TX the police have to see some violation or have good reason to suspect a violation before they can pull someone over. Many years ago I was stationed in New Mexico, driving a cage on an expired TX drivers license when I ran into a NM Hiway Patrol roadblock checking DL, registration and insurance. Since I was in the military and stationed outside of TX, my expired TX license was still good. In my lifetime that was the only time I was ever stopped 'just to check' my legality. I'm not counting being stopped for speeding or at the 'fruit checks' when entering California.
ADDED: In fact, here in Texas a motorcyclist must wear a helmet unless they meet some motorcycle specific health insurance requirement and carry a card stating it, but the police cannot pull anyone over just because they are not wearing a helmet! This can only be checked if a person has been pulled over some other infraction. Motorcyclists have taken that as a free pass to not wear a helmet. It is rare indeed to see a motorcyclist wearing a helmet in my area. It used to be that anyone who passed an MSF course could request a helmet waiver and get a sticker to go on the plate exempting them, but no longer. And I would bet that half of the motorcyclists around here are not properly licensed as well. I am not saying I won't wear a helmet, but just giving an example how the laws are changing. It seems to me that in other countries and other states motorcycle laws are getting more stringent, but they are getting more lax in TX.
Water Warrior 2
09-09-2010, 01:18 PM
Since getting my bike in 2005 I have been pulled over numerous times. Mostly they are curious about the modulating headlight. Once just because he was wanting a personal opinion of the bike itself as it was on his short list. Was following Lynda one Sunday afternoon and we were stopped and told to slow down.
A couple of my coffee buds are LEO's who ride. They are really top notch folks and I spent 2 summers following one through the twisties on his days off.
09-09-2010, 01:31 PM
My daughter is so afraid that I will get killed when I get a motorcycle, she has made me promise to get a helmet AND the modulating headlight. If she knew about the armored jackets and other gear she would make me promise to get it as well, but I intend to anyway.
09-09-2010, 03:58 PM
Get a flashing brakelight modulator too.
09-09-2010, 07:13 PM
Get a flashing brakelight modulator too.
I will be getting the headlight modulator and brakelight flasher as a package deal, I saw it on the web but I forgot where. It won't be hard to find again.
Here it is, the 'combo special' at
09-09-2010, 07:16 PM
Is a modulator basically a flasher? If so, is it legal to drive (ride) with your lights (front or rear) flashing on and off? I imagine this varies from state to state but I've never seen a car with flashing head or taillights in CA. Except, of course, for officers Van Horn, Moreno, Tisdale, Hockney, etc. Come to think of it, I think theirs actually rotated...
09-09-2010, 07:21 PM
Is a modulator basically a flasher? If so, is it legal to drive (ride) with your lights (front or rear) flashing on and off? I imagine this varies from state to state but I've never seen a car with flashing head or taillights in CA. Except, of course, for officers Van Horn, Moreno, Tisdale, Hockney, etc. Come to think of it, I think theirs actually rotated...
The headlight modulator is legal in all states and Canada, but has to follow certain DOT/Canadian criteria. One is that it must not modulate after dark, there is a light sensor built in for that. I am not sure, but from reading up on it I think there is a California restriction on how many times the brakelight can flash before it stays steady. I'm sure I will be corrected if I am wrong on that.
Water Warrior 2
09-09-2010, 07:41 PM
Modulating headlights and modulating brakelights are legal in Canada and the U.S. They operate according to criteria set by law. Always carry the info with you after installation. You will get a copy with the modulators with the legal description etc. Check DOT in the U.S. and Transport Canada north of the border. Search for headlight modulators and it will pop up.
Another method of increasing your rear visibility is by using HyperLights. They are 2 small sets of 8 LED's that are very attention getting. Lynda's bike has ones that have a built in modulator and are relatively cheap for what you get. Easy to install and come with everything you will need.
09-09-2010, 08:30 PM
WW - I just checked the HyperLight site - very interesting.
Water Warrior 2
09-09-2010, 08:41 PM
WW - I just checked the HyperLight site - very interesting.
Interesting and then some. If you ever find yourself behind a bike with HyperLights you will indeed be impressed. Lynda's bike has an OEM LED tail light but it is pale compared to the little Hypers. Tailgaters often get a brighter message too.
09-09-2010, 10:46 PM
By law - the headlight modulator flashes 4x/sec on high beam (the usual way of hooking it up, but it can be attached to the low beam) during daylight, controlled by a photocell so it's inactive in the dark. It actually extends the life of the bulb compared to the bulb being on that whole time without flashing, so don't worry about blowing the bulb prematurely with the modulator on. The bulb dims between being fully on, it doesn't shut off completely, ie. it doesn't "flash" on and off, the brightness "pulsates" from dim to full on. You should carry with you a copy of the regs (comes with the modulator) just in case you have to educate an LEO, but most everyone is up on the rules now.
The brakelight modulators come in at least 2 different styles - upon applying the brakes, front or rear, they will pulsate the brake light 3 - 4 times in 3 seconds then the light stays on, or, 7 times in 4 seconds and then stays on continuously as long as the brake is applied. In other words, it stays on continuously after the initial pulsation cycle, and resets to do it again when the brake is released. It will go through the quick pulsation each time the brake is applied, then light steady after the initial 3 or 7 pulsations. If you want it to keep pulsating, like if you're sitting at a light, then you have to release and then reapply the brakes.
I put both of these on my S50 in about 1/2 hr - 45 min of time, most of that was taking off the seat (numerous bolts and side panels to remove, not like the GZ).
The electrical components are very small, totally waterproof (sealed in an epoxy case) and easily fit inside the headlight bucket or under the seat somewhere (for the brakelight). I also added 2 extra 12 element red LED lights on the rear (Walmart, about ? $8-10 if I remember correctly) to augment my brake light, so with all the flashing and brightness I have back there, there is no excuse to say no one saw me. There was no problem with the extra LED lights I added for the rear brake, they all pulsate, no extra resistors or anything else needed. I have a pic somewhere if anyone wants to see it, I have to find it on my computer.
I feel much more visible with both of these, you can't help but notice a pulsating light compared to a steady beam. Now, one of these days, I'll do my Ninja.
And also get yourself a Stebel air horn or similar knockoff ($30 in Harbor Freight).
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